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Everything posted by ansil

  1. a midrange control is one that will cut your mids or cut bass and treble to give the apearance of boosted mids.
  2. Hmm... sure it's in parallel... but aren't the coils also out of phase? ← true.. but then again.. it wasn't specified. and we are talking about a simple switch.. but i am open minded if you have a better one. please post as it willhelp out the electronics comunity. hmm you know thats a good idea what if we talked to the mods to get them to put all the diagrams on one page
  3. you can buy the chip for less than 4usd ther was a thread on it over at diystompboxes.com
  4. a .47uf.. man what are you trying to do choke his tone lol. nah a .47uf will work fine but for guitar there is no need to get something that large.. i mean depending on how large you go you will actually get a second volume control which will also roll off tone. this will be quite extreme. i for one like the sound. i have use a 1uf that rolls off more vol than tone. but takes a great metal sound into a greater blues sound. if you want an actual tone control that doesn't kill all your volume. i wouldnt recomend going any higher than a .1uf and thats still extreme. i dont 'know if you know the math but heres a simple online freq calc http://www.muzique.com/schem/filter.htm the roll off is at .7hz which will basically mean you get a 6db per octave vol drop.
  5. i got it drawn for you got to upload right now done only with a three way hmm you know after re reading the post and seeing the lack of saying a gibson three way switch. when you showed a fender type schematic automaticly makes my brain think blade style switch. so my diagram works exactly as you asked it too. but since i didint' see you said a 1/2" hole and you didn't state what type of switch it may not be as much help as i hoped. of course you can canibalize a standard gibson switch and modify it to do what you need but that would be something i would have to charge for as it took me many hours to figure out how much to shave off to get it to me a mutli multi pole siwthc ed oh yeah forgot pos 3 is the humbucker in series. with one coil connected to ground and the otther connected to hot with the series link not grounded. pos 2 has the series link as the output with the second coil grounded. which makes it parrallel pos 1 has the series link grounded and the top coil to the output..
  6. basically yes it acan be done.. however i dont' know the diagram for the switch. but heres the rest of the schemaic for you. personally in this setup i would actually wire up the neck pickup as a bass cut that way you can get a better blend on things. but i guess it all depends on how you neck pickup sounds. my neck pickups are usually pretty dark them selves so i would naturaly use a bass cut instead of the treble cut. for the mid pot you could get creative and add a midrange control. but thats another schematic
  7. well if you wanted a very cheap tremolo that you didnt'have to do manually. 555 timer led/ldr 1cap 2resistor 1 pot.
  8. actually cedistribution sells them it really depends on what you want. i mean you can go to. www.generalguitargadgets.com and then order the parts. as you can order the board from him. personally i alwyas say start small something one transistor and up. but basically if you want to tinker with it be prepared to sink in a few bucks to get some basic stuf. personally i would find somone to go in with me and get resistors in bags of 100 that way you could get them dirt cheap and split the cost basic parts are pretty cheap but trial and error will cost you but teach you what works for you and what doesn't. i have used nearly every type of wire i can think of out there.and what works best for me. I have been using the push back amp wire for pedals.. its strong. has held in place for well over a year and half now. [plus the board is secure too.] and it stays where you want it too. no worries about nicks and dings or the wire breaking where you had to strip it cause its push back. buy it in a 1000 ft role for around a 75 usd i belive i woudl have to check my sources. Silver mica caps sound great but are not cheap. computer monitors these caps are hard to destory so they are good ones to get from other parts. for diy and prototyping purposes. for production look into ebay and when you find someone who does you right stay with them for God's sake. its so easy to get screwed by the seller, the shipping company. even neighbors [signing packages for you this was a nightmare for me]. for salvaging a good heat gun and a bunch of dead computers and monitors and old external modems as well as tv's will get you around 85% of what you would need to bread board stuff. again it all depends on what you want to build. and if anyone needs an OD or Boost Pedal kit i can cod them. Boost is a two knob single transistor 3 capacitor 4 resistor two pots two jacks dc supply jack hammond 1590bb box TPDT switch and all the wire and solder as well as diagram to get you going. Od is is a one knob[or you can have other options like two knobs] 1 IC One socket 3capacitors 1 resistor 1 pot 2 jacks TPDT switch dc jack and output jacks. all kits have the option to have pre wired boards. All boards are double sided plate through holes. also if anyone in the future needs BB boxes i order them around 50 at a time. so i get a nice break. as well as TPDT switches too. i have dist acount. ed
  9. a friend of mine had the idea to put a spring loaded wah into a stap so you could pull the guitar down.. and it would come on and wah. interesting idea. none the less. as for mounting slider pots there actually a quite simple way to mount them depending on there length. make a template of a five way switch. and go from there. use a dremel with a cutting wheel and it will cut like butter. also if you take the time to make your template out of something like metal. then you can use a hotknife to make a clean cut in the pickguard.. [looking for diagram of diy soldering iron to hot knife] basically its an old soldering iron. that has a thick razor blade on it. i had my uncle tack weld this thing on the end of a soldering iron. its about 45watts so it gets pretty hot pretty quick. good for cutting plastic styrofoam etc. i will see if i can post a down and dirty drawing of it.
  10. quick and dirty. not exactly the way the petrucci way is. since it is a different switch. and i didn't have time to dig out my ibanez one. so here this is what i was doing in the early 90's standard 3way switch. one side does the selection for the pickups. the other cuts the joined side of the coils to ground. since now two coils have double grounds they no longer conduct. and the one with ground and hot does. ed
  11. ansil

    Hey Fellas

    Well to the average eye it would apear so. but i will break it down for you. Yes People do diy everyday. i am not saying you will get a useful pickup the first time out.. you may.. but you may not.. so if you are going to try one time and then give up.. then i wouldnt' waste the effort. however if you are opened minded and willing to learn then theres no reason you can't make a pickup. but if you think winding one pickup from scratch will make you seymor duncan. then no.
  12. yeah i have had good experience but i build fx so that would reason why.
  13. if you have a tube amp pull the first tube ie the preamp tube .. does it still hum .. if not..its not the power section.
  14. ansil

    Hey Fellas

    read some diy info sights.. theres a good one. here http://galileo.spaceports.com/~fishbake/fpickup/pickup.htm advice.. read read read read. but then buy some wire and do it. you will have success's and failures dont be afraid to try.
  15. what kind of tremolo. what kind of guitar "Need the Info" Dr. evil austin powers. does your tremolo sit on the body. if so then theres your first problem
  16. yeah lk i discharge the amp before i swap tubes but i still where rubbers.
  17. mouser http://webs.advance.com.ar/arch1234/Pablo/links.htm scroll down to where it says samples talk to the poeople there in the samples menus and you can usually get ehat you want for free. i mean just a couple of them but if it helps expirament then there ya go.
  18. http://www.morleypedals.com/abyes.pdf ciao
  19. not sure on the switching of these but i had to replace the end that goes into the little wedge. the 8pin phone style jack. found it at radioshack
  20. so what tubes did you order from MF.. i agree paul i have a heavy duty rubber Glove that i used. [sint' it nice to get free stuff from the electric power board] the glove i have the power board used to take out meters live .. although usually no shock is present since its glass if it cracks you get full house power. hoorahhhhhhh..
  21. the akg ones are they the yellow and black ones.. there were two of them a greyish and blueone. and then the yellow and black ones . the greyish blue i believe it was samson wasn't it. anyway it had a dip switch in it. but then again it was one of the first ones. can't be sure on the newer ones. yeah my pm does that i will get dead messages for some reason so the last time it got full i stopped checking it. i dont' know what it is but i will get like 20 messages at a time with nothing in the message at all. ansilgregory@yahoo.com
  22. older solder somtimes needs to be cleaned up before melting. alot of times it had impurities in it. thats been my experience. but 100watts my god what are you trying to de solder hopefully nothing in a guitar man. only on the back of pots and never over 40watts has been my exp.
  23. not sure what all styles everyone here in pg land goes for. but i do alot of progressive acoustic slapping and tapping think Micheal hedges,, justin king. anyway that being said over the last 10+ years or so i have been gettin that into more electric style. i have led two lives basically. one with electric one with acoustic. basically this is an open response to someone with the same problem as me saying you couldn't get the same sound on electric guitar. try out of phase pickups. i did this on the ibanez at the shop and it opened up a whole new world for me. i have used Oop pickups for many things mostly for the ledzepplin stuff but it didn't occur to try with the harmonics. anyway hope that helps someone.
  24. the wireless lapel mic actually works nicely. i put the whole thing in acoustic guitar once. quite nice. needed a little work but all in all i was quite pleased. as far as the little wireless bugs go man. I used them when i was giggin. freakin great only bad part was breaking them occasionaly due to the plasic shell sticking out of your guitar jack depends on how you have it mounted. i had to remove it from its shell and put it in a radioshack box with a 9v to use it with my other guitar. [jem style with a recessed strat plate on the bottom of the guitar where the strap button is.] so it worked out fine. 1st generation of the bugs had a dc to dc converter in there to get a little more power vs current for the transmitters. also on a side note. A lot of People on Capitol records use these exclusively 1 because they have a deal with them two becuase they work and sound killer and can be replaced quicker and easier than repaired. i think i can get a couple dead ones. also they have adjustable freq's on them.
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