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Everything posted by Jehle

  1. Hey, I think I figured it out. Gimmie a sec to draw it in something. Pardon my Word art skilz. This is pretty poor, but you should see the trick is that you split the 2nd coil, quite literally. Do I win a prize or something?!
  2. I tried this years ago with a cheap wireless microphone. (Mr. Microphone... "Hey good lookin' I'll be back to pick you up later!") It was a little more complicated than just snipping off the mic and cramming it into the guitar. The issue there was that the microphone was a condensor and required power to work. In other words, the mic part wasn't just passive like a guitar is. Trying to force feed a guitar signal to where an active condensor mic is expected won't work. Fast forward to present day, yes things have gotten a lot smaller. I recently saw an advertisement for a wireless guitar "thingy" that plugged into the output jack of the guitar. No belt pack, no cords, just plug in this lipsitck tube sized transmitter and you're active. Something like that could easily be torn up and fit inside your guitar.
  3. I'm all for using different materials for a guitar. Rain Song has done a great job at making guitars from carbon. They sound consistent is the main praise I hear about them. They really don't care about humidity like a wooden instrument does. At the same time, round back guitars like Ovation were too radical for my tastes. I never have been able to play with one while sitting down. They keep sliding out and trying to lay flat like a lap steel. Perhaps the main difference is that it doesn't matter what you make the instrument from, as long as a real person has had to shape the parts and put them all together. Perhaps that's unfair to say about Ovations. The neck has to be shaped and assembled, but the back is injection molded. Now, I wonder what an MDF guitar would sound like.
  4. Sounds like a buzzing problem rather than feedback. Feedback is a high pitched squeel caused from an interaction (accoustic coupling) between the amp and the guitar (strings or pickups). Buzzing is electrical noise. I would suspect a faulty ground somewhere. The power supply in your house could be noisy and that's a huge problem. If you have flourescent lights or a computer on near your guitar or amp, turn them off. Neon lights also cause buzzing. A hair dryer running on the other side of the house will also make the power lines noisey. Your house could also just have crappy wiring. Try plugging in at a different place in the house. Does your amp buzz reguardless of how you have it "dialed in"?
  5. Not quite sure I get all the questions you are asking about. Typically you would use a 250k with single coils and 500k with humbuckers. But there's no hard and fast rule. Given the origins on Eddie's guitar (sketchy at best), I'd guess that he had a 250k pot from the strat and then he put the humbucker in there. It would have rolled off just a tiny bit of the high frequencies. Lovekraft can explain it better than me, but it has a different 3db point. The rest of your post, I don't get.
  6. So, that would be a no for the photo op then? You got banned for posting a spalted guitar?
  7. I've been a member of netflix for a year or two now and I've started searching for "Guitar" recently on their site. They seem to be building up a good library now of guitar related DVD's. There's quite a few video lessons, and at least one on guitar setup (which I watched tonight). So, if you've been tempted to get any guitar DVD's, and if you already have Netflix, pop a bunch of them in your queue.
  8. Good question. If we check the members and sort by joined date... we see that "Project Guitar" joined on 9-September 02. If that's when the board was crawling out of the ooze, the Project Guitar 3rd birthday has flown by unnoticed until now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PROJECT GUITAR!
  9. OK, the veneer thing won't give you any tonal caracteristics(sp) since the volume is not enough to make an impact on the guitars vibration (resonance). And I'm going to take that one step further. Mind you, I don't have any scientific information here to back me up. I would think that a veneer would do no more for tone than a thick coat of paint. Veneer is extreemely thin and, as Maiden said, you have just as much glue under that For a drop top, there is much more material to contribute to the guitar body. I would expect the tonal difference to be in between the two different woods used for the body. For instance, a Mahogany guitar with a Maple cap is going to sound somewhere in between the two. It'll have the mellowness of Mahogany with a little brightness from the Maple. I would even think that the thickness of the bottom and top could be used to fine tune the characteristics of what each tone wood offers.
  10. Blowing up amps and tubes reminds me of SpinalTap. Perry, I'm afraid to ask if $750 was the repair bill for the blown amp, what did it cost new? Was it even worth that to get it repaired?
  11. That's a link to some japanese blog. I think you meant http://www.kingskiss.com
  12. It's a little out of focus, but yep, that's a license to kill if I ever saw one.
  13. Still no guesses on the Country tune? Tut... tut... I did want to mention that I put the screws into the pickguard finally. It completes the look of the guitar. Notice the one screw that's in the center of it, just above the single coil. That's a leftover hole from the Tele Deluxe that I carved the pick guard from, but it's actually been a great extra feature to have. All my Strats have this annoying feature of ever so slightly being raised off the body right in the center. When my picking hand touches right below the middle single coil, I can feel it give just a little. It's not much, but it can play tricks on your muscle memory. Just adding that one little screw has fixed that problem for good. I'm really really tempted to add that extra screw on my strats at the risk of making them look non-stock.
  14. As a Coke fan (in the south we call it Coke no matter what if it's carbonated), I have to say that diet pepsi tastes better than diet coke. Diet Coke tastes chemical. And in an attempt to rerail the thread, Congrats LGM. I'm looking forward to seeing the commercial and your work on TV! Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas... ← He's right. You ask "what kind of cokes do ya have?" in any restaurant. I always ask for RC. Congratulations LGM. I'm off to check out that link. <edit> Dude, you are THE MAN!
  15. An excellent suggestion. D, look, I know you are angry. Rightfully so. But now is the time for action, not emotion. Put the anger aside, and use that energy to take action. Fill out the paperwork for Vero. Use that to cancel his auctions becuase he has no exclusive rights to "Telecaster" or templates thereof. Contact guitarbuildingtemplates through email and stick to the facts. Ask them about their experience. And USE SPELL CHECK! I know it feels good to lash out when you're angry. Just keep it here in the family. This is business at this point. Slinging mud isn't the way to promote or save your business. Bitch all you want here and only here. Call me an a**hole, not Kirn. I'm trying to help you here because I had to go through this with "betterbytes"
  16. Yeah, there's got to be a way to get a human involved here. That sucks. Is there anything to stop you from setting up a new selling account?
  17. I keep coming back to the Broadcaster template idea. Even Fender couldn't use that name because it was owned by someone else. Even Mr. Kirn can't own that. There's also a clear possibility that Kirn is just out to get you and has you on his permanant target list. Try selling under another user name.
  18. I just checked and it was cancelled sometime between now and then. :/ Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas... ← No way! I've done a few searches for guitar templates on there and I've found several others. From the looks of it, these are complete guitar templates for the following instruments... Thunderbird Mosrite (click for example listing) Contemporary Bass Jazz Bass P Bass Firebird RR V "Cloud" (Prince guitar) 58 Explorer LP Jazzmaster 58 Flying V Now... with all of those different guitar templates, surely there can be a "Contemporary Electric Guitar" template made? Or you could make a "Broadcaster" template.
  19. Put a pillow in front of the speaker? :?
  20. The auction is still up and running. No bidders, but at least it's not cancelled. Any other updates?
  21. Welcome aboard! Always good to see someone who's got some experience under their belt join in and share. Looking forward to those pics.
  22. *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* Happy happy birthday... hap pee birthday to you... happy happy birthday... from Applebees to YOU! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I like the shape because it reminds me of the Iceman and the Firebird. Fire and Ice. How cool is that?!
  24. Prize? No, LOL. That's just one of those stock riffs that fits under the fingers nicely. It sure beats the standard A power chord to check how a guitar sounds. So, anyone care to guess what riff Clean Country is?
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