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Everything posted by Maiden69

  1. http://desopolis.com/midwest/index.htm This is a complete build tutorial. All you will need is the prep and paint parts, but browse the entire thing, you could learn a thing or two. Just avoid the black burst and thats the finish you want.
  2. $350 is a bit too much, he will need 4 cans, black base, 2 cans 1K lightning clear and the (Mirra chrome, ghost chrome) chrome paint. As they mention you need to use the Speed clear if you want an automotive finish. At $40 a pop, it is a bit expensive but if you plan on only doing 1 paint job a year it is not too bad.
  3. small compressor? i have a porter cable 6hp 20g 135psi compressor, i figure itd keep up, though i don't how how it rates when it comes to CFM... For the small guitar woro it shouldn't be a big deal, but I had in mind painting a few body parts and motorcycles, so I wanted to match the CFMs as close as possible. This is my compressor. http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=prod...&lpage=none
  4. That gun is pretty nice, I was going to buy it but the CFM's was a bit more than what my compressor puts out. So I got the one from Home Depot, a few bucks cheaper but with a nylon cup.
  5. Sorry you have that impression on Kobalt tools. They are quality tools, the reason the price is so low is the same why Carvin products are half the price the competition... it is sold by the people who makes them, no mark up or BS to pay extra about it. I have a few of their tools and I just bought Home Depot spray gun, and they are very nice. Maybe not as nice as a Sata, but sprays 2K and nitro as nice as I can shoot them.
  6. Killer Cans are 2K paints. You can use their primer, just add on coats and then sand with 600 until smooth. If you have a big grain wood, then you need to seal the grain with some epoxy or CA glue. After that just prime and paint. Sanding sealer is just a waste of time, ask me how I know!
  7. outstanding work Phil. I haven't voted in many GOTMs, not because the instruments were not good, but because they didn't call me to. You got the vote today! I feel like making one now, and I don't play bass at all.
  8. We also like to throw down several thousand dollars so we can build and play these instruments. Just because we can. Let's not turn this into another "that's not practical" debate. I'm also with you. I used to be one of the "that is not playable" until you and a few others started posting those YouTube videos!
  9. It was between Phil and Jester, but the complexity of building a instrument so huge won over the nice quilt.
  10. Mick, that headstock doesn't come close to the one he is using. And from now on I will keep an eye on this thread, mister 6 whatever has an indefinite mod preview on his posting abilities while I do a little research around...
  11. All my guitars painted with DEFT have this problem. None of the ones painted with Bethlens do... I have come to terms that spray cans are an OK compromise, but in the end, they suck as a durable finish...
  12. Only 1 bad experience with USPS. Sent a brand new laptop to a friend in Korea, military base thru the APO, and it made it to Korea and it got stolen at the APO... Can't believe this BS... my own people stole it at the military post office. But at least it was insured, took me about 3 months to get the money back. Never had a problem with UPS, had 1 package from FedEx that took longer than the date it was suppose to be delivered.
  13. Now ... how many stain jobs have you done in black that DIDN'T work? Because every single time I do a black sand back it looks exactly like that picture! If you are using red wood, you could bleach the wood if you want a black and grayish color tones, if you are going for a very dark black wou should have no problem staining it.
  14. First we need to know what bridge are you going to use... and while you decide which one you want to use look at the specs, it will tell you the string spacing, then the nut is up to your liking, whatever is comfortable to you...
  15. http://www.universaljems.com/cart/graphic.htm
  16. Since it was brought up on the other thread... can we finally see the guitar finished???
  17. Staining a burst is not that difficult, but I have found by experience that it look a lot better to stain the color you will have in the center sealing it with a few coats of lacquer and bursting the edge with the darker color. From your example stain the yellow and then burst the red with tinted lacquer. The curls under the red will light up much better than if they were stained with a darker color. It took me a lot of tries to get to know that. Here an example, by all means not the best burst, since I did it with a preval (out of air for my airbrush) and it is very hard to control the spray pattern. If I had stained the red, all the bright spots on the figure would had turned darker. Before burst http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v195/Maiden69/DSC02791.jpg after http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v195/Maiden69/DSC02909.jpg I wanted a more yellow center, but I had to spray a toner coat over it because the burst took much area towards the center.
  18. Carl762, I don't know why you get so ticked off about that comment. It doesn't matter if he is a supporter or not, all members are to be treated equally.
  19. Actually braided wire is shielded wire, like coax cable for audio or like the cable for the EMGs. The wires he should be short now are the pup selector wire and a few short runs from the pots to the output. Other than that I'm pretty sure that I didn't needed anything else for my Zakk kit. What he will need is stranded wire, the thinner the strands inside the better they are.
  20. You should had waited until getting the EMGs to do any removal on the guitar. The Korean wiring is perfectly fine to use, there was no need to cut or remove anything other than the pots and the output jack. And since you have no electronics background, I suggest you take your time and practice soldering before installing your set and messing up the wires on the EMGs, if you heat too much the shielded wire you can melt the internal wires and have them short out. as of what wire to use, go to the same link that you posted and do some searching around...
  21. In my case they were spray can types. Clear coat.
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