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Everything posted by whitey

  1. it will need to be sanded down,to remove some of the blemishes,some of the bigger ones cant be fixxed with out using wood filler,but i'f you wanting the same finish then you will see the wood filler. why not sand it down,take the top off and add a veneer from craft supplies? and finish in red stain and polyurathane
  2. hey,just to save a thread,and plus i wasnt sure were to post this lol does anyone have jackson warior templates i could use? thank you
  3. man,he looks over the moon with that bass yeah thats unbeliviably beautifull man!
  4. thats killer except maybe the big burn marks lol still awsome none the less,they look like veneers/inlays
  5. the thing that caught my eye, is that mioghty fine p-bass, what is that top? its sorta like,pearl..but looks like spalted maple marquetry?
  6. ur english was fine..up untill ''i dont have an own'' haha,as you can see your still a better typer than me,i tend to miss out letters by habit that is a really unique guitar,i love the carved of edges
  7. yeah,i was thinking of that lol
  8. uh oh...the mods will have a field day with this they have a crappy rule of only1 pic per post thats a great shape!and the wood has turned out great in the finish
  9. wish there was a liquid to stick them back on with lol and if chipping does occur a lot,then i will possibly polyurathane it. it was a quick desicion buy,though i did think about all that i hope it doesnt though
  10. hey mamoth guitars quick wood is wood filler? what happens if a screw is threaded through,and it crumbles and sips out?or something like that? is it strong enough?
  11. hmmm that would look beautifull if it were wood,on a semi acustic bass,and it was sticking out,instead of stuck on...but that would leave a helluva lot of woodshavings lol but imagine it,especialy on a multi laminat neck through,and instead of the edges being perpendicular to the body,it would curve down to lie flush with the body...now that would look amazing
  12. yeah,i was thinking that,and i would have searched,as i alwas do...but i didnt know how to word it, and i would reshape it,but the shape i'm wanting is the jackson angled headstock,and the existing headstock doesnt cover the area of a jackson i guess i could stick with it,its more elagent.the body i'm planning to make will have a red stained flamed top,with binding etc,so it looks elagent,i may just stick with it thanks guys
  13. hey all i recently bought this neck on ebay (you have 5 days till it removes itself) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DRAGON-INLAYED-GUITA...1QQcmdZViewItem i have plans on making a pointy,extreme style body with it, my question is,if i sawed off the existing headstock,and replaced it with a block off wood,glued dried and shaped etc will it hold fine? if not,maybe drilling 2 small holes in both parts,and adding dowels( not sure if thats what there caled,but the little cylinders of wood,normally used in joining small bookshelfs etc) just wont to know now rather than the split second theres a headstock heading towards my left eye hehe thanks whitey
  14. *wipes tear from eye* you are really going to ruin it,your jumping ahead,if you know what a 34'' scale bass means(sorry,i only know bass scales,not guitars) then you are halway there it may look like crap,but if the neck and bridge are straight and messured correctly,it will work but dont try it,unless you want to lose £100
  15. mustang my favourite car ever i've seen loads when i was in america,but never seen one on the road in scotland,but theres one near my college at a car showroom,under 20 thousand...i hope its there in 5 years time lol any way that mustang guitar is looking good,especially with the scoop
  16. ah ok,thanks,summer is fast approaching,so i would like to have one for then i will ask my grandpa about them,he is a handy man. thanks mattia
  17. rhods was my vote,he made the sickest body shape...then had am amazing black finish,then he made even more amazing and produced a marble swirl...and then just blew me away with the red finish. i love this guitar my second vote would have gone to wardd those are some sweet matching bridge/pickups rings
  18. There is ALWAYS room for one more! its a problem we all have lol i have a similer problem...exept its body blanks and necks,i think i only have 3 full guitars lol but its so true
  19. wow,i was always put off by starting a body from scratch,i've just bought rough outlines on ebay well i guess i will look into a small bandsaw for the summer projects lol thanks oh,will they be able to handle the thick guitar bodies?
  20. so how much is a small band saw? and roughly how big? i thought that they were arongd £500 plus!
  21. wats the difference bewtween a drumer,and a drum machine? you only need to punch in the information on the machine once
  22. what is the reason you are looking for them? capaciters are fairly cheap,maybe buy a few and place in your guitar,record,then change,may take a while.but i've never heard anything online like that maybe some1 knows what happens when you rase the capaciter level etc?
  23. i've been making a neck now since september.i was pretty scared,but as long as your take your time it seems to work lol there has never been any proper tutorials on this,so i was stuck,so i started to file away a small section,and slowly made a comfortable curve radious.i then made a template from that and 5 months later the neck curve is finished and even http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y103/mads...rs/DSCF0031.jpg thats a rough job so far and heres the neck full,i spent i good month making the headstock,but since then i've bought parts to make a headless lol http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y103/mads...rs/DSCF0030.jpg so have you been copying/profiling this neck from another neck?as its my first neck i've been copying some of the heel contours from my p-bass
  24. on a neckthrough i would use bubinga,i love the sound it gives on my tobias,and i've played a warwick neckthrough with bubinga wings and the same model with swamp ash,the bubinga was a lot ''louder'' i cant describe.but definatly had more sustain and since u would only be using it for the wings it wont be as heavy
  25. sorry to bump in lol but the drying of woods makes sense for necks,but what about a veneer? i recently spotted a buckeye burl veneer,big enough to fit on the bass i'm making,and 3/8 thick.but its not been dried.would this be important? and i'm planning on using tung oil as the finish.will the water be able to evaporate or is it sealed in? thanks
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