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Everything posted by ToneMonkey

  1. Don't work on sites where the site manager lets the builders bring in their air rifles to shoot the pigeons. Especially when you're one of the blokes who walks around sites in a suit
  2. My PM's have been dead for about 6 months now Nobody knows what's wrong with them. Email not landed yet, but i'll keep my eye on them.
  3. How about if a threw in a neck instead (or aswell), it's a 6 on one side, pointy version of a fender. 25 inch scale. Headstock painted with blue hammerite (don't ask). Came off a vantage. Got a few bits and pieces that could go. Black fender scratch plate (also off the Vantage) with HB/SC/SC. Would even let iot go with the (not very good) pups. Let me know what it is you'd be interested in. The girlfriend will love me getting another guitar body
  4. If you don't pull the fret board off, I'll swap you the body and neck for a pre slotted fretboard and enough jumbo fret wire to fret it. Hell, I might even be able to throw some other gubbins in there too, I'll have to see what I've got (free full size print outs of any guitar plans). Seems a shame to pull a fret bboard off a perfectly good neck.
  5. I browse around sometimes for some Variax electronics. Rare as rocking horse poo, got to buy the whole thing
  6. Aren't you tax free though? IF we work off shore, it's tax free
  7. No worries mate. Can't you check what books are in the library over the net? Thought you'd be able to by now. Where in Wales are you then? My bro now flicks between Cardiff and Ledbury
  8. If you absolutely promise to send it back, I'll post you my copy of Cumpiano's book. If you don't send it back, I'll come down to Wales and half inch all your sheep Drop me a line on kajadams_at_hotmail_dot_com if you want it. Probably best to reply to this thread first so I know to expect the email.
  9. Ha ha, I sort of sit in the middle of those two. I'm at work, but I've just finished a doobie
  10. I've been reading this thread with some interest and I've got to say that TechArt certainly doesn't dound like some kid with the usual "I want to....". Not that there's a problems with this as I was exactly like that. One of the major factors that you would have if you set up the business is flexability. This is what I like about small companies. I have worked for large multinationals and they are a nightmare for getting any change or redirecting focus. However, with a small company like the one I cuurrently work for (well it was small, there were 6 of us 2.5 years ago, we're now over 100) you can change about and refocus which is absolutely essential. I wouldn't look at being a man who will do the custom inlay work or the man that will produce bodies and necks. You are a bloke with a CNC and there are a lot of things that need to be CNC'd. I would say that bodies, inlays and templates would be only one of your income streams. It's comming up to christmas so maybe CNCing wooden Darlicks, Christmas trees and pull along trains might bring in more money. Paint your own wooden Easter Eggs at Easter, who knows maybe even wooden turkies (it is thanks giving over there isn't it) I was always taught that it is the product that pays the wages, well I was taught a few ways of business thinking, but this is the one that stuck with me. You need to keep the CNC spinning and to do that you need to be more flexible than a yoga teacher in a high wind. And then you need to send me a few bodies........ ........For quality control purposes of course .....But you're not getting them back. Kaj
  11. If by any chance you fancy a gold TOM and Tailpiece, then I can do you them at a discount price. I've got a gold set for a half finished project, but I really need to buy a silver set for a different guitar. Got the tuners aswell. They're all Gotoh and like above, I think that the quality is very good.
  12. I saw this a while back and forgot to post it. This is a post on another forum on how to change a Sperzel from left handed to right handed (or the other way round), though that someone may find it useful. http://patrickeggleguitars.org/smf/index.p...opic,583.0.html
  13. At the end of the day, you're just sticking two bits of wood together. There's hundreds of ways of doing that. I'm with Mattia on this one. Fancy posting some pics of the amps, sounds interesting.
  14. That all sentmy compter mad and I'm still at work trying to sort everything out. Clicked on this morning and it installed 2 Trojan Horses, one of which downloaded a load of viruses. All in all 10 different Trojans/Virus each installed about 6 times. Guess I'm not going to get home to watch the football tonight.
  15. Have a look around here for switching and wiring. Hope it helps. http://www.guitarelectronics.com/c=3Xr08m8...iringresources/
  16. If you can find one in the UK, send it to me and I'll forward it on to you. If it works out cost effective anyway.
  17. Try drawing a circle, mine always turn out like eggs
  18. Tried to write Maori a couple of times, but it just didn't look right. Decided on Kiwi for speed Trust me, last thing I want to do is upset a Maori. It may be a stereotype but I've never met a small one.
  19. Obviously you've never heard me sing........... ..........or play the guitar for that matter
  20. oooh, sounds interesting. I take it you have the holes in the blade and this produces a film of coolant over the blade. I've not actually done any film cooling so I don't know anything about it. Does the film not flow off the blade with the shear of the air behind it and then pebble dash the blade behind? I take it these turbines are multi stage. All seems so long ago now Err, this is a little off topic isn't it? Maybe we should start an off topic discussion because my PM's don't work
  21. My name means "and" in esperanto. Spelt the same (Kaj) but I'm not sure how they pronounce it. It also means "food" in Kiwi which is a little worrying, spelt different but pronounced the same (Kai). It also means "chicken" in one of the oriential languages
  22. Back off point.....Are you just looking at one blade and passing the air over that. I've done blade and turbine design at uni. Rather you than me mate, never again. Back on point again. I really need to make myself an acoustic too. Only 6 months to the wedding so hopefully within about 8 months, I may have a bit of money again......Unless someone wants to make me one for a wedding present of course
  23. Alright dude Welcome to the forum. AND WE DEMAND PICS
  24. aidlook - are you Swedish or a natural English speaker staying over there? I'm guessing that you're actually Swedish, even though your English is better than mine It's strange that in most European countries that I've been to, people generally have a "lagom" of English and another language, but us Brits are generally terrible at foreign languages.
  25. Check your inbox dude I think that I should point out that this is over a VERY LONG time. The same sort of time that it takes a window to get thicker at the bottom than at the top.
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