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Past Project - SG-style electric

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I flashed up this shot of an SG-style build I did a few years ago in a recent thread and a few folks have asked for some more details:



OK - but blame them! :lol:

It was my second commissioned build from our old-gits-band's bassist, Pete.  He had got me to build a fretless bass for him a year earlier (I'll do a summary thread of that too) and was coming up to a birthday and had persuaded his lovely wife to fund a build for a 6-string electric 'in the style of' a Gibson SG.

Happily, Pete is no purist!

I decided on a fancy top and a thru neck.

This post, I'll just add some of the progress shots and then post some more of the finished shots.  Be warned - my build method on some of these is unconventional!:














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The most unconventional bit is that at the time, with very limited facilities (and skills!), I found it a lot easier to rout a slot in the body to fit the neck rather than the conventional 'two wings stuck to the neck and then the top added'.  The latter required achievement of flat, straight and square joints whereas my router method just relied on using a router accurately!

The stain is calligraphy ink and this one was then wipe-on varnished with household polyurethane varnish in the spare bedroom.

This was the finished job:





It has the budget but spectacular Tonerider Alnico Classic IV's I use in vast preference to even Burstbucker Pro's.   I'll download a clip of Pete playing it clean onto Soundcloud this evening and hopefully you'll see what I mean (caution - it will also have me singing and playing sax!  You have been warned...)


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And here's a live soundclip

This is Pete and I .... we do a few 'just for fun' gigs with just the two of us.  We call ourselves 'Two Fifth's', based on that we are two fifths of the 5 piece band.  It's a hoot really because in the real band, Pete's the bassist and in Two Fifths he plays lead guitar and in the real band I am NOT the vocalist and in Two Fifths I sing!!!! :hyper

We can clear a venue in less than a minute.... :D

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Stunning SG Andy. Your neck blanks look remarkably like mine at that stage, likewise the philosophy behind them. The main difference is I stop the tenon a few inches shy of the bottom edge. I certainly have entertained the idea of going on out like you do.

And I kind of expected to be stunned by your singing--the kind of stunned that requires a glass of water in the face for revival.<_<

But that was fine work, it reminded me a bit of Snowy White's vocals. Both instruments were well played and I must applaud the choice of song. I really like Peter Green's and Gary Moore's versions

You are a man of many wonders.


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7 hours ago, SIMpleONe89 said:

That finish looks amazing! Which wipe on poly did you use and how many coats? 

It's just standard household polyurethane varnish.  Specifically it was Ronseal Hardglaze.  I did a tutorial a few months ago about how I go about it.  You can find it in the tutorials area (Articles>Tutorials>Finishing/Refinishing) or the link here


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That's just an amazing end product Andy. It's people like yourself, @psikoT and @SIMpleONe89 that show how to get 1000% out of minimal space and resources. Truly, that's what ProjectGuitar.com has been about since day one really....it's all well and done having all the gear, but it's the ability to use what you have well which gets you the win.

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35 minutes ago, Prostheta said:

That's just an amazing end product Andy. It's people like yourself, @psikoT and @SIMpleONe89 that show how to get 1000% out of minimal space and resources. Truly, that's what ProjectGuitar.com has been about since day one really....it's all well and done having all the gear, but it's the ability to use what you have well which gets you the win.

Mind you, it also shows how long it sometimes takes me.  You can see the seasons passing on my back patio in the photos from snow to lush green summer vegetation! :lol:

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It's not like you're a production line Andy; I don't think that many of us churn them out one after another! I wouldn't want to anyway, the magic and enjoyment would run out pretty sharpish....a magician pulling the same rabbit out of the hat gets boring. :lol:

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