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Everything posted by dash

  1. and to top it off, the west coast eagles (footy team from his home town) beat the adelaide crows (footy team from my home town) to get into the grand final next week. unless he's a fremantle fan that is!! btw perry, i'm a port adelaide fan so i'm glad the eagles won cheers, and happy birthday
  2. this is pretty well a front on shot of the blueshawk. hope it helps. (click on view larger photo though as it is a bit small!!)
  3. very nice maybe we'll have 2 bass' in a row winning GOTM!
  4. heard today on the radio, one of the most prolific bluesmen on the planet r l burnside died on 1 sept at age 78. click here for more details
  5. dude it's your guitar, what do you prefer?? why not build two??
  6. dude, if it were mine i'd redo the body to something like this cheers darren
  7. type making pickups in the search function. or click here or here if you like.
  8. there is a plan of an explorer here. dunno if its to scale. but i would assume it is you'll need a cad program or similar cheers darren
  9. null vote for me, i think the best live zep albumn is the song remains the same, but that's just me
  10. yo mdw that is the ugliest most awful piece of timber i have seen in my life! you need to immediately pack it (carefully) and ship to me so i may dispose of it in the correct manner. you can pm me for my shipping details!! seriously though cheers darren
  11. err...there's a tutorial pinned in this section. just in case you can't find it, click here.
  12. another good site with info on pickup making is here.
  13. dude that looks totally wicked!! i'm with most of the other guys though, that headstock needs changing to something more "pointy". for the name, how about the punisher?? cheers darren
  14. i would imagine that it would be done in the opposite way you described. rout out the chamber from the front, and then maybe use a very fine drill dit, then a coping saw with a very fine blade (or something like that ) cheers darren
  15. cool i'm from down port adelaide way. i spoke with fretco about a month ago and asked them about building a custom neck for me, but they seemed quite pricey. i figured i could probably f*** up at least four or five times building a neck before i got near their price, so i'm going to give building a go. the guy i spoke to seemed like a pretty good guy, didn't get pissed at me for all the stupid questions i was throwing at him.
  16. what about drilling your pilot holes and then coming through the back with one of these. it looks like they have an adjustment for the depth of the countersink, so you may be able to get deep enough for the ferrule to seat properly. cheers darren
  17. matt what type of finish are you doing?? if its going to be painted, why not just rout a channel for the wiring and then put a strip of timber over the top??
  18. i got a smokey amp off ebay from a place called rock-lite amplifiers, i think they were either in NSW or VIC. cheers darren
  19. dude if it is yours then get it. it is a part of who you are. i sold my dream car just over ten years ago, (my wife decided that driving a v8 manual was too hard), i put about 18 months worth of week ends, and almost every dollar i earnt into building it, only to part with it for the princely sum of $5000. i recently saw it advertised in a car mag for $19000. if i had the cash i would have bought it back, but unfortunately i couldn't. (ps my very first electric guitar was a vantage as well, a flying v!!) cheers darren
  20. hey psw i found this link to a place that sells bobbins, no pic though
  21. thanks for the link greg, i tried on google but couldn't come up with anything
  22. just wondering i there is any logical reason why a pickup bobbin cannot be made from timber?? just juggling an idea in my head, and thought it would be cool to match the pickup with the laminates in a neck through guitar/bass. i don't mean just using a timber cover, but actually making it out of timber. anyone done this?? cheers darren
  23. look about five posts down. or click here
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