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Searls - Black V6


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I'm not a big fan of the JCM900 which is not an all tube amp


this says it is,and the JCM 900 I played was all tube.What do you base that on?Maybe you meant something else?The Mode 4 as well as a few others were a non-tube power amp with a "single tube" preamp,and those were pretty raunchy,but the JCM900 is not one of them.

I switched to Engl when Marshall quality started going down.I will never go back.More Marshall than Marshall and more Mesa than Mesa...I play it through a 1960 vintage cab

I did not like the 900 as well as the 800...it was really more suited to punk

Yep the JCM900 has a much more brittle sound, the JCM800 is just a lovely old vintage amp. The Marshall website is lying to you by omission, yes the JCM900 had the tube gain stages of the JCM800 with 3 EC83/12AX7 tubes but the way they upped the gain was by goosing the preamp with additional gain stages powered by two transistors :D

If we're talking amps now, my tattslotto setup is a four Fortin Natas stacks lined up next to each other

Now that I would like to see.

A good tube amp is awesome...my Powerball


That is a cool Engl that you have there. If you can just remove the horrible tumour it has growing out the top of its head you will have a great rig with that lovely 1960 cab :D

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If you can just remove the horrible tumour it has growing out the top of its head you will have a great rig with that lovely 1960 cab

I only use the EQ with the Engl to scoop a bit extra.The rest of that stuff is inactive,but If I hook it all up i can use that as a 50 watt amp with a 2 by 12 cab I have to be portable and leave the Engl at home,since it won't fit in a car

The top rack is a Sansamp Tech 21,the next one is reverb/delay/compressor,then EQ,and finally a velocity power amp...it weighs about 25 pounds.but again,none of that stuff except the EQ is running through the Engl.That amp gets everything.I can bypass the EQ for the clean channel and get great clean or choose a high gain channel and hit the EQ for Reign in Blood tones

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My perennial favourite was my JCM800 2203. Simple and tankish. Driving the front end was okay to a point, but to really make it kick the master needed to be cranked beyond 12 o'clock. I would certainly buy one again, but my aspergers says I should build one instead.

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Hows it sound?

Imagine a JCM800...now imagine it with about 3 times as much preamp gain(still all tube)...now add about 25% more bottom end...that is the "Soft Lead" channel

Now think of a Mesa Triple rec...add about 50% more preamp gain and about the same bottom end,with less background "harshness"...more "creaminess"...that is the "Heavy Lead" channel.

The clean channel is similar to a DSL 2000 but with a bright switch to either sparkle or be bluesy...and the Lo Gain channel is like SRV Lenny without the reverb.

I use a reverb pedal.That is one thing Marshall has that Engl does not.to get the most from any amp you need a good EQ

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