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Dr. Jabsco

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Everything posted by Dr. Jabsco

  1. I went with bones, just because I LOVE that crotch top, and the craftsmenship. the walnut bass is also extreamly awsome but im voting by looks.
  2. You could go to a cabnate shop, or lumber yard and get them to cut it out with a band saw. Of course you should offer them a little bit of cash to do it. and you really should learn to use the tools you need to make a guitar, before you start to make it.
  3. Anwsering bandsaw questions-- I have the 9'' delta and it works great! i deffinatly recomend. it was a great price as well i think around $120 and with the cutouts, yes a bandsaw can do that in one pass if your really good at using it tho, for me I had to cut through the acces wood and go back in. the only problem is that somtime the body wont clear the 9" margin if you are trying to turn it a certin way, but that was with a bass, a guitar body should be easyer, and also if you just plan out your cuts around it then its not a problem. I think the turning diameter on it is 1" so you can get real tight cuts if you practice.
  4. thats a very classy lookin bass the headstock looks a lot like the one lex luither did. love the work!
  5. I like your setup. it looks convenient in my shop the only dust collection system we have is a broom and a shop vac.
  6. no ive used a table saw before, but it took about 10 passes and it still wasnt perfect. you could get a jack plane and thoes work well for joining.
  7. too bad july 4th has already passed :/
  8. If there are any around I would love to put one on one of my basses. thoes things just look pimp to the 9
  9. HE GAVE YOU A LINK TO SOME PICKUPS!!! go ahead, click it. fish slapper is a good man in my book.
  10. HEY now, no slamming walmart! I do half of my shopping there. P.s, i like this thread, quite funny
  11. hehe, ive always wanted to reach my arm up through one of thoes things and start playin some slap on it..
  12. I dont have a 5 string yet, I have a 4 and a 6 string bass but no five. So i suggust you check out www.fender.com or ibanez.com and look at thier 5 stringers, and they usually have a neck profile and dimensions accompaning all of thier guitars and basses. but my GEUSS is somwhere around 1 3/4'' at nut and 2 7/8'' at last fret (or heel) welcome to the fourms
  13. You could also try searching here (or on MIMF.com) for the word "chambering" I think there are tourtials on the main projectguitar site as well. one of the reasons this is done is to reduce weight in heavier woods, and in some casese to help add tone.
  14. awsome, you could even think of doing a toutorial, I would really like to see how this idea works out.
  15. Yes, you can install a truss rod with a flat chanel, but if you cut it with a router, you could also use a bevel bit and put it in that way. and it will work with an angled head neck. and with the carved top idea, it sounds very intresting, and it woulnt effect the tone much at all, but it would be VERYY hard to get it all to look right, because its hard to carve all of it so that it will look right with contrasting woods i would geuss. but you can give it a go ps plywood is bad because of the wood they use, its not good tone wood at all. if you use tone woods it wouldnt sound bad, just a little different cause of the glue, but not bad.
  16. The first peice of music i ever bought was an eddie tape at a yardsale... what memories, i wish i still had it (a month later i tossed it cause i thought it was crap at hte time)
  17. I dunno, i dont think its that big of a deal. sure hes a guitar spam, but if i could get free s*** from it I would spam myself out to any guitar company (not in a sexual way) besides, its still the same music
  18. yes, it is . but it would be a little hard i think. I just used wood filler with mine. the abalone sounds nice, but remember not to make it too wide, with fretlesses its already kinnda hard to hit the notes on the upper part of the fret board right due to string tensions when you push the string down, so keep the line thin. and also when you are sanding down if you put somthing like abalone in it, then be you should also think about your string height, if you go the perfect action you souldnt take much wood off.
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