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Everything posted by pauliemc

  1. Yea, customers are a problem. But they pay me to mess about with guitars all day so I can forgive them I had a dose of pneumonia over the last 3 weeks of december so things were kinda not happenin you know, But back on the feet now so its all good. I still have the dead acoustic. Guy just abandoned it when he heard the work involved. So it will be a little project for later in the year.
  2. Hey scott. The green thing is still on the go. Trying to get the final sanding & buffing done on the finish at the moment. Have a few others on for customers that are taking up all my time so its taking a while but thats ok. 3 of the customer jobs are for JS models & I love carving them so its all good
  3. While your making temolates. Remember - align your bridge & pickup routs to the neck AFTER the neck is installed. No need to glue or bolt it in place, but just have it ready to be secured before you mark out the pups & bridge. Alignment issues are a bitch to fix if you get them wrong.
  4. Or if your really lucky it ends up in your thigh. Dont ask. Just keep them sharp
  5. Rockler huh? Thanks for posting that. I went through nearly 10 oz on the bear. I needs some more. SR 10oz huh? So thats why the bear looked so happy, He was STONED OUTA HIS MIND !!!!!! CA fumes are great fun, even in decent ventilation
  6. Hey Keef, You going to build that perfect guitar yourself ? Or do you need to find a willing builder Yea yea, its cheeky, but it never hurts to ask
  7. Cool. I luv my band saw. Id be lost without it. especially for bookmatching tops & the like.
  8. Hello! I do a 7 of string guitar. The bridge, how you positioned it in? You get it over with to write the situation of the screws compared to the upper saddle? Thank you Peter Lime green to blue burst would look cool
  9. Like I said..kernel of truth. By the way none of my Gibsons ever broke anywhere...but I don't drop them either.I install straplocks on everything. Had my Les paul custom 16 years. Not a mark on it. Never broke or went funny even once. stays in tune no matter how hard I bend strings, stored in the case or left out of it. Cant agree with Mr Roman on this one, or a lot of his stuff actually. As far as im concerned, if Gibson were as crap as he says they are then they would have gone out of business decades ago. There is a lot of "My cars faster than your car" childishness goin on there I rekon. Put the other guy down to promote your own self proclamed brilliance. Although, having said that, AEolian guitars walk all over every other make of anything, ever built, anywhere, by anyone, trust me I know for a fact. Nothing to do with it being my workshop or anything - I swear to god
  10. Nope. Spanish cedar is realy cool. makes a nice neck & a realy good sounding guitar overall. I use it for Les paul type builds with maple, beech or birch tops.
  11. prety much what i do, but no hair dryer. that tends to get it done in small areas at a time. I let the guitar sit in a drying room @ about 25 degrees C. leav it there for at least 24 hours then i take it out & put it straight into a box freezer for about 15 mins. then back out into the heat with a big fan moving air accross it @ about 30C. whole guitar cheks fairly evenly. More natural looking than the blade approach.
  12. Yea, try tellin the guitarist in the band at the reception that. never ever invite a bride up to play for a bit & over the mike say "dont worry, ill go easy on you" unless you know who they are. he got fookin destroyed ha ha ha ha ha ha .
  13. Im sorry, but I have to do it. WHY ? Not just being a gimp, But it would help make sure you got relevant information. What you have already gotten from scott is about all that can realy be given without any further info.
  14. Ah no no no. Thats only if yer chick is along the lines on Orianthi, You know. A looker that can shred. Besides. Im making another guitar, transparent acrylic, with real black velvet roses encased in it. That would have been romantic to give her. But that one is for a bloke ha ha ha ha
  15. Thanks scott. Glad you like it. got it finished & some piks done last weekend, So i figured Id put it up for a look see. Get a day to myself this week (I think) so I might actually get something done on my green JS aswell. Cool.
  16. This is a Guitar I built as a Guest book for my Wedding recently. Done a few of these for other people & the chick loved the idea. So I figured Id do one for her aswell. Its an Ash body, Black walnut neck, Ebony fret board with vine inlay. All chrome hardware. stained blue with a slight burst out to black on the edges. Pearloid pickguard, She chose the colours to match the brides maids (Blue) The lads (Black) & her (White) Got a whole bunch of the guests to sign it, then pulled it apart & put a coat of 2K over it to seal everything up. Plays realy well too. Not that im allowed to touch it, I have enough guitars, this one is hers Anyway. Here are some piks. Done my usual thing of letting the finish sink into the grain. No filler, ruins ash, why would you want to kill off all that funky grain ? Stained the Walnut aswell. Blackened it up to where it reminds me of a swirling river of chocolate
  17. Glad to see this one didnt get left unfinished. Looks realy cool. Pity about the burst, but you might come back to it in a few years & get it sorted to how you realy want it. Either way - cool guitar
  18. you could always take some thickness out of the fret board. That would thin out your neck. take off 2mm. then re-cut your fret slots. Sounds like nothing, but 2mm is a lot in the thickness of a neck.
  19. Man this thing is awe inspiring. I have been around the art community all my life. generally I can do anythng I try or reproduce anything I see, As good or better than the original (I know how that sounds, but if you can do it then its not bragging). Its not easy to realy impress me, I can count on one hand the number of times iv encountered something & tought "I wish I could do that" & know I couldent if I tried. I have to admit to this being one of those times. You made my day, Thank you.
  20. Your neck heel location does not appear to be central on the body. I think you will have serious problems with the neck alignment to the body where it is. Maby it would be best to scrap the heel now & figure a way to attach the neck without it. Get a neck template & place it where you want the real neck to be to get things lined up. Otherwise, this looks like it could be cool. but some forward planning NOW will save you having to bin the lot later.
  21. Man thats a cool lookin JEM. Was clearing out some stuff from the workshop to make space for a new workbench a few weeks ago, when I found this. Started it for myself a year or so ago, then got side tracked with customers builds & never got back to it. Maby it will get finished now
  22. Yea the blue is prety cool. Suppose the glue lines will dictate the lines of any burst, & if you can use translucent coloures of not. Might have to be solid. Either way, keep the piks comin. im interested to see how this turns out.
  23. Any decisions on the finish wes ? Id go for the green, will look realy well on this I rekon. Maby a candy green burst with a heap of pagan gold metal flake in it to glam it way the fook up.
  24. now thats a cool fookin explorer !!!! Good call on the green. put a highly polished poly finish over that & it will be fantastic
  25. HA HA HA COOL ! & into the bookmarks that goes. There is a lydian music school over here in dublin Glad you like the geets, Have a very cool pair of Jems in the works just now that I will be putting up soon, Kinda like your evil twin explorers. I have to revive the mahogany/lacewood Jem thread I decided to complete. I'd love to see yours. Havent bothered to take piks of the actual builds, Was just gona put up the finished guitars. But I might throw up a few of the top being done on one of them. Seeing as this thread is turning into a mashup of a few geets being done simultaniously.
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