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My Song, take a listen


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I recorded this a couple months back, cuz I wanted to see how it would turn out. All instruments and parts are played and sung and written by me.

It definately has its flaws, let me know what you think though, all open opinions. (Negative, too)...

...and yes, I do suck at the drums.

Right Click - Save As...or Just Click, both should work "Detritus"

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i like it!


-dont pan the rythm and lead stricly left and right, do a lttle rythmn in the both and vice versa, gives it a good full surround sound.

-timing seems to be off on the drums and playing tricks with the ears while lead is playing sorta

-rythmn guitar delay is a little to wet

-hold chords on rythmn a little more? (sustain wise) so its not so choppy.

-make bass a little more present in the mix.

-make kick more present too.

-tighten that snare up, sounds almost like a kick or a small tom

and, make it an mp3 :D

hope that helps!

very nice work, what did you record it on/with?

10x props for all doing it yourself


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It's not the drumming so much as the melancholy vocals. :D

I enjoyed a lot of the guitar playing, and although the 'sound' of the drums wasn't great (production values are tough to contend with on home recordings), I found the syncopation pretty groovy.

A bit of prog-rock song structure and changes going on in there. That's a good thing for prog rock fans. B)

Ultimately, not entirely to my tastes, but I can appreciate that you put some serious thought and work into this piece, and I can tell that it must have been a rewarding endeavour. Good on ya, mate!


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It's interesting - I too like the quirkiness of the snare part! Vocals are cool!

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pretty good.... fire the singer though :D

the lead-ish guitar in the right gets a little annoying,... maybe just thicken up that tone on that track so that it isn't so distracting..

all in all i like it!

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I think it's great. I didn't notice any trouble with the delay on the rythm guitar - did you re-mix it?

Keep at it - you have got talent and potential.

P.S. - since I'm an old man by this site's standards - is that style of music fairly popular with the younger crowd or is it still considered "alternative"? It doesn't matter at all - just curious.

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I think it's great. I didn't notice any trouble with the delay on the rythm guitar - did you re-mix it?

Keep at it - you have got talent and potential.

P.S. - since I'm an old man by this site's standards - is that style of music fairly popular with the younger crowd or is it still considered "alternative"? It doesn't matter at all - just curious.

Not at all, in fact (From what i've heard, this style is fairly original)

I don't hear much else like it unless is small key stuff...

The music I like:

DMB, Mudvayne, 30 Seconds to Mars, Before Braille, Blue Man Group, Smashing Pumkpins....this list goes on but be sure that none of it sounds anything like this particular spectrum of my writing...

Thank you all for whatever comments you've had!

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Dude, get a drummer... :D Seriously, though, good work.. I think I've ultimately got the same comments as the rest... I'm slightly deaf now 'cause I just got back from seeing Deep Purple (rocked!!!) but from what I can hear, it's pretty good stuff..

Suggestions, though.. The rythm guitar picking could do to be a little less.. It's sounding a little too busy for my tastes.. The beat accents during the chorus are cool.. Be better if it were a little tighter but I'm assuming you're limited by the recording tools you got.. Nicely done, man.. Keep on writing!!

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I like it. It brings me back to the 70's when I was into progressive rock in the early days of Genesis, Pentangle, Van Der Graff Generator (though that was more my older brother's influence), and such. I can't really pin it down though since my memory of those years is a bit cloudy... if you know what I mean. B)

P.S. Don't you just hate it when someone listens to your original music and says something like, "Pretty good, it sounds just like (insert band name here)." :D:D

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Drumming was terrible like a drunken kid lpaying that is playing to a different tune than the band,

guitar is cool and has some sort of bass line which is good, not spectacular but alright

singing sorry but it is worse,

But hey look what ya accomplished, its a tune that yuo can listen to and enjoy if everyone dont like it maybe you can and thats all that matters.

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