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Everything posted by skibum5545

  1. Tortoise shell would look SO cool on that axe! I really like the open wood grain. The shape borders on extreme/70's, and keeping the grain natural helped minimize that, and lean it towards a more classy look IMHO. How heavy is that thing?
  2. I used semigloss deft on a cherry keyboard stand I made a while back, and I really like the results. It goes on easily, dries quickly, and is very durable. I don't give it much abuse, but I'm sure it could handle it. $.02
  3. what about using clear contact paper, x-acto a template out of that, and stick it on? Seems easier AND more accurate than cardboard...
  4. I'm going to get a new bass amp to replace my Kustom KBA30 30 watt practice amp, and I'm looking at two different ones: BX1200 Ultrabass 120W 1x12 Combo (On Musiciansfriend.com) or Ultrabass BX600 I've played the 60 watt and I really like it. Is it worth the extra $110 to get the 120 watt? What if I bought it here? Any thoughts are appreciated Dan D PS Mods, feel free tp ping-pong this thread if I placed it incorrectly.
  5. OMG amazing! I've always been a sucker for limba, but that is OVER THE TOP!!! I love how the neck has that subtle flame to it.
  6. Might it be an active pup, with hot and ground, and a separate wire to the battery?
  7. wait... a banjo tuner? How would that work?
  8. instead of going for something thin, could you do something akin to frosted glass, but with plastic or something? What might be cool is using UV leds and using glow plastic (or even glow-filled) epoxy over it. Any thoughts?
  9. YOu could always do this: but you might run into reversibility issues with the tuners... any thoughts?
  10. I agree with this statement. Whatever you do, SUBTLE is the key word. It doesn't need artificial flashiness when it looks that good already
  11. I wonder if they could do a bass neck in wenge....
  12. That inlay is amazing! Great attention to detail with the engraving, too. What did you use to coat the headstock?
  13. erm... why is this thread entitled cherry mahogany? Are you planning to veneer the top WITH the walnut, or OVER the walnut? If the latter, you could cut off some thickness (and thus weight) by just not having the top piece of walnut. A matter of taste, I suppose.
  14. OOHHH I see it now... I thought you meant you were going to scallop the fretboard... I gotcha!
  15. I'd keep that baby natural. There's nothing you need to hide on that thing, why dye it? It's a gorgeous color already! Maybe a little red/orange in the laquer, but nothing very extreme. $.02
  16. just a thought, how tall are the push/pulls? Will THEY fit in the cavity?
  17. They make solid metal "thumb rests" for basses, you could always screw some of those onto the headstock, if you don't mind the screw holes, that is.
  18. I have to have something to aspire to, right? BTW, I now have my new DARK blue badge! YAY
  19. One thing to note, if you wanna give this guy legal hell, I'd watch out for illegal methods. If we wanna play the good guy, PG shouldn't be linked to illegal activity, like hacking or spam attacks.
  20. Nice stuff! I know you said it was a rising sun type thingy, will it have a red sun in the middle of the "rays?"
  21. i wish my hair would do that! Mine just kinda sits there looking dumb.... cool guitar! Keep the pics comin!
  22. If you simply had 3 on/off mini toggles, one for each pup, that would give you as much versatility as a 5-way switch. And, it would be easier to tell what pup config you were currently set to.
  23. http://www.alsacorp.com/products/retroglow.../retro_show.htm Apparently the glow stuff goes on invisible... if you were to do glow flames on a colored background, they wouldn't show at all unless it were dark. Taking this idea further, what if you did one flame pattern with colored paint, say, yellow on red, and then a different COMPLIMENTARY flame pattern that only shows when it's dark enough to be seen? The possibilities are endless!!
  24. I think they call them prostitutes... But seriously, I wanted to work with bloodwood for a bass I'm building right now, but one source I talked to refused to even mill it for me because all of their carpenters broke out in painful hives when they touched the stuff. Wear a respirator, and definitely long sleeves and pants....
  25. As for bass strings, I really like DRs for funk/slap playing. I have only tried the hi-beams, and I hear the Low-riders are even nicer for slap. They're a little more expensive, but sometimes there are good deals on Ebay. $.02
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