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Nitefly SA

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Everything posted by Nitefly SA

  1. where can I get the small block of maple for the headstock alterations- eBay how much will it cost me?probably not more than a couple bucks for a piece that big and can i get some veneer for the headstock too. eBay again, why do you want a veneer though?
  2. well, if it comes down to it all you need is a hand saw and a couple clamps
  3. first you would need to saw the underside of your headstock flat, then get a thicknessed piece of maple,glue it,clamp it,cut it to shape, seal it, finish it. this is vague but you get the idea
  4. look up how to remove a set neck, this is pretty much the same thing.
  5. i oil my fretboard every string change, never had any sticking problems
  6. just use good old fashioned copper shielding, it works much better
  7. at first i thought you painted it blue and i was all "NOOOOOOOO!!" then i saw it was the tape, im better now
  8. its not cause they're black, if thats what they think...
  9. are you sure they are bubbles and not just painted over debris? did you thoroughly clean your painting surface before spraying?
  10. im sorry but i hate those big fret markers they look HUGE. its a cool design and well executed but man, those fretmarkers....
  11. higher ratios equal finer tuning, its not necessarily "better" just some people are complete tuning freaks.
  12. slap an eye patch on me. im downloading 2 of them right now arrrrrrrr me matey (couldn't resist)
  13. evolutions is what steve uses.
  14. some guy made a vanhalen paint job on an rg 7620 on ebay, it looked awesome.
  15. i'd say 86 the binding, but then again i hate binding.
  16. i fill with bondo, sand your body to about 300 and then wipe down with a slightly wet paper towel and i didnt know if you were going to, you didnt mention it, but you should put a sanding sealer on there
  17. i used a torch on my strat copy i think it came out all right http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...topic=21023&hl=
  18. it looks cool reminds me of a violin matt, what the hell is your avatar?
  19. i think he meant that the bass sounded like a guitar
  20. yeah, i say i like rock,metal,classical i dont go into post metal core or popfunk type genre decriptions whatever the hell those are...
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