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Everything posted by jer7440

  1. There is a place in my area called Wood Source. They have a full selection of lumber as well as a full shop. They offer various woodworking classes as well selling shop time. I believe the shop time is sold like a membership and it seemed quite expensive to me.
  2. Wow, Donald that really looks great. Nice work.
  3. Matt, that thing is looking awesome man. I can't wait to see the finished deal.
  4. You come back to work with wet hair and everyone thinks you were at a hotel with a woman instead of in your back yard with your guitar!
  5. I've heard that the 14" Rigid brand bandsaw is very nice. Rigid is available at the Home Deopt.
  6. Gorgeous! I love it. It's so clean. The finish is excellent. I don't care for the extra little horn on the headstock.
  7. Holy crap that made laugh right out loud. I almost blew coke classic out my nose.
  8. yeah the voting started. Check out the Put it to a vote section.
  9. I think they all sound killer but I thing the black to blood red would look... ahhh... deadly. Yeah that's it.
  10. Man, you are banging that sucker out. Nice job!
  11. Yeah, I get ya Metal Matt. I have a Strat plus with that exact finish on it. What would you guys do as far as the neck goes? This is a neck through guitar. Maybe just make the neck and the back black like the edge of the burst?
  12. What do you mean by a burnt burst? Could you post and example?
  13. I would guess the bat inlay will be at the end of the fretboard, so it lines up with that sweet shape you have cut on there.
  14. dude I didn't know you were into cnc. That's awesome. You wouldn't by chance be willing to share the cad data for that would you?
  15. Seeing as my LP is somewhat on hold due to budget constaints, I thought I would take a crack at refinishing this Cort V. I was given this guitar six or seven years ago and I have never played it once. When I got it the wiring was all screwed up and I didn't care to mess with it. So it sat in my basement all these years collecting dust. Until recently, when I started thinking well I could try to refinish that thing, just for some finishing practice. Then I got to thinking, I wonder what this piece of junk is made out of. So I started sanding off the the terrible dark blue to sky blue burst. What I found was a mahogany neck through. I'm not sure what the rest of the body wood is, so I was hoping one of you could tell me. Here is a pic. Here are some links to other pics of this guitar. back of headstock back of guitar close up of body wood In the headstock pic you can see the lovely dark blue that covered the entire neck and was the burst color for the body. I think the body wood has some interesting grain to it so I will probably try some kind of a natural finish. This axe will get a few other repairs along with the refin. There is a crack betwee the neck through and the body wood, right in the heel area. I looks like the glue joint started to break apart. I'm hoping I can just shoot some glue in there with a needle and clamp it back together. It also needs to be refretted and the board needs to be radiused. The fret board currently is flat, as in no radius at all. So I figure at the very least this guitar will give me some practice on the the things I was most worried about doing on my LP. Fretting and finishing
  16. If i am not mistaken, bore oil is the oil that you would put on a gun barrell to keep it from rusting.
  17. Hey thanks for the offer, I will do that.
  18. Is the guitar top flat or carved?
  19. Dude if you go in for a vasectomy and the doc takes a nut along with it, you have a problem!
  20. I am in the middle of stripping an old Cort V right now. I have no idea what kind of finish it has on it. I am using Zip strip. It comes in a rattle can, which I find way easier to deal with than say a 1 gallon can. I found that I had to rough up the clear coat with some 60 grit sandpaper. It was like once I started to cut through the clear coat a little, then the stripper could get in and do its thing. Make sure your stripper is fresh. I started with some stripper that was a couple years old, and It didn't work very good. I got the spray can of zip strip last night and that really sped up the process. When I say it sped up the process I don't mean that it is really fast. It is still a slow process it's just faster than the old stripper.
  21. Yeah, Novi is probably at least 2 hrs from me.
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