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Everything posted by Tim37

  1. you have to use flux when soldering the rosin core is that flux it basicaly cleans and preps the metal so it will accept the solder rosin core is much eaiser and faster to use on small projects (pretty much any thing you do with a guitar or amp rosin core is the way to go) big stuff you have to use flux and solid core solder like water pipes and large gauge wire. and you want to balance your soldering iron with the wire i have a small 12 watt a larter 40 watt and a soldering gun that im not sure onthe wattage but i use it for big stuff the 12 watt I use on small stuff like guitars or what ever then the 40 watt i like for larger stuff like 12 and 14 guage wire you will also want a to size your solder dont get large diamiter solder and try to us it with your 12 what iron in a guitar cavity you will end up with a mess.
  2. The next dude who tells me "It's not the heat, it's the humidity" gets punched in the nads. I don't care what it is, it's hot! Sweating when you're NOT ACTIVE AT ALL is just wrong. those lovely dog days have made it its been over 100 degrees (sorry don't know the conversion) the last few days and its not even august yet.
  3. check the supply section on the site there are too many places to even begin to name also a lot of stuff (wires caps some switches)you can get localy form electronics stores like radio shack or music stores.
  4. when it comes to solder take some time and work with just some plain wire heat the wire and melt the solder in to the wire don't melt the solder in to the iron.
  5. well obviously there is money in it you just named off a couple of corps that have proven that. honestly my suggestion you are young so do it while its still easy plan on college. go for buisness management get some basic buisness law and accounting in there too. this will give you the building blocks to make this happen oh yeah and your old man won't think any thing is up until you open your first store. heheheh sneaky
  6. wow i love it amazing wood and beautiful binding.
  7. if you cant find a tutorial you might try this use a sanding sponge and sand with the grain http://www.3mestore.com/70070588614.html i used one once and wasn't happy didn't mean for that to happen it removed the softer grain much faster than the harder wood and left something that looked like that. i ended up having to use filler to fix it any way then like fryovanni black die and oil hey try this on a scrap piece first and see if you get the desired effect. like i said i came up with th defined wood grain like that on accident.
  8. time it takes time i learned a lot from friends that do body work. btw looks good i like the color scheme and my advise is mask off the neck pocket befor you finish the guitar
  9. ouch uh oh well i used some bondo as filler on a refinish i am working o well if it cracks then that means it needs redone. i can see why it would crack since it is made to file metal not wood. i guess i should have thought about that i guess i hang out with car painters too much. any way since this is mainly a tone test why does it matter what the neck is made out of i really don't see a need in making it out of plywood. unless you just really want too.
  10. its not as bad as it seems at first a sander helps alot i striped one a while back and the sander saved my (poor work at a desk all day pushing a mouse) arms. just don't depend on it too much you can judge a lot more when its just a piece of sand paper between you and the wood. good luck and have fun.
  11. i kinda have mixed feelings with the head stock as a lone piece i love it, but i think Ihocky is right it could use some tweeking on that guitar.
  12. cool build keep it up the fretboard being off isn't noticable in the pics and if you arnt happy with the pick up find a thin piece of wood and make a pick gaurd that will take care of that.
  13. i like the walnut pickup ring idea bring some of the wood form the back to the front. but like i said before WOW
  14. i used rasps and files but my wood working tools are limited and so is my extra cash flow so well that what i used because thats what i could aford to buy. i guess it depends on what tools u have.
  15. yeah i though about wood but hes a big zak wilde fan and i have a feeling its gonna end up black and white. i don't get much say in that since he is the painter.
  16. sorry if its been asked but heres the story a friend of mine is getting ready to refinish his guitar (flat topped lp style) any way i he asked me to do a few thing to it first move the switch and make it a 2v 2t set up and change the tailpiece any way for my question i am looking for a not run of the mill switch washer anyone know where i can buy one or ideas for making one?
  17. wow i don't know what i like better the front or the back.
  18. nice i love the grain and i am also diggin the headstock.
  19. heres a question for all of yall if you put the tone debate aside would you drop 1 2 or 3 grand on a fender or gibson if it was made out of plywood i wouldn't now personaly i think its cool that your building a guitar out of plywood and i am amazed that somany people argue agianst it hell if you dipped a phone book in resin and then built a guitar out of it some of the same people would think its the coolest thing ever.
  20. people use bass wood that stuff is pretty cheap and well to be honest if you can get the sound you want out of a piece of pine then or plywood or hell mdf then why not. i mean isnt that the great thing about building your own you can do what ever you want if you want to build and no one can stop you if you get the desired results then more power to you. and depending on your pickup you could get away with almost anything i mean just think how much emg's color over the tone of a guitar.
  21. lol i read this whole thread and i just realized what your name is Evilbetty i love that movie! anyway nice build
  22. try this guy i he has some nice prices and be sure to check out his loaded boards kinda take a lot of the headache of digging up all the right parts. i got some parts for my champ project about a year and a half ago very prompt. http://www.turretboards.com/ weber speakers also has some good prices on kits. btw i think you are wanting Electrolytic caps
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