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another newbie has arrived

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Whats up all ?!?!?!?

I figured since I was a guest here for 2 days and a member for 3 days, it was about time I introduced myself. Didn’t mean to be rude by waiting so long to make a post, I’ve been too preoccupied going through all of the other posts in this forum, picking up all the information, tips, and tricks that have been littered all over this site. Kind of like the guy you see on the side of the highway with the orange vest and the pointy stick.

I’ve never built a guitar from scratch yet, cant wait to give it a try. I’m more of a “make the cookie cutter guitar look, play, and sound better by any means necessary” type of guy. The only other thing I have to say is I think it’s beyond awesome how all of you are so supportive of each other, and how much you’re willing to help people that don’t know a ferrule from a ferret. And on that note, I need to find where I laid down my orange vest and pointy stick.

Hey Brian, the fret pullers have officially rocked the house!!!

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