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Everything posted by Primal

  1. That's exactly what I was trying to say. When it comes to wood choices, there is no right or wrong, there is only tradition and personal preference. I think we are arguing the same point.
  2. As Mattia has already stated, such is the Law of the Castle.
  3. Ya know Dino, you seem to just be a stirrer of... well, nevermind. In the past, people have brought up these same arguments about Perry, and quite frankly, every time Perry has "won" the argument. In my opinion, Perry isn't arrogant at all. I'm not going to launch into a big discussion about this, though. If we could only all learn to think for ourselves and/or do a little bit of independant research... Marketing is telling people WHAT you have. TRADE SECRETS are the methods by which you produced a product. Pickup manufacturers can MARKET a pickup by showing people charts and graphs showing the frequency response, etc of the pickup, but they don't have to tell people HOW the developed a pickup to those specifications (coil wire gauge used, number of wraps, etc). As for the research thing, wouldn't it be so much simpler if things either worked or they didn't? Sadly, almost nothing in life is such. Case in point: Just look at wood combinations. The "either it works or it doesn't" theory kinda falls apart there, wouldn't you say?
  4. Considering how little must really go into each guitar, he probably easily juggles guitar making with another job.
  5. Well, all I know is that if I'm going to drop $2.5k, the site better have correct spelling and grammar. And on a side note, does anyone else find guitar logos that are above the neck pocket cheesy?
  6. Have all the spelling errors on his page been brought up in this thread yet?
  7. It seems the best thing going for Zachary Guitars is the body shape on the guitar in that video. I must admit, its pretty nice. Other than that, the tone sucks (might just be the mic that was used) and the player in that video (Zach himself?) sucks and has no sense of pitch (god awful tremolo usage, imo). I've had the opportunity to play a bass that has a very similar headstock, and it was horrible. It was a Dean Jeff Berlin bass, and had the worst tone/action/feel you could imagine. I think the price tag on it was $600, and quite honestly I would have rather bought a Squier bass.
  8. Hey Drak, I know that the W.O.D. must feed, but have you ever thought about making end tables out of the subpar guitars? Those would be some kickass end tables!
  9. Haha, I don't think Ben is familiar with the W.O.D.!
  10. EDIT: Whoa, I can't even remember WHY I was arguing... I guess when I get tired, I get arguementative. Perhaps next time I should make sure I know what I'm arguing about, eh? Sorry all.
  11. Yea, well, you can give him more advice when he goes to put the neck back on and it doesn't fit in the neck pocket for all the new paint. There is a reason the tutorial section of Projectguitar.com has three different tutorials for stripping a body.
  12. It would be better to strip the entire body and start over, in my opinion. If the finish that is already on it is pretty thick, it would be absolutely monsterous to lay down another howevermanylayers on top of it.
  13. That's gonna be tough to fix if you can't find any red binding. Stewmac.com doesn't have red plastic binding, so you may have to buy some of their red wooden binding and rebind the entire body.
  14. I would guess that the maple would feel smoother because of the tighter grain, but its still a very subjective thing.
  15. Owww, my eyes! Pleeeease don't post a picture unless its in focus! It doesn't help in determining a solution at all...
  16. Routers scare me a lot more than chisels...
  17. Hey, if you can get it all sawn up for a decent price, I say give it a go! The worse that could happen is you are out a couple bucks for the freboard and frets, and heck, if you are patient you could even salvage those.
  18. If you take a spring off, you ALWAYS want to make sure that the force exerted by the springs is symmetrical. That said, take out the middle spring.
  19. We don't have Vegamite/Marmite in the States. Vegamite is an Aussie thing, if I'm not mistaken. And from what I understand, it is absolutely disgusting! If we have it here in the States, it must be a special order sorta thing.
  20. The basses look to be slightly upgraded Rogue basses...
  21. I thought having those on Strats were something that happened within the past year. I know that Fender basses have had them for quite awhile now (I think thats where they started the S-1 switching, although I may be wrong).
  22. Those companies can't do retail sells. No supplier can, unless you have a dealer contract with them.
  23. Coil tapping is merely taking a humbucker pickup and "tapping" one of the coils, cutting the other coil out of the circuit. Basically turns a humbucker into a single coil.
  24. Copper would corrode too easily, especially with all the sweat and grease from your hands after a long night of playing.
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