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Everything posted by gw_guitars

  1. Hey, this is a really good idea. I was in the middle of making my own. I was trying to make a cirkel and then glue the sides together to get the radius, but this is a much better idea. Too bad I didn't think of it Thanx mate!
  2. just say: don't touch it! don't click! don't read this! etc.etc and you've got me! Just glad my computer didn't explode
  3. It has been a kind of dream to built my own guitar. Always thought it would be impossible. I want a guitar who has "my soul" in it. (Still trying to built it though) Furthermore it has to be FUN.
  4. Hey guy's Don't go overboard. It's not worth it. It's all a mather of taste (or opinion) I'm a great fan of Yngwie and yes, he repeat's himself. But I like it. It's his style. Vinnie Moore, absolutely love it. Ever seen (or just heard) his famous Cola commercial? All I'm trying to say is that it is a good thing to have different opinions but don't let it stand in the way of a good relation.
  5. Hi LGM, Very much appreciated, a lot to read, I like that. Greets
  6. Oops, I actually like Yngwie I like it a lot Not the guy, but his music. Do I get banned or do you forgive me?
  7. This leave's me breathless and speechless. Just great. Ps. Zwiers same guy who builds for Blof ? (gitarist augustus)
  8. That looks very nice! Good choice of colours. Most swirls look like a bowling ball and I don't like that. This one I do LIKE.
  9. I'll vote: Red. But you have to dip the crayon in some glue to get that special taste!!
  10. Hi Wes, Good work, cool guitar, love the v-shape
  11. I'll vote Marshall. I had a Marshall Stack. 50 Watt, split channel. After the band split up I kept it in my living room. My wife didn't like it. Still don't know why?? Bought it in 1985. Sold it in 2002 The price in 1985 was Fl. 4800,- (2200 Euro) Sold it for Fl. 4400,- (2000 Euro) Tought it was a nice deal. Bought a Roland GP 100 I'm very happy with it but I still miss my Marshall
  12. I'm an explorer junkie but I like this one
  13. Black sides and black back. Sounds great. keep sending pictures! Good luck!
  14. I just love it!! Very nice! Just wondering, are you gonna paint the sides, like a les paul sunburst??? Do you show these pictures to make me jealous? if so, it works!! (sarcasm) Really love it! Gerard
  15. Whoaa, this is great information. Thanx LGM But I think I'm not that lucky, It's not quartersawn. The piece I have is similar to the square most on the right (middle row) Still it's a nice piece of maple. Now I have to decide?!?
  16. That's fast. thanx LGM. I don't wanna laminate because I like it this way. When I decide to laminate I will do a three piece. I'm not sure how it's sawn. I'm gonna try to find out. Thanx Gerard
  17. Okay guys, I've found a nice peace of maple. I want to build a neck through body. The maple is a very nice piece and it's large enough. Although I know fender necks are one piece, is it wise to saw the maple so I can reverse the middle part and make a laminated neck? I don't wanna do this but I would appreciate some opinions. Thanx
  18. You could also try this: http://www.buildyourguitar.com/index.html This is the site by Martin Koch Also a great author in my opinion Hope this helps Gerard
  19. For the book by Hiscock: Try this: http://cgi.voxhumana.nl/ukvox_store/ukvox_store.cgi Click on: Guitar parts Click on: Books Click on: Books Guitar Building The home page is: www.voxhumana.nl Then you can choose dutch or english It is a dutch store but they sell worldwide. This book is in my opinion the best book written about building guitars Gerard
  20. My choice is a Gibson Explorer I will always choose a Gibson Explorer except when there another option: Two Gibson Explorer's
  21. Whoaaaa!, I really love them. Specially the Hendrix strat and the prs dragon. I have no words for them. I'm in love with those guitars
  22. Like it!!, I agree with Dan. Just clear coats. Very Nice, Good job
  23. Hi, I know I've been reading about a guy who made a guitar which was half MDF and the other half real wood, but I can't find it anymore. I'm sure it was here on project guitar. The guitar was marbeled at the back, the MDF side and laquered on the front. I'll keep searching. Maybe someone else remebers it.
  24. Alex, You're not the only one. Try: http://www.relicmasters.com/ Click at: our work Not a fancy site but you may like it. They made a livin' out of it By the way, the other guitars are not pink They are: faded ferrari red. Gerard
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