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I'm not against Fender guitars in any way but they seem to have some really ugly guitars in their lineup:

Here's one that I have never understood why it sold:


I know they were sort-of popular a long time ago but damn! that thing is nasty lookin! It reminds me of my first rental guitar - a peavey. It was a monsterous, heavy, ugly looking thing that I think my mother wanted to use as a deterent against me taking up guitar. I think if she had rented this thing for me, it may have worked.

I have never cared for the tele much either but I think that's something that I can grow into (eventually - maybe?).

I know when posting things like this, I'm eventually going to offend someone who really likes it. Please don't take it personally - just want to get others opinions on it. Maybe I'm just not capable of appreciating the "vintage" instruments?

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Maybe I'm just not capable of appreciating the "vintage" instruments?

Yeah, that's basically it, :D but it's not that you're not capable - the Jaguar was a product of the 60s, modern and daring, full of possibilities, but probably not very impressive to anyone born after 1964. Nothing wrong with that, it was a product of its time (switches were big back then, the more, the better!). And it sure isn't any uglier than this


or this


To each his own.

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Those other guitars may not be real attractive, but they are well put together, well thought out. If you want ugly look at these:




Study the pix real close to get an idea on how to hose up a guitar. But it is playable. :D

The body started out life to be a well made and good looking guitar, but the neck pocket was so hosed, it wouldn't work as planned. But I did not want to throw it out. So I finished it as cheaply as possible. And it shows.

If you want the whole story, go Here and click on Beater.

Guitar Ed

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