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Value Of A Quality Guitar Build

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im not asking what you could sell one for !

what im curious about is my second build will be for my son who is a gretty good guitar player for a 14 yearold that has been playing 3 years

if you do quaility workmanship ,good well seasoned wood high end figure and for example floyd rose trem , grovers , and good duncan seymor


what price range of name brand guitars are built to this quality???

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piece of string... twice half its length... that kind of thing.

in reality its only ever worth what someone would pay for it

so maybe someone would pay 1000-1500 for a brand name guitar with that spec but that doesnt mean the same thing from an unknown is worth the same

i am not really sure i understand the point of the question :D

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OH.... in that case, usually more than the piece you're looking at. For example, I have an '89 Ibanez RG 550 that came with an Ibanez Edge Trem system, Gotoh tuners, Wizard neck, Dimarzio pickups and they sell currently for an equivalent of about $800-$1100 depending on model. If you were to try and buy each part it would look something like this:

Body - $80-$150

Neck - $150-$300

Finish - $????

Bridge - $150-$300

Tuners - $25-60

Pickups - $150-$250

And remember - that's unfinished and unassembled. Is that more what you were asking?

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i am not really sure i understand the point of the question :D

i guess my question was what would a guy have to spend to get a guitar of comparable quality components

no, i got that... but i still dont understand the point of the question, sorry! :D

The fact is a brand name guitar with that spec would be worth alot more than your second guitar build will be worth with the same spec ... unless you happen to make it big somewhere down the line and your second guitar becomes an ultimate collectors piece

I can build a guitar thats the exact same spec as a 58 les paul... but it doesnt make it worth as much. value comes from more than the spec sheet alone

i hope that makes some kind of sense and does not come across as patronising

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ohh i see what your saying wezv to clarrify ive made my living for 20 years as a woodworker and feel i can do a good job building one , i have no desire to sell any guitars

but my boy has practiced , and done quite well for a young guitar player and in addition to something for us to do together

he is ready and i feel deserves a guitar better than the $300 ibenez package he has played almost everyday for a 3 years

so my plan was to get him a guitar in the $800 - 1000 range ,get him profecional lessons and build my own But now he wants me to build his as well .

my wife and i are just wanting him to have what he needs to have every opportunity to advance

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Perhaps this might help ... looking at your parts list you'd spend somewhere in the order of $700 to $900 to build your son's guitar and if you went in and picked up a name brand guitar in the same configuiration off the rack you might be looking at $1,000 to $1,500.

So your son is getting a flash guitar ... but with a whole lot more love, and opportunities to brag about your amazing skills built in.

But could you sell it for $1,500? Probably not ... although, I seriously doubt you're contemplating that.


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Perhaps this might help ... looking at your parts list you'd spend somewhere in the order of $700 to $900 to build your son's guitar and if you went in and picked up a name brand guitar in the same configuiration off the rack you might be looking at $1,000 to $1,500.

So your son is getting a flash guitar ... but with a whole lot more love, and opportunities to brag about your amazing skills built in.

But could you sell it for $1,500? Probably not ... although, I seriously doubt you're contemplating that.


I agree....i have built two telecaster style guitars, nothing fancy, but the people that have played them are pretty amazed it came out of my garage. they cost around 550 each without labor, and they're pretty twangy.....love 'em. Have fun with your project(s).....(it never ends once you start).


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Around 1000-1500 if produced by a manufacturer.

Some of the guitars coming out of China these days are really impressive. My Hofner Verythin CT cost me 400 euros...I can find absolutely no flaws at all with this guitar--even the setup was damn near perfect. I replaced the bridge pickup, but only because the original was a bit too mellow/jazzy for my taste. Nice, lightweight guitar, looks beautiful onstage (cherry red, natch!). My current favorite guitar.

Damn...I just realized my entire rig these days was built in China. Ah well.

As for the OP's question: really, if you're planning on building your kid a guitar, then the value will be pretty near priceless. You could build an excellent guitar for 200 bucks...or a 1000 bucks -- a lot of the price depends on the hardware: lot of hype out there, lot of insanely overpriced parts that promise you the world but end up being only modestly better than any other similar part.

But he doesn't need an expensive guitar to make progress with his playing -- he just needs a guitar he really likes. A higher price tag won't make him like the guitar more. Fancy-looking wood won't make him play better either.

If he's happy with the Ibanez, take him out shopping for cool pedals instead!

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All semantics aside - if you built an uber guitar, the best figure you can find (4-5A quilt maple let's say), super nice hardware and pups and the build quality was top notch and it played beautifully, you could most likely find a buyer who appreciates quality who would pay 1500+. But if you built that guitar and had a comparable PRS for example - yours would be PRICELESS to your son.

How much is Brian May's Red Special? PRICELESS.

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The question is very subjective. In the very least it's worth what parts you have put into it. Discard the cost of the wood, the labor and thats what you got. Enought parts to add to your third build.

Off hand if you can buld a guitar for $500 you would like it to be worth at least $700, but this is not necessarly true as every buyer may not agree with the value you have placed on it. Of course if you build for a living people are putting a premium on your skills, not that your skill set may be any different.

Just tell your son its a 2k guitar and be happy he has a custom guitar he can use. If he becomes famous then your guitar will be worth big bucks, Ha.

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Get your son a good guitar that won't hold him down. A good instrument makes a better player, I think, after you've passed a certain point in your ability. I wouldn't worry about whether you're "spending enough", but rather, make sure your son has a guitar that will inspire him. If he's "a pretty good guitar player" at 14, he'll only get better with a good instrument. Whether that means you build it, or you buy it, I don't know.

Of course, if you build it for him, think how he'll treasure that guitar the rest of his life! That's something really special.

Edited by Geo
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Hey Mojo,

Dad nailed it a few posts up, I can speak from first hand experience. My second was for my 10 y.o. son (he drew the design)and from the connection we share thru that guitar it is truly priceless. Put a value on the third one, not this one.

Best regards, -Vinny

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