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Our Souls inc.

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Everything posted by Our Souls inc.

  1. Well then. FWIW , even a builder like me has gotten votes in this inglorious competition. It depends on your build, your pics and the mood of the voter. I've never once entered because I thought I had the best build that month. I just hoped that everyone else thought it ! Its an honor to even receive a vote , or votes and a bigger honor to win. IMHO - what/who you're up against has more to do with it than anything. I vote for whatever catches my attention the most , simple as that really.
  2. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...st&p=358706 see #'s 1-5 ............. and the following post......... interesting stuff.
  3. Not to be an azz , but..... The first statement shows the egotistical mindset you have. You put it up for public scrutiny ( at the place you got your ideas from ) and didn't expect anyones opinion on it? Ha. Work you created ? I find that a bit hard to swallow. http://www.lgmguitars.com/home.html http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...st&p=455458 http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http:/...%26tbs%3Disch:1 O.P.I. Other Peoples Ideas This is all just *my* opinion, but I'm sure I'm speaking for others who just feel awkward to point stuff like this out. again, for a guy with 0 builds completed , you sure do hold yourself in pretty high regards. I find it all to be computer-combined-pictures without a lot of originality. If it wasn't a combo of geets from this website, I'd probably not feel the need to point out : You combined an Ibby , a Leviathan and threw in MH28's headstock just for good measures. whether or nor you get any publicity , I just think its fitting to tip the hat to the original designers. Not claim the combined pieces of work as "your own" ..........
  4. Nice to see I'm not the only one who shows off the rough stuff. I love the look of this so far ! keep it rollin like this and you'll be holding a winner at the end.
  5. Do away with the templates and just hand cut it. Trace your template and follow the pencil marks with a jigsaw or bandsaw. Sand to taste. I don't make the best looking guitars, but I've not had a catastrophe like that ^^ before, either. Don't give up. I expected a semi-failure, it's your first build. You think pro-bull riders got to the top after the first 8 second ride ? Nope. They got bucked, kicked, head-butted and still.... stilll didn't give up. Stick with it, you'll do fine. Its a very rewarding hobby. ( guitar building - NOT bull riding ! ) P.s. , when using a router/templates.... set the router depth to SHALLOW first, make a pass, set a little ( *little* ) deeper, make another pass then repeat until you're done. Also .... don't push or force the router. High RPMs are good, but making the blade 'dig' into the wood will result in tear-out every time. Let it eat slowly. [/ sermon]
  6. Great idea ! You are one of the innovators of our craft in my opinion. Love your ideas and implementations. I'd copy them, but they are out of my grasp !
  7. Nice build. Love the checking of the clear.... Only one pup tho ???? Twangy.
  8. Those "internal" neck things look like they take away a lot of wood though. Inserts are one thing but those cavities are bigger than the bolt by a good bit. tight neck join or no, the neck has 4 big hollow voids in it. * ooooh maybe those a voodoo filled tone chambers....... *
  9. I've hogged the whole thing out with a rasp before, and also a router, using a rasp just to get the curvy part. A skilsaw was used for one or two as well, but the curve of the blade left more wood to remove so now the router and rasp trick is more common for me. Experiment to find out what works for you before committing the saw to your good neck.
  10. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...st&p=461262 I had great pains getting the controls in on mine. I ended up leaving a few extra inches of wire so I could solder outside the body, then tuck them up inside the cavities. Oh - if you do the output jack, it doesn't need a door , you can access it through the other cavities. best of luck and thanks for keeping us posted !
  11. I got the template from a fellow PGer - Killemall. I got the Gibson V from him as well. If it's out a bit, oh well. Maybe it's a 1st gen RRV. I thought we all knew that was the original rhoads shape??? I think I did know that , it just don't look quite long enough , but again , it's probably more to do with color/lack of pinstripes/camera angle thats tricking my eye....
  12. Zamfir rules ! lolz..... The shape is definitely in stage 1 in that pic... its starting to become what its going to be , but like Drak said, tiny incriments. Muzz - the neck isn't antique wood, but its a pallet runner that I salvaged. Quarter swan with straight grain, My explorer held up fine, we'll see if it works for a Bass. Here's some pics from yesterday........ you can see the contours showing up slowly...... I did o.k. routing the neck pocket, but it was too wide by a smidge. I added a little piece of wood to the neck heel to close the gap. A little finesse and it should be invisible to the naked eye....... There's the HS shape- no plan , freehand. I still have some refining to do here too, but for a fret-saw and a rasp, I'll take it ! Polishing to commence later. and thats it for now.... hopefully I can keep moving forward with this and it'll be finished within a month or two. My spare time right now is as rare as an honest human.........
  13. Just be sure to point out that yours is just a spin-off of existing body styles. Thats just an Ibby crossed with the Leviathan and MetalHeads headstock shape. I don't mean to condemn, but what you're doing here is wrong in my eyes. For a guy with 0 builds under your belt, you're all ready to usher in the limelight as a builder. I just find it to all be premature. Especially since the "limelight" is coming from O.P.I. ....... The "core" is a patented idea already , and the rest of the design is borrowed at best.
  14. Stewey - no worries - I'd never re-shape to satisfy anyone but the recipient. Erik - My brother is also a fan of the Jazz , which was my starting point for the body style. As a fellow "fan" - what do you think of the new revisions ? I spent some time today refining it and I ended up accenting the bump as opposed to doing away with it. What do y'all think of the change? For the better or for the worse ?
  15. My wife is Wonder Woman. Even looks like her. Mrrrrow.
  16. You = Success. Very nice guitar Muzz. With a twist on the headstock that makes me grin everytime I read it......... IbeMuzz..... on a side note, is your pool water clear when you open up or is it green?
  17. its cool , your iron man , I'm the incredible hulk , lol. You computer-make em and I smash em out wth my bare hands ! lmao...
  18. hey pal, you keep the D word to yourself , I let 'em flow...... Those laminates were designed on purpose - I know the general shape he's comfy with, now I just tweak it till I'm happy. if you look at the blackened pic, thats more what I'm going for , which has less of a noticeable bump on the bottom. and no - the bridge was just set in place all willy nilly for the pic - no measuring just yet..... or plans , or templates.. or final decisions
  19. could be camera angle too , it just looks a bit out of sorts... can't put my finger on it tho....
  20. and this is a probable scenario as far as body refinements. just a little sleeker.
  21. O.K. , not much different, just wet and with some HW in place. Its a Carvin bridge and active circuit. This is phase one of the body. I've left plenty of meat in the lower hip and both horns to adjust a few things. It's going to be carved/ rounded pretty much everywhere too. thats the passive/active circuit. more as soon as I have something.
  22. John - you know I aint makin assumptions but... ( theres always a but ) did you make your templates or by them? The top horn looks too fat or too short or something. Compared to a 2nd Gen RRV , its out of proportion pretty good. I still dig it , it just looks a little stumpy.
  23. Then you're gonna hate what's on tap after this Rhoads & the Firebird is done. It'll be a pure SG copy with little-to-no twists. SG? sweeeet.
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