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Everything posted by krazyderek

  1. even though u can make the neck caul, u can just fret ur neck before u contour the back of the neck, thus removing the need for it. Theoretically, u could make a guitar with a basic set of drill bits, some chisels, and alot (and i mean alot) of sandpaper, and just use a small carpenters square to check ur work. the dremel is handy, but so are a good pair of plyers And don't foget to get one of those rubber sand paper holders, they kinda fit in ur palm and are flat on the bottom, those things are great! if it walks like a router, talks like a router, and knows the secret router handshake..... well... u found urself a deal!!
  2. BTW here's a clip of the section if ur interested but to lazy to look for the cd or *cough mp3 cough* woopse!!!! ok i fixed the link!!!! http://www.accesswave.ca/~derekn/jason-bec...oncertoriff.mp3
  3. *scotish accent* pfffffffffffffffffffffff build ya owne laddy!! doen't goo ordering the wee ones that are already made, go out buyeee urself sume wood, some toouels and some mighty strong brew and ye'll be set!!!!! seriously though... i haven't seen to many jag kits around... but i'll keep my eye open
  4. I just saw them last night. It was freakin' awsome. Makes me want to make a guitar out of PVC pipe. sweeeeeeeeeeet!!! i'm going to listen to them right now!!! lol.. hmm... pvc guitar.... that sounds like a good contest for us to have..
  5. lol.... ya most of them are.... less the awsome looking, but i like the blue one !!! (buhhhh) blue blue blue blue blue blue weeeeeeee blue!!!!!!!!
  6. meh.... haven't figured it out yet. it's such a thin guitar i haven't found a blade switch that will fit in the control cavity and still let me put the cover on the back.
  7. ok.... i was just listening to jason becker - speed metal symphony concerto, and i liked the riff at 0:51 so i decided to try and figure it out... then 10 minutes later after only knowing the root notes and that he was starting it on the G string i just looked up the tab, http://www.geocities.com/soho/cafe/5200/jb...b_concerto.html BUT the first 2 bars of that tab just don't seem right, i'm either insterting a pause after the 11th note (after the 9 on the e) or there's just to many notes, i tried slowing it down and going along with my metronom and the last note just doesn't seem to want to fit in the beat.... it's kinda iffy.... does anyone know how to play this part of the song, is that tab correct? it's REALLY bugging me!!!!!
  8. germany eh? mind picking me up a floyd rose pro? but seriously.. can u actually get them cheaper over there?
  9. i prefer going to my local exotic hard wood store. It usualy takes me about 2 hours to find what ever i'm looking for but it's well worth it. They carry almost every wood but alder (weird eh? ), and they have a full industrial woodshop right next to the heated storage warehouse, so i get all my joining planning and sometimes the cutting done there. And the prices are great considering i'm in canada I try to stay away from online cause i get hit with the "customs importaion tax" and the exchange rate when ever i order something from the states...
  10. i had a similar concern yesterday, some of u may have spotted this hole in the guitar i posted a pic for in the poll section. well.. i was worried that little routing accident would affect the strength of the neck pocket, so i decided to fill it with some regular 5 minute 2 part epoxy, i sanded the inside of the hole with 60 grit, and used a chisel to hack it up a bit so there was lots to grip too, but was regular epoxy the best thing to use ?
  11. ouch.... cross pacific shipping..... i'm sure that'll be "cheap"
  12. woopse it's actually medium/highest wire... and 0.080 x 0.050 i got it cause it's the second highest wire they offer and u get 20 feet more then the modern "jumbo" wide/highest wire.. seemed like the most cost effective choice for the height i wanted...
  13. u'd probably be better off buying a bit of hardwood dowel and filling the wholes then drilling the new ones for what ever bridge u decide to buy
  14. any luck with any of those leads, i've been thinking about getting one for my lo pro as well...
  15. this thread made me thing of the blue man group... it'd be cool if they had like all solid blue guitars.. like.. plated parts.. frets.. strings... lol everything
  16. well they coulda said they weren't allowed instead of leaving me woudnering "well why the hell not ya bastards?" lol... rhoads56 - don't suppose u could give us an estimate on when u'll have the stuff available? or are u not allowed to talk about it to much yet?
  17. Ok, many of u may know about the japan made squires back in the 80's and how they were made exceptionaly well for what fender intended to be a low/medium end model. Well today in the local music store i spotted a new jackson with flamed sunburst top, not a bad looking guitar, and jacksons aren't very common around here so i decided to give it a try. To my AMAZMENT! i liked it, it played exceptionaly well and resonated like a freaking accoustic!! action was higher then most people would like it but i didn't mind it at all. Later one of the sales guys there i know comes over and says, ya, that's a pretty good guitar, it's one of the japan models. and it was 699$ (CAN) so that's about 499$ US It just kinda set off a light bulb in my head. SOOOOO MY QUESTION Do you guys think japan produces fairly good guitars for they're prices? so far i think so, like that jackson was REALLY nice and i don't even like jacksons...
  18. i also baught a bulk tube oft the #155 jumbo tall wire..... .80 x .50... i have yet to get a guitar completed though but i think i'll like it too
  19. ya brian has a tutorial on that neck support caul
  20. what kind of bridge? tune o matic? hardtail? trem? floyd?
  21. sweeeeeet i thought things kinda started looking different, at first i just kinda thought i was going crazy as usual.. but some nice changes here brian everything looks prettier! and i can't wait for the location thingy to get up
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