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Everything posted by westhemann

  1. too much headstock angle...11 degrees is the most you need.i usually go aroung 8 or 9 degrees. i match the headstock angle to the locking nut...so that the strings break right and i don't need a string tree
  2. it's just a suggestion.it's not really necessary...i just thing it would create a sweeter neck pickup tone and allow you to further sculpt the heel safely. but i just measured my beast i am building...and even with the bat wing headstock i used 30" runs through the neck pickup(25.5" scale,24 frets)
  3. i think that neck is from a kit.but regardless the guy is full of crap. "if it doesn't sell ,i will finish it myself.then it will be worth about $20,000"
  4. 30" is enough.by long neck tenon i just mean through the neck pickup. i think it helps add some highs to the neck pickup by surrounding it in the maple.also it makes for better stability
  5. actually,it's a "larry,the cable guy" quote.
  6. i now,after years of loving neck throughs,actually kind of prefer a set neck.i think they get alot of unfair things said against them because of ed roman's gigantic web site,but in reality i think they provide a slightly "sweeter" or "wetter" tone...especially for lead work. i think a set neck is a good choice.just make an extra long neck tenon... oh...and..."get er dun"
  7. what type of bridge?usually you don't solder to the bridge itself if it is a trem you solder to the claw,if iot is a t.o.m. you just place it in the insert hole,and if it is a standard hardtail strat style bridge you place the ground wire under the bridge(bare) and screw the bridge down
  8. if it is,in fact ,a usa jackson.i rather think it is probably an import.never heard of anyone throwing a usa jackson in a corner and letting it rust.then again i don't even know if it was available in import edit http://www.jacksoncharvelworld.net/namm2000.html i found a pic(bottom of page)is this it?i have never seen that before and i can't find much info on it
  9. Why do i need to use plans? ← why does anyone?i never have used plans.all that matters is that the proper dimensions are dimensioned properly
  10. well...my first played and sounded great...but it looks like total crap.cheesy headstock,sloppy cavities,went the easy way out on the finish with that crap called tung oil(don't care what anyone says...oil finishes blow chunks...they don't last and the "tonal superiority" is all complete B.S.)
  11. truer words were never ...ummm...typed? i thought my first guitar was pretty good...but looking at it now..well,i can't even stand to look at it.waste of a carvin neck through blank.
  12. if it was ME...i would maple for the neck and mahogany for the body...and if it is a tue neck through...then you only need enough maple for the neck and two pieces of mahogany for the body at about 16" by 25" by 3"...but 3" is too thick for a guitar of any variety...it will feel like you are playing a boat
  13. i recently bought some ebony(as in made of ebony) knobs for my les paul from stewmac...they are very classy and well made and they look good on the amber finish
  14. And to take that thought a little further, it will also make a dramatic difference if that EQ pedal is before or after a distortion pedal... ← i run them through the effects loop
  15. except that seven string necks are wider throughout the entire length ,you mean? ever play a true seven?
  16. i notice the inside of the mounting rings are shiny and new.i will be quite interested to see how you did it
  17. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=16887 let's vacate this thread with this stuff.frankly i just revisited litch's site today...and after over an hour of reading i am sick to my stomach
  18. usually what happens is some poor sucker ends up with an expensive lesson and a poor guitar or part of a guitar...in one case i don't think the poor fool even got the neck he ordered
  19. This is the 1st time I dissagree with you, I hate the feel of the V's, but I play sitting most of the time... I love the shape thought. ← ever see a metal band on stage playing sitting down?i NEVER sit down to play,except acoustic. as a result,i don't play well sitting down.so a v is perfect ← Just last night I saw Hetfield sitting down while playing. It happens ← on an acoustic,you mean?that is the only time i have ever seen hetfield play sitting down on stage.he used to play gibson vees as well as explorers.i wonder if he still does when not on stage endorsing esp? ← Nope, they were playing like "Search and Destroy" or somesuch. It was in the Some Kind of Monster extras. He was playing an ESP Explorer. He plays a lot of Les Pauls on stage. ← i still would like to see that video...i guess i need to buy it. i meant i wonder if he still plays his old gibsons off stage.i assume his endorsement contract won't let him play them on stage.
  20. i don't like that idea at all.we don't need to change anything.maybe one of the replies will point out a flaw that less sharp eyes would have missed.how frustrating would it be to see everyone voting for a guitar with bubbles in the finish or a crooked insert on the t.o.m.? or what if i could see that the intonation could not possibly be right(because yes,you can see whether or not it is in the ballpark)but some of you don't know what that looks like? anyway..the replies are half the fun.
  21. This is the 1st time I dissagree with you, I hate the feel of the V's, but I play sitting most of the time... I love the shape thought. ← ever see a metal band on stage playing sitting down?i NEVER sit down to play,except acoustic. as a result,i don't play well sitting down.so a v is perfect ← Just last night I saw Hetfield sitting down while playing. It happens ← on an acoustic,you mean?that is the only time i have ever seen hetfield play sitting down on stage.he used to play gibson vees as well as explorers.i wonder if he still does when not on stage endorsing esp?
  22. well.i once built a guitar which alot of people didn't like because it had only one pickup.i built it that way because putting in a second pickup would have taken away the center of the figure of the top i used,but i heard all kinds of crap about "devalueing the instrument" and such,even though it made no sense,that is what was said. but i would never take that stuff seriously.the guys who say that sort of thing are usually clueless. i am not a fan of the ragas guitar.i think fretting is a very important skill and making a fretless kind of just takes away the most intricate part..but that is just me.even if it had frets i would not like it..i don't like the style,i don't like the stain job(finish is another tough part which that guitar skips right over).to be honest i think the craftsmanship is nowhere near proffesional.no grain filling,no symetry,that little scrape on the end of the fretboard where it was scarred with the sandpaper after staining and never fixed.and i have never seen a piece of wood stained so haphazardly.you can't even tell the fingerboard is bocote,except that it says it is.the site is also hosted on angelfire.i would never give business to a guy who won't pay for a pop up free site to be honest ,i vote for craftsmanship every time.i try to think of who paid the most attention to the little details.rhoads almost always gets that award from me.even when his guitars are wierd they still are very nicely crafted. i do like toddler's...but the string thru eyelets in the back are not anywhere close to perfect.but it is very nice otherwise and i thijnk it will look good on the homepage.don't get me wrong though...i think toddler should be proud.just do better on the eyelets next time. see....that's the thing about criticism.it brings out the true nature of the person being criticised more than it says anything about the guitar itself. most guys in this competition handle the criticism for what it is...just opinion,nothing more. ragas,on the other hand,goes around calling people idiots,rather than explaining fret markers to a guy who doesn't know better.doesn't make me want to vote for him...anyone else? personally...for fret markers i would have used red dyed maple strips.they would show up better,and the contrast would give it a nice look.but that is just me
  23. not an eq pedal...like a rack space eq.and yes,it will.much more difference than changing out the tubes
  24. i believe the triple has 6 power tubes...giving it 150 watts
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