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My First Build... Kinda. Xp

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I already made a practice version of it out of plywood, but I don't think that really counts.. :D

The real body will be made out of mahogany, which I just received this past week.. Can't wait to start on it:

(Side One)


(Close up of grain)


The basic idea of the shape:

(The rough version of a template)


And since this is my first, I decided to go with a premade neck.. B). It already has the tuning keys installed from where I was testing it on the plywood.


(Close UP)


I'm thinking of doing a dark red or light blue stain, or just an oil-finish. All electronics and such are already here, pups are "Chrome Screamers" from guitarpartsonline.com's own brand, Dragon Fire. They've got great reviews, and for $30, I figured they were worth a shot.

Anyways, just thought I'd keep everyone updated on this in case they're curious, or feel like pointing out my stupid 1st-timer mistakes.. :D

Let's hope all goes well! B)

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the body reminds me a lot of the ibanez artcore series, or a doublecut LP. should be cool to see how that lowerhorn looks when its done.

I like dragon fire parts, haven't tried thier pups but their wiring and stuff has been good. lookin forward to see how they sound when your done.

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First update in a bit!

I really wanted to make sure I had the template just like I wanted it before using it on the mahogany, so I've been shaping that up for a while. I made the lower horn a bit smaller and just rounded the curves out on a bunch of parts. When I felt it was as good as I was going to get it, I traced the body onto the mahogany and cut out a rough version of the it with the jigsaw. Then, I taped the template down (Veerryyy thoroughly) and made the first pass with the router, since the body is 1.75" thick and my blade is unfortunately only 1" in length. I had a picture of the body at this point, but unfortunately, that camera left for Aruba this morning. Here's the body after the second pass, where I just used the precut upper half of the body as the new template.



I'll be doing a lot of sanding tonight!

Cheers. :D

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Is that laminated Mahogony, or a single piece? Just wondering. :D

Did the Premade neck come with the FB and Frets?

I feel slightly childish and ignorant here, but what exactly is laminated mahogany? XD

It is a single piece though

And yeah, the frets and the fretboard were included with the pre-made neck:


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Alright! Sorry the updates have been so slow. I finally got Melvyn's book in the mail and have been reading that. Found my neck angle to be .3 degrees... Doesn't seem right. I don't know though, I did it twice to make sure I was doing it right and there could always be none. It seems .3 is really too small to incorporate and that it'd just be best to elevate the neck slightly to compensate for the bridge height.


Neck pocket cut:



I made a template for my humbuckers and then decided to redo it, since there were some minor flaws I wasn't really happy with. Well, better to mess up on that than the guitar. Still working on the redo right now.

Just some info I didn't give out before...

24.75" Scale

Hardtail Bridge

1 Vol, 2 tones, and three way switch

Carve top (Hopefully. I need to build the jig and make sure I have a design I like)

Bolt on neck (If it wasn't apparent from the pics)

- 22 Frets

- Ebony FB

- Mahogany

I THINK I'm going to go with a deep red stain, rather than a tru-oil finish, but I'm going to do both on some scrap pieces first to decide..



Whoops... Forgot the pictures at first.. Sorry the Quality's not that great. The camera I usually use has a dead battery right now and I'm not sure where the charger is

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Looking good, if it's a Fender style bridge you probably don't need a neck angle, are you going to try it out on your practice body?

Yeah, I saw that in Melvyn's book. That's what I'm hoping for, since it'll be a good bit easier. I did try it out on my practice body before (With no angle), and the strings felt fairly loose for some reason, when I got the action high enough to not buzz.. I don't know why..

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Alright! Half update... Hopefully tomorrow will bring something a little less monotonous.

I got started on the carving jig, and I need a few nuts and bolts from Home Depot for mounting the router before I can finish it, but there's not a whole lot left to do with that.


I also finished (I think. Hope :D ) the redo of the pickup cavity.


There are some minor flaws that will be carried into reproduction of this on the body, I know, but they're things that are protruding from where I really want the carve to be, so I'm just going to shape them up with a chisel on the mahogany after the routing.

I got the placement of the pickups decided, and got the bridge placed.. A little mock up.


Any feedback or pointing out of anything is very welcome. Cheers! :D

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From the picture your pickup template looks a bit rough. If you wll be using a mounting ring, nobody will know but you.

Bedause you're using a template, I'm assuming that you have a router with a top mounted bearing - why not clean up the template by using some strcight edges and your flush trimming bit?

Just a thought.

I kinda dig your body shape. The unusual horns kinda makes me think of an Alembic tribute.



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Any feedback or pointing out of anything is very welcome. Cheers! :D

Hate to tell you but, the template you made won't work with the humbuckers you are using, because they have wide feet and the template bit doesn't cut right into the corners of the template, I am guessing the bit has a 0.8 cm radius? You need to make a template like this

Buter is right, taking the time to trim your template edges is worth it check out this template

Your guitar is looking really great, I am looking forward to seeing how you go.

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From the picture your pickup template looks a bit rough. If you wll be using a mounting ring, nobody will know but you.

Bedause you're using a template, I'm assuming that you have a router with a top mounted bearing - why not clean up the template by using some strcight edges and your flush trimming bit?

Just a thought.

I kinda dig your body shape. The unusual horns kinda makes me think of an Alembic tribute.



Yeah, I do agree with you there. And that's a great idea... I had thought of using rulers to keep the router straight, but along the edge of the base of the router, not with a flush trim bit. Thanks!

Yeah, I see what you mean there. The little extra curve in the lower horn

Cheers. :D


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Any feedback or pointing out of anything is very welcome. Cheers! :D

Hate to tell you but, the template you made won't work with the humbuckers you are using, because they have wide feet and the template bit doesn't cut right into the corners of the template, I am guessing the bit has a 0.8 cm radius? You need to make a template like this

Buter is right, taking the time to trim your template edges is worth it check out this template

Your guitar is looking really great, I am looking forward to seeing how you go.

I actually added approx. 2 mm to each measurement for the pickups so that there would be room for the curve of the bit. I tested and the pickups fit in the template quite easily; I was just going to have a little extra room around the edges... Would that not be a good idea to do?

Yeah, I think I'm going to do that before I carry on and use the template. Thanks for the support and advice!

Cheers. :D


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Okay, I did what you guys suggested and used a straightedge to guide the router and finish up the pickup template. I got the cavities routed a couple of days ago, and.... I screwed them up. My first bad screw up, but I think I can (kinda) get around it.

Pickups Routed:


The thing is... I marked the position for the bridge pickup by measuring from the saddle start position of the bridge, rather than the front edge of the bridge... SO, the rout for the pickups was done partially directly below where the bridge has to be... Arg...

I'm going to just redo the pickup rout in the right spot and then inlay a nice darker, contrasting wood into the spots where I screwed up. Hopefully it'll turn out alright! I'm thinking black walnut right now, or maybe redwood.. Not sure though. Any suggestions?

Cheers! :D

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Yeah, that's what I went with. Just waiting for the invoice so I can pay the man and get the walnut shipped and on its way. B)

Unfortunately, though, I really haven't been able to do much lately... Sorry for the lack of updates. My Router broke :D .

I need to get a replacement so I can continue and finish work on this.. Not that it can't be done without one. but on my first guitar, I'd rather stick with it.

Anyone have any router recommendations? :D I don't have much money to spend, but I do need a new one..

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