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Everything posted by sepultura999

  1. i see some guitar companies paint the bodies necks and fingerboards (i think dean has a few. not sure :S) if you could stain the lightspots the red you want or whatever that might work, not really sure though so wait for others.
  2. yeah it'll look like a catastrophe and cause a lot of problems. Some of the hofners are sought after so if you don't want it put up in the Public Classifieds Buy-Sell-Trade Area or ebay and invest that to building a guitar or fixing one up. hope this helps. -Jamie
  3. one song i really do like is Acid Rain, my friend told me theres two out there on the net, and said the longer one is the original. The piano doesn't seem right in the song but I love the guitar.
  4. I've heard only a few dream theater songs, they're very talented but i do not like the singer, he sounds like a sheep. Reminds me of Rush, amazing band, no boundaries, they all know how to use their instruments to their full potential, but Geddy Lee sounds like a female lol. -Jamie
  5. how do you know if you've been warned? and no that does not mean you can test it out on me! haha.
  6. warmoth has kits, well sota, you just gotta buy the body and neck and then electronics and all that and its a hell of a lot more there is saga kits (just type saga kits on google), and stew mac has other kits but for some reaon no solid body kits. Customshopparts.com also would carry kits where you buy the neck and body together, already routed and painted and all but on their page they keep saying check back. Carvin also sells kits I believe, or at least individuals parts such as necks and bodies. Hope this helps. -Jamie
  7. if you pay 1 mill for a guitar, would you play it? I SURE AS HECK WOULDN'T! haha
  8. I'm not talking about the violin body shape for a guitar body like the Hofners. I thought I read on here a while ago (can't find it now) about a guy who built a guitar but customized the bridge so it's like a violins and can take a Bow. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. -Jamie
  9. my friends epi g-400 feels and sounds better than the Gib. SG 61 reissue. The Gibson SGs cherry wasnt as cherry, it had a clapton style neck and the pickups were so damn bright! like looking at the sun with a magnifying glass! lol
  10. there are guitars with maple bodies. dont know if this guy is solid 1 piece 2, or plywood for that matter maple guitar The answer is cost. Fender American use 1-2 pieces for a body, Fender mexican use up to 7, and squiers tend to be plywood if i'm not mistaken. -Jamie
  11. yeah i think its the size of the body and maybe even the reversed headstock. looking good though. -Jamie
  12. yeah i hear ya. sometimes you just get a bad guitar though too. Just like how a few people are saying some of the epiphones are looking/feeling better than some of the Gibsons lol. -Jamie
  13. here's a link to the thread, i think this is what you want -Jamie
  14. thanks for the heads up for future refferences!
  15. Alright, I know this thread has been around for a long while, but since they're not out on the scene i guess its okay ... Anyways I tried today an Agile AL-2800 similar to this one, in black. They don't make the AL-2800 anymore with ebony it seems. It was in a used guitar store near where I live going for about 450 CDN. I tried it out and it's a really nice guitar. Heavy as any other les paul. I would like to try it on my amp however to see if I would really consider buying one and test all its qualities out however out of the guitars I have tried it's in the "Good" section, where only a few are sitting right now in my head haha. The only thing I would change is the abalone. Abalone looks okay when in dot format but anything bigger just makes me want to yak. Judging from the binding on this Agile, they seem to do it like PRS where it's a wood binding. I also found that ebony is not brighter sounding than rosewood IMO (however its hard for me to compare since I had to keep the volume low for the people on the phone in the store, pfft), I did find that ebony is a bit clearer sounding than rosewood but then again i'm not EXACTLY sure. I found the ebony did have a longer sustain and carried the lows really nice (i love the lows lol). The pickups on this guitar did sound great and carried the lows really well. In the end I think this is a guitar, or guitar brand you should give a try, especially since at this moment they're so affordable. I am going to try and borrow/rent the guitar that way I can have it here in my house with my setup and compare. -Jamie
  16. I don't even know what a POS looks like , unless it's a new abbrieviation for something anyhelp there?...LP shapes all the way like i said, and never single coils YAK haha. -jamie
  17. I tried a baby sitar by jerry jones. it sounds unplugged like a real sitar, but when plugged in it doesn't, so my suggestion is to have a piezo system in your guitar to get as close as possible to the natural sitar sound. I did see the sitar bridges on ebay once, the same ones used on the jerry jones but they're like 100 bucks a piece and i'm sure you can get the same effect just sticking a piece of plastic in at the right time. Out of curiosity, would a regular sitar bridge work? sitar bridge -Jamie
  18. it is all a matter of taste. i've heard great reviews on seymour duncan pickups and the few that i've tried, i haven't liked. i tried the Reverse Polarity Humbucker in the bridge and the Pearly Gates Plus Humbucker in the neck on the fender Showmaster QBT HH. I also tried the Detonator pickups on a jackson and again wasn't too pleased. maybe i'm very picky . i am dieing to try an emg 60 but i've heard they're too muddy. why not try and build your own pickups? i may have to do that since it'll cost me less money and i'm not walking into anything blind like the emg 60 because no guitars are sold with them here. -Jamie
  19. Also last i heard liam and noel gallagher weren't talking to each other, and if i am still correct, thats what now, 5 years? The reason why I pointed it out is for opinions, not to be bashed (dont know if you were kidding or not, if you were then ignore this) because this could be fraud, and i believe IMO it's important for everyone to know whats out there because who knows, there could be people wondering as well and the majority of people on this forum have been around guitars, internet and ebay longer than i have. Just because theres a piece of paper saying it's authentic doesn't mean anything, just like how you can buy PhDs on the internet saying you're a doctor in medicine, or print off your own currency. And maybe they are real, i'm just saying it looks doubtful since so many are all up for sale and since they're all brand new guitars. Plus to make sure, why don't you compare some of the autographs with autographs you have? i showed my friends who are diehard fans of some of the bands that signed the guitars (and when i say diehard, i mean they've been to pretty much every show and public autograph session in Toronto and have more than 5 autographs from different shows and apperances) and they say it looks fake, also on the Korn one, it's missing an autograph. and btw, if it is fake, and they're smart, they'd sign the guitar with multiple people thus makeing it look like all of them aren't signed by one hand alone.
  20. one reason why the guitars are so cheap is cause they're some strat copy so its not like hes gotta pay off a huge debt for buying fenders. another reason why i don't believe this crap is simply the fact thats hes got 50 lieing around, it just doesn't sound right at all, if he works at some sort of record label like sony, i could believe it, but if hes some regular guy? nah, somethings not right, unless he stalks them haha. the other reason why i think it's bogus is because usually on ebay when i see autographed guitars going on sale, its just 1 on sale, and they have a picture of the musician with the seller with the guitar, i dunno it just looks really suspicious to me and all lol
  21. yeah but people cant tell if its a real signature unless they have actually had previous stuff signed. which is why when i showed some of my friends the guitars they looked at the many stuff they have autographed, and they look fake. plus the handwriting on a lot of them look similar, also why would he have all these guitars lieing around, all the same guitars, one being from korn and one being from pink floyd - when was the last time floyd was together? plus that authenticity thing is crap, i can print one off my computer, also i think it looks odd how eminem has signed a guitar.
  22. the ebay user is atticbargain find him, and click on musical instruments. to me it seems very fishy all 50 things he's selling lol.
  23. odd. it does for me. :S. it should send you to a user's items listed and not just the single auction which makes me go "smells like fraud"
  24. want an autographed guitar? something tells me this isn't real haha. all of the signatures look all the same. -Jamie
  25. thanks for the warning. mozilla is the best -Jamie
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