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Everything posted by canuckguitarist

  1. Happy Birthday for tomorrow Canucky! thanks! and I think there are 3 women on the forum. Jenk, Sacred and somebody else (i apologize, I've forgot your name!)
  2. If anybody's interested, I can get you one for half that price! edit: didn't realise somebody had already made my dumb joke
  3. It was good...really really good. John Petrucci definately didn't disapoint. Although thanks to that I now NEED an EBMM John Petrucci! They brought out a lot of cool gear too. The basses was playing a chapman stick for a couple songs and John Petrucci broke out his EBMM 6/12 Signature double neck!
  4. knotty pine is plentiful. Clear Pine is more expensive than clear poplar and I've heard they sound similar.
  5. i think its over priced. add up all of the prices in the links...1299 doesn't seem like much (if any at all) of a deal.
  6. thats what I was thinkin'. The front looks awesome, really marbley! The back has a little too much white I think.
  7. solid state or tube? I'm not a fan of the hot rod series but I do like the rest of the tube amps and some of their solid state stuff.
  8. This might be a good choice. I have never played a breedlove I haven't liked (including the atlas series)
  9. I'd seriously consider an A&L, they are definately one of the best acoustics I've played. The quality is excellent (and consistant from my experience) and the price is amazing. Around me, the top of the line Art and Lutherie, with Godin electronics can be had for ~$200 canadian.
  10. The lessons in Guitar Player are really helpful.
  11. me too. I loooooove the way the solo fits in perfectly with the song.
  12. YEA RIGHT!?!?!?! Oh man, it was soooo snowy and rainy and slushy!!!!! Anyway... 48th st. was a dissapointment.... did y'know there's only 3 guitar stores there now!?!?!? I think 48th st. Custom Guitars is gone. Oh yea, and I'm back.
  13. I'm goin' to New York City for march break over the next couple of days...so I'll see everybody in a little less than a week to tell you how great 48th street was.
  14. looks to me like the truss rod adjusting......thing. Cool place for it.
  15. oh, ok sorry, I meant that I've found all of these things that help you improve on your sweep picking but nothing that actually tells you what to do,..if that makes sense...
  16. that's how i started out with 5 strings ones..... they're the easiest.... i think i made an instruction video for someone one time explaining how to play one of my songs... if you wana see? yea sure. send it to me or post it or whatever...my email is snowboarding_stinks@msn.com thanks for the help everybody!
  17. Hey guys, I've been looking around on the internet for some beginner sweep picking lessons but all I've found is sweeping excercises...anybody fancy telling me exactly what to do? I'm so lost right now...
  18. Oh well, PRS got a taste of their own medicine. Remember they had the names changed of those HT-10 kits from PS-10?
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