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Everything posted by Primal

  1. Yea, marching band at my high school was very much a sport, too. We never had to have physicals, though. I don't know about how it was in your marching band, but the month before school started was dedicated to band camp. Basically, we worked our asses off from 8 AM till 4 PM, 5 days a week, for 4 weeks. And I played tuba, which meant I was hauling a 35 lb instrument on my shoulder for about 6 hours a day. No wonder I'm starting to get back problems... My two years of college marching band weren't easy, either, though still much more enjoyable than high school marching band. College band camp lasted a week, but it was 9AM-9PM for 5 days. I have many great memories from college band camp, though...
  2. Yikes, 15kg and still nothing? Definately return the neck.
  3. Haha, zionstrat, you are in luck! http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=24088
  4. The only thing I need my local guitar shop for is fret leveling. Mainly because I don't wanna buy the tools. However, if I continue to build, I'll probably invest in some so I can learn to do it myself. In the mean time, $30 ain't bad to have it done professionally.
  5. +1 A used Ibanez 6-string would probably be better than a Dean for sure.
  6. Loosen the truss rod. If that doesn't do it, try shimming the neck with some veneer. If that still doesn't do it, return it and get one of the cheap Dean 6-string basses.
  7. Jackson Warriors have Floyd Rose trems on them. I think all he is wanting to do is add the claw grooves a la JEMs.
  8. Any change of tone would be negligable. You aren't removing enough wood to significantly, if at all, change the tone.
  9. Any guitar shop that has repair services should be able to do it.
  10. Unless you can do it yourself, take it to a guitar shop and have 'em do a fretjob for you. It only cost me $30 (I believe) to have the frets on my bass leveled, recrowned, and polished. Well worth the money, imo.
  11. A low B is a godsend when playing in painful keys such as F, G, etc. Also great for playing Footsteps in C.
  12. Ditto. On my bass, I only use the bass and treble to cut boominess and increase clarity, rather than adjusting to get a warm tone, or what have you.
  13. I would have been tempted to go for a 36" scale for the F#... =P Granted, you probably won't be using the F# all that much, so you shouldn't suffer too much.
  14. It's a paradox, my friend. We join the forum to learn how to build guitars, and then we end up spending all of our time reading the forum rather than actually building...
  15. Do you often play with both acoustic and electric sounds? Otherwise, I'd be tempted to have a switch that switches between the piezo pickup and the magnetic pickups.
  16. I play bass, and I prefer a Master Volume, Pickup Pan, Bass, Mid, Treble. I've never tried it, but I'd like to play around with a bass that has a knob the changes the Mid frequency range.
  17. Try loosening the truss rod all the way and leave it for a few days. The strings will more than likely be able to create some relief in the neck. Otherwise, I'd try to return the neck.
  18. I don't actually see a specific question in there...
  19. Oh, how I'd love to live with the koala bears and kangaroos...
  20. Maybe you could try that liquid latex stuff that they use for body painting. I would imagine that a few coats of black latex on each dowl would provide more than enough padding.
  21. Perry, how do I build the perfect guitar?
  22. I always just hold the pick in my mouth.
  23. http://www.gregyancey.com/ I've always loved Mr. Yancey's basses. Didn't he used to be a member of the forum? Or maybe he was a member of MIMF... http://www.ctbasses.com/ Cool basses, but I could only play one if I were going to play Primus covers. They have just always had that kooky, care-free air about them. http://www.walbasses.com/ Gotta include the builder that built my favorite bassist's (Justin Chancellor) axe! http://www.jerzydrozdbasses.com/basses.htm Probably my all-time favorite bass builder. The Signature and Prodigy L.E. basses are nearly orgasmic!
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