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Everything posted by Dean

  1. GOTM seems to be ok the way it is,to me.The one time I entered a guitar,I was more interested in what people thought about it then winning.It was just a place to get some feed back.There are a few people on here that take the time to really go the extra mile ,in the feed back department,and as for me that is what I was looking for.Good or bad I wanted to know what someone thought about my build.It really does not matter to me if they build it or buy it,I think I can figure out who should get my vote.I think most people in here can do that too.I also understand Perry's concern,he went to the point of sharing a lot of information on his last build ,this is hard to do as a builder...as he has stated people are already taking liberties with his design.There is a build on this site right now ,that has a headstock that is a copy of my builders design.So I say live and let live,and may the best guitar win. msherman,please keep posting....looks like a misunderstanding to me.Just my two cents.
  2. I like the job you have done,as I was looking at it ,it reminded me of the snack Gold Fish.The body that is.
  3. Your welcome,I will ship it when I get back.Going south for the weekend.This gives you time to get all your stuff together.
  4. Luke Pm me with your address, I'll send you a set of curly or quilted maple. They won't be a AAAA grade but much better than your pine. Mike Hey Mikro ,that's way cool of you.I'll pitch in too.Luke if you PM me ,I can send you some veneer to use. http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff185/r...er/PB220682.jpg http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff185/r...er/PB220681.jpg http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff185/r...er/PB220680.jpg http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff185/r...er/PB220679.jpg http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff185/r...er/PA270649.jpg
  5. It fits you ,man.I like it ,and think the Tele plate adds to the over all look.It just brings out the basterd in it .I had to laugh when I saw it,but thought it was really cool.Maybe get some of those Seymour Duncan pickups that give the strat and tele sound.
  6. It just drives me crazy ,that people do not understand what it takes to make the high end tools and products today.Just the time spent alone is worth a third of the price.People now days are to use to, low quality and throw away products.These tools made by these guys will last many life times,not just the one who bought them.The metals are made to the tightest specs,and then fine tuned to the highest grade.The top 1% of the tools in the world.Also when their gone their gone,if the skills are not passed down ,it's lost forever..I wish there were more true craftsman in the world today,but most of us could not afford them.In the land before time ,people would be born into a trade or work into a trade, and that is what they did all their life.We as a people have lost trades ,and can not do things they did before motors and all the fancy tools of today.That's why true craftsman stand out so much today and get the prices they do.If everyone could do it ,they would be cheep.And for everyone jumping on the China band wagon,shame on you.Made in America is going to be gone soon,and the pride with it.We send the best metal ore to China ,just to get cheep stuff back.We should get back to Made in America ,we have the skills, we just let them go to save a little.IMO
  7. With out sounding like a smart A**,just use your eyes.Just make a small notch to hold the string ,and space them out.If you have to move one just move the notch alittle.Start with lining up your high and low E strings first ,then go from there.
  8. It's probably got that red headed step child look,but coming from Mick I'am sure it will be different.Looking forward to the pics.
  9. Just tell everyone you had it reliced...just kidding.The products used did not work together.$100.00 dollars or not ,maybe get with the guy and work something out to get it done right.If I did something like that ,I would pay to make it right.That's just me.He mite have some pride and want to fix it ,as his name is on it.Good luck and hope it works out.By the way at least give him the chance to make it right,like I said his name is on it.
  10. A company by the name El Dorado covered a tele with hand tooled leather for Fender,I think Fender was asking $15,000.00 for it.You can go to their web site and look at it and other hand tooled gear.They make stuff to up grade your guitar with,and are really cool to work with,for people that would like something like that.There are other companys out there ,too.It is not a big tone killer tho,and looks cool.
  11. It does catch the eyes...nice,and I like the way you moved the pickup switch.I bet it looks even better in person.
  12. I like the guitar and think it is great your doing this for someone else.It feels good to do something for others ,and the enjoyment they will get out of it.I bet the parents will love that open cord at top volumn, say at 6 in the morning.Drums for the next one?
  13. Daniel,I really like the way you sculpted and shaped the body.The headstock seems to have a slight curve to compliment the body on the low e side.I got a better sense of it when you posted the body and neck together.I really look forward to your work in the future as most builder get even better as time goes by.Your work is pretty fine now as it is.
  14. It looks great man,love the woods.I agree on the tuners ,too,I bought two sets ,but I will not buy them again.Doing the setup was a PITA for me.I'll give you a vote.
  15. I store my guitars inside of a new car, with wood panels.I get the best of both worlds.,wood and that new car smell.Oh ,and you can through in one of those christmas tree scent hangers to boot.
  16. To me it is the guy playing it,if you can play it ,it's all cool.To be honest ,I have seen some very strange instruments but the people playing them were great.So I guess I am saying to each there own.I have enough trouble with six strings.Sorry avengers63 ,I know this did not help shed any light on the why of it all.JMO
  17. It's cool ,but for 400.00 I'll have to wait or hear about it on here from someone else.If it is hollow ,I would think it would dent very easy.But it is cool looking.
  18. I hear you,man when I was going thur your build....I was thinking man this guy has a lot of patience,then I came to the brush throw.....I felt your pain,and you were holding up so good ,too.Glad you made it thru tho.
  19. John , just want to say thanks...that was a great how to.
  20. Wow,another great group of guitars and basses....I wish I could vote for all of you ,but that would not help would it.Beautiful work all the way around.I voted for the Daintree ,the lines and art of it ,the wood ,just a beauty.I loved it the first time I saw it.All I can add is you all did a great job ,they are all winners.
  21. That's just not right !!! But it did make me smile.
  22. Ever hear of a vent.....or fan,hahaha.....that kind of high will give you a headache.I had to paint in a tight area of a submarine, with marine paint one time .I came out red eyed and ready to fight.Bad headache later.
  23. I really enjoy your thread....The art or guitar speaks for itself,you are a very talented person.I like the fact that you show,if you can think it you can do it.Truly outstanding work...I have been watching this thread sence the begining.It is fun and a insperation to all.Keep up the good work.
  24. Nice score , and what address and what is your work times?
  25. This build is looking really good....nice work.Looking forward to seeing the finish product.
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