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The Cult Of FLAME!

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The Cult Of Flamed Wood Lives On!

Here's one I've been putting together since last Thursday, just tossin' anudder one up da charts.

See what y'all thinks...

1. Here's the 'pieces', front hasn't been put on yet.


2. Here's the beginning of the cavity shots. Notice what got removed from here to no. 4 pic. I kept tossing it up judging the weight, and kept removing bits until I was happy with the weight of it.


3. More removed.


4. And the final 'cut', hehehe...it wound up being almost just like the Tele I'm working on (pics from last month)


5. Here's a shot of the back dry.


6. And the Front dry.


7. Now the Rear spritzed with water.


8. Now for the Good Stuff! Front spritzed with water. Long Live Flame!


9. Another angle.


10. Final Shot. I LOVE FLAME!


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I can't wait to finish this one...there's more good stuff coming...binding (maybe b/w/b/w/Pearl this time?) and I'm going to give the top a slight carve...it's not too thick, but I'll carve away what I can to give the top some 'hump' action.

Also want to put some f-holes in it, but they won't be f-shaped...something different, something menacing and razor-sharp looking that will accent the shape of the guitar body, haven't figured that one out yet tho :D

Coen, the body is regular Honduran Mahogony, the top and bottom Flamed Myrtle.

There's a lot more to do to it yet, but I'm really happy with it so far. I'm thinking about putting a TOM-styled Acoustic Simulator bridge on it too...can you tell those acoustic simulator piezo bridges have caught my eye this month? B)

IWICS, the body shape was ripped off from the Cripes/Garcia guitars. Mine's not exactly like his, but awfully close. Lawsuit close even, hehehe... :D

Can you imagine a peacenik hippie like Garcia playing a guitar shaped like this? It always amazed me how Metal it looked. :D

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Also want to put some f-holes in it, but they won't be f-shaped...something different, something menacing and razor-sharp looking that will accent the shape of the guitar body, haven't figured that one out yet tho :D

Might I suggest flames? its a flame guitar, flame cut outs would look super sweet


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I was thinking more along the lines of some fish gills myself.


PS Coen, you're not the only one who hates the body shape, I tossed up a pic of the prototype body design last year on the FDP (Fender Discussion Pages, another forum I hang out on) and they ALL hated it, hehehe...

:D Didn't bother me none B)

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hahahahahahaha good one wes, but i still like my flame ones!!!

just wait till I build a flying V acoustic with flames and all, then flame holes, mu hahahahahaha

anyways, sweet guitar, i like the shape mostly


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so i think thats like around 4 or so guitars from that i've seen since i joined the forum 3 months ago. You must have a HUGE guitar room if you've been doing this (at least?) 7 years....

Beautiful though, unexplicably gorgeous.

Hurry up with your tutorial on matched backplates! I LOVE THAT SOOO MUCH!

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Love the myrtle - looks almost like Koa! I agree with Danno - I'd hate to see too much of that top taken away by a big set of holes, I'm trusting in something tasty...

BTW, how do you shield your guitars when you chamber that extensively? That's a question that's been nagging at me for a while now, since I first started chambering for weight reduction.

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I was wondering the exact same thing...how to put some f-holes in it w/o taking too much away from the figure...ala several small slits...or fish gills...HAHAHA!

Litch, it's 1 7/8" thick right now w/ no top carving yet.

MKG, the first few years were the 'psycho biker on acid' years, I don't think I finished my first one for 3 years into it, my first one that I considered 'pro' at 4 years into it, and even from there I would only wind up finishing 1 or 2 a year, with a lot of 'Wall Of Death' action in between going on (aka firewood bodies), so it's not like I've been a production puppy since day one. It's really only been in the last 2-3 years that I've been hitting a nice 'stride' with it. This year is definitely shaping up to be a really good year so far. I got a lot of learning and experimentation out of the way and now I can just build w/o having to buy new tools every week. Kinda like a 'clean' high, hehehe... :D

Shielding...I use the copper tape normally. I can build a little plastic box for the bottom of the bridge pkp and line that w/ the tape, the nk pkp will have tape under it lining the pkp route, the control cavity will be tape also with a piece climbing one wall to attach the cover plate to the rest of it. Too bad I'll have to cover up the nice figure you can see in the control cavity shot...

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Nice work, Drak! I agree... that flamed myrtle does look an awful lot like flamed Koa... and that's a GOOD thing! :D

Sweet job on the control cavity cover, too. Wood covers are great. Wood covers that are cut right from the body so the grain matches perfectly are even better. Definitely go for the piezo saddles... i bet that baby will resonate beautifully.

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Yeah, I noticed that too when I saw him post that, I almost made a comment about it, but we came at them from 2 different sources.

His is Warlock influenced, mine is Cripes/Garcia DNA. :D

Jerry will roll over in his grave as soon as I hit the first notes to 'Die By The Sword', hehehe... B)

nonetheless, i want to BE you.


You WANT to be an old man? :D:DB)B)

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