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Everything posted by Marzocchi705

  1. My mate has that rubber grip that Idch is on about on his V its not the greatest thing but it does work, on the neck thru front could you not rout a little challel on the 'body' part of the neck tru and use a allan key adjustable truss? i cant see why that wouldnt work. EDIT; Pictures say a thousand words... Truss rod
  2. I was wondering if anyone had a wiring schematic for mighty mite mother buckers, i want to wire them to a 3waytoggle 1 volume and 1 tone. They have 4 wires each and the wiring diagrams on the MM site arnt clear enough for me. i can read them tho, there just not too clear on what i have to do. Help is much apreciated.
  3. Yes sometimes bass truss rods adjust at the neck heel, not the head stock end.
  4. If its not smoot could you not just shoot lots of clear over it? Would that work?
  5. im just doing it trial and error, as it stands its 2mm down but my fretboard is going to be higher that normal so it balaces out, i can take more wood out but i cant put back it in. this guitar is very much a trial and error thing and as im only aloud to use hand tools. I wish my bluetooth was working so i could upload more pics. This guitar is going to be nothing 'special' but itl look fine and work fine so im gona be happy with it. Just wait untill i have my own bandsaw...
  6. I think the headstock is beutiful, for me its the best part of the guitar, it rocks man, good work.
  7. Hehe, thats actually for another guitar, i was going to make that one bit decided to make this one instead. Im gona Call this the Inkson G1, my last names Inkson, G1 can mean either Guitar one or Graeme one. The design on the mdf boardis the G2. Anyway today i did the resess for the tom, i didnt realy know what i was doing there but i got there eventually, still dont have pics I scaned this in yesterday, its the last guitar that was made in my school, 8 years ago. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar...5/RRVcustom.jpg Wish i could play it...
  8. You could do exactly what your doing now, but draw a line down the middle of the fret board to, thats the only way i can think of making it easyer. Please post pics and good descriptions of how your installing your LED markers as i would like to know how and im sure a few others would aswell
  9. Angry? Cool... Btw the neck is from a strat copy i had lying around so im using it for dimensions, my only other guitar is a set neck Epi LP. By the end of the week i will be ready to put on my colour, i think bloodred stain with a black burst round the edges, mirord on the back to show of the mahogany as much as posible. I'll start my neck then too. I think i'l have a flame maple fretboard on this because ive never had a guitar with one and its only £1 morre than a plain one.
  10. Ive routed out all my pickup cavitys and control cavitys, im going to rout out the resess for a TOM bridge. Ive decided on the TOM as i like it on my Les Paul so i want it on this aswell, it has no neck angle so it needs resessed. A pic of me holding my mates semi-complete Bass. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar.../Photo-0024.jpg Theres somthing up with my computer and it wont let me upload pictures from my phone, so i'll have to sort that out soon causei really want to show you my work so far.
  11. Great work! for some reason i thought that blue one was BSB finish for a second, just in that pic, that would look seriously cool, hell i might to that myself oneday.
  12. Omg, i want one, like right now! I love it!! cant wait to see it built.
  13. I like it, maby you shoud vary the size and depth of the scalops on the top wing, i think it would make it look better.
  14. Im here because i know very little about building guitars, i need all the help i can get. I also find the people on here very friendly and for the most part willing to give advice.
  15. That looks amazing. i drew up a headstock design bassed on digideus' Here it is You do good work man, keep it up.
  16. I have been playing guitar for just about 3 years, im getting almost good at it. It cam time to choose a final project for my Craft and Design class so i though i'll build a guitar for a laugh. Now im staying behind till 5 30 in the wood shop working on it, im addicted. I absolutly HATE Sg's, cant stand them, i never knew why untill i played a custom hand made one the Bedlam DG custom [url="http://www.bedlam-guitars.co.uk/sgpadauk/index.htm"]Link[/url] and compared it to my mates Gibson. I thought why not make my guitar an SG that works for me, so im doing that now. See my progress thread [url="http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=14492"]here[/url].
  17. I played that model in my local store a few days ago, there damnd nice. The inlay kicks bum too!
  18. Ive done all of my bevels and done my tummy cut now. Will have pics soon. Im getting the rest of the wood in for my neck and im going to try puting in LED fret markers, ive seen a tut on here for side markers and i assume its similar to puting them in as fret markers but i was wondering if anyone here as doneit and has pics or knows of a site with a guide on it. Help is much apreciated.
  19. More pics. Forearm rest- http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar.../Photo-0015.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar.../Photo-0016.jpg Shape - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar.../Photo-0017.jpg Neck rested in place - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/mar.../Photo-0018.jpg I'm having to do this with no power tools (well a pillar drill) so i think its doing quite well. Theres no pickup cavitys yet couse i dont know what i want yet. Im having lots of fun doing this anyway and however it turns out i will have learnt alot.
  20. I have now done my neck pocket, no pics as of yet, i am having PC problems. It will be done(body) in the next 2 weeks as that is the dead line for the project. 1 3rd of my Craft grade goes on this. Fun. I'll post some pics when i have them.
  21. Will you make one for ma and how much? That is lovley. KUTGW man.
  22. Love tho sound clip, you play better than me (but that aint saying much) What set up you playing that thru?
  23. Sorry mate, dont have a need for one any more just got my neck blanks in and i'm gona have ago at making my own, sorry for wasting your time.
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