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Everything posted by Bill-Murray

  1. God, that sucks Wes. I think I will check out Melvyn's books, I've heard good things. So, you have to buy a special router bit, what was it 7/32"?? That seems kinda dumb. I don't plan on being a professional luthier, or hobbyist really. Well, maybe hobbyist, but I just wanna build a few nice guitars then PLAY. Thanks for the help guys, I think I'll be in good shape either way.
  2. I never really wanted to learn to read music, although it would be nice, I just wanna learn modes and crap. So, I won't just be hitting random notes, stuck in the box, or always just playing crap on a minor pentatonic. I see it all the time, and it sucks. I don't wanna end up like that....
  3. Just be calm and be yourself. Don't try to impress them with a bunch of shredding or anything. Just do some nice Hendrix style stuff.
  4. I'm gonna build a LP influenced guitar (Fretboard radius, scale, wood) and I want to have it peghead adjustable. I've never built a guitar and know little about trussrods. Which would you reccomend?? From reading it seams LMI is the best, because it uses a 1/4" bit, and the route is shallower. Any advice, or should I just go with the LMI one?? Thanks
  5. From the 70's, it might be worth a few hundred bucks, I don't know. If it's from the late fifties it's worth thousands..
  6. Yeah, I know basic crap like flat and sharp. I don't know if I wanna learn how to read music, I know it's really helpful, but how long will it take and how hard is it?? I just wanna be a competent musician, ya know. Like I can REALLY jam with others. I guess I'll go learn the circle of fifths. I've heard a few times it's pretty important. Thanks guys, but I'm still pretty confused.
  7. Woah, that's cool. It's not going anywhere. If you ever want it just shoot me a PM. And don't worry, I'm not expecting one or anything
  8. Okay, I just started theory at Cyberfret. I can construct major scales now. I'm like freakin jimmy page now. Err, not really. But I can construct major scales. I'm stuck on their next lesson, major key signatures. http://www.cyberfret.com/theory/major-key-...tures/index.php I just don't know what this tells me, can somebody elaborate??
  9. Nah man, good luck sellin it though. I always try to trade people for that and get shut down
  10. I hear the peavey classic is good, or a fender blues Jr..
  11. I'll trade you for a B+ shape vox v846???
  12. I've just got a gibby LP special and a fender twin solid state. I get pretty good tone (not great) with my neck pickup, tone to 10, gain around 3 or 4 and limiter around 2. Of course I got all my bass and treble how I like it...
  13. Yeah, if I had a panic room I'd be in one right now holding a gun and staring at a picture of drak. I'd probably be wearing some cool red berre' (SP) and I'd be carving an apple with a huge fillet knife. But not taking my eyes off of his picture while I was carving and eating my apple.
  14. Jet's got 2 guitarists. Maybe the singer wasn't playing that song. The singer plays a cool 335 and the leads got a cool flying v.
  15. I'd like to see how it'd all look put together, what site/program do you guys use?? I've seen people do sim'd guitars here...
  16. Bill-Murray


    Me personally, I think they're a bunch of hacks. Boring riffs, cliche'd lyrics, crappy singing style. It's a wonder they got big. And that one song, I forget what it's called, but you guys probably know which one I'm talking about, is a total rip off of the Beatles. It's called like Look what we've done, or something like that. That guy's got a sweet flying V though...
  17. Thanks daniboy. I am pretty much happy with the tone I have. We're gonna do a show at a battle of the bands at school next month, and we're gonna do a cover of it. Maybe I'll try and record it and put it up here. If it's bad, of course some mystery guy is gonna put it up so I can save what little dignity I have after getting hassled by Draky-Boy here.
  18. Hey Drak, I'm not French, you don't have to apologize to me . Hey check out this video, they were playing really sloppy, probably were just working on the song, but I feel it's really cool. http://vintageamps.com/PlexiPalaceUBBcgi/u...c;f=16;t=005278 Yeah, Clapton in Cream was awesome. He kinda wussed out and when he did his pop crap after that. I actually didn't get a chance to check out his blues album, I did see the Crossroads festival on TV. He basically ripped off they other musician's style, and I don't think that's cool at all. Kinda like what Page did too. I'm working on that song, and I got most of it down except the solo, it's really fun to play. What kind of music do you like, blues??
  19. Yeah, I didn't want this to get into an argument. I also love blues tone, Buddy Guy is one of my favorite guitarists. But it's cool, you guys can close this topic down, I pretty much got the tone I want. I agree people are too polite and politically correct. If you have something to say, then say it, you know? That's why I respect you so much, plus you make a mean axe. Now to smooth everything over, a nice friendly emoticon
  20. Yeah, now that I look at it, it is way bigger than the guitar cases. My bad
  21. Hey Drak, I respect you and all, but what the hell was that?? When did I once say anything about "Blues". I love the blues, but NEVER said I was trying to get that tone. That's easy, a hollowbody and a vox or fender. I did say "Marshall plexi stack", name me one blues guitarist from the 60's who used a marshall plexi stack. I think that tone is awesome, download sunshine of your love, give it an unbiased listen. How can you call that tone bad?? And screw boutique amps, if I wanna blow that kinda money, I'd get a plexi. And then you say Clapton has no character in his playing, that's a joke. I know he borrowed alot from Robert Johnson, etc. But he's still great. EDIT: I'd like to hear what you think of Hendrix too, cause he looked up to Clapton....
  22. Hey, is that one with a red interior for a strat?? How much do you want, I call first dibs.
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