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Tiger Completed

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I really like that guitar! I loved that guitar when George Lynch played it.

Thanks Jehle - he's actually using it as his main guitar now. I saw him on tour and at a clinic and he's using his tiger and his "Bones" guitars only. The tiger gets used much more often than the bones guitar though. I talked very briefly with him at the clinic and he seems very interested in guitar construction.

Well, when does George get to play one of yours? B)

That would be a huge feather in your cap! Not to mention it would :D

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Well, when does George get to play one of yours?

Well, he kinda did - that's him holding my skull guitar in my avatar. The pic was taken before I stained the guitar blue. I know that's not really what you meant but I thought I'd point that out since most people probably don't have any idea what my avatar is.

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Well, when does George get to play one of yours?

Well, he kinda did - that's him holding my skull guitar in my avatar. The pic was taken before I stained the guitar blue. I know that's not really what you meant but I thought I'd point that out since most people probably don't have any idea what my avatar is.

[kyle voice] DUDE! [/kyle voice]


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Thank you very much for the kind words. I really like the maple fretboard also. I grew up playing my RG550 which has a maple fretboard so when I started building guitars - I went with Ebony and rosewood just to have a change. I think I'm switching back to maple now.

I was also concerned that the maple body would be a bad choice with the maple fretboard and neck. It does have a bright sound but I really like it a lot. It's not a piercing type of bright - just more lively if you know what I mean.

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I grew up playing my RG550 which has a maple fretboard

Same here, bro!

I reaaly like maple boards, especially if they are of figured variety. I reaaly like Phil Collen's signature Jackson-not-so-pointy that has really nice maple board.


Cheers, Dave! You've done it again. Three axes in a row.

mullmuzzler | OSSMT

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  • 2 years later...

Do a search on Dave Q and read his last posts, he tells that he was going off line for a year or something, I think he was moving, don't remember the details, but if you read his last posts, his reasons for dropping 'off the grid' are there, maybe a way to find him...dunno...

I just sent him an email via his personal profile alerting him to your questions, guess we'll wait and see if he answers. :D

He did pull them, I just found THIS LINK to pics of his guitars, but no Tiger in there. He probably pulled them to make room for his newer work.

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He liked it very much. He knew (and commented as I remember) that an all Maple guitar isn't exactly popular, but Dave Q knew exactly what he was doing, knew what tones he liked, it fit what he wanted and needed, and he loved the final tone, full well knowing that a lot of people probably wouldn't care for it, it was exactly what he wanted.

Dave plays heavily processed '80's Metal/Shred a fair amount of the time I believe, and the Maple gave him the high end cut he was looking for.

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