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Everything posted by bob123

  1. I decided to keep the avante garde down and am going with a normal, ibanez headstock Ill post pictures tomorrow.
  2. Ah, I see now. You're not simply cutting body shapes out here haha. Use and application ignorance, my bad
  3. I guess I don't understand yet. My Craftsman bandsaw is old and massive and seems to work well on everything I put through it. Just for curiousities sake, what does a 3000$ band saw have that a 500$ one doesnt?
  4. haha, I got all my stuff used, so I guess Im basing my opinions on the used market
  5. Hey dude, no worries haha. Im in south west michigan.
  6. Why NOT go craftsman? O.o top notch stuff, fraction of the cost youre looking at spending.
  7. currently working on another build, and dabbling at headstock ideas. Im doing a hardtail JS style with 3 single coil pups. Body blanks are being glued up right now specs : - Crotch walnut top, flame maple back, but will be rounded into each other, so the flame maple will poke out the sides, it looks good in my head anyway... - walnut/tigerwood/walnut neck, with tigerwood fretboard -Hardtail -S/S/S pup config -individual mini toggles, master volume, master tone heres my crappy mockup, I had to us MSPAINT to use it, dont have any fancy photo editing software... guess my question, does the PRS headstock look out of place? I think it suits the build, but other eyes on it is always welcome in my book. Be brutal here, I wont get offended rsonally!
  8. Was thinking lately, not much free time to do actual work... was wondering about a neck that rotates around for ergonomic effect. I was thinking individual saddles that are staggered and rotated. Any ideas for a nut? Anyone do this before?
  9. I must say dude, when you update, you dont mess around!! Love the binding jig too, awesome to see the build of that as well.
  10. I own a couple guitars with a hipshot tremolo, works great... I have a suggestion for you though, if its for your own custom build, take a look at these : http://www.guitarfetish.com/USA-Strat-2-point-Hardened-Steel-GOLD-Tremolo-System_p_777.html# GREAT value for money and they are seriously well built.
  11. That is a NICE hunk of wood!!! How much did that freakin cost? O.o
  12. thats a **** ton of fret wire haha. cool idea with the trem post grounding idea, never seen that before.
  13. haha, now heres a new one to me...
  14. You could align the strings to coincide with the bolt holes
  15. For a cosmetic standpoint alone, Id say do stringers. It seems to give it more a sleek, racing stripe vibe.
  16. My hats off to you sir, this build is just incredible... GOTM for sure haha
  17. Not that often,but it pays to have a softer tone for cleans if you need it indeed. Im all about tone versatility where you can have it. p.s. that coffee looks amazing! Is that keurig or something?
  18. Its your guitar dude, Im simply offering 2 cents on things I may do A switch would be great, and if I were building a build on my own, its what I would do, but as a tribute, Id like to keep it as close as possible really. Another thing I would think about, is how often are you really gonna use that coil tap on a 1 pup guitar? lol
  19. That looks great! haha. I LOVE the blue burst, not typical, and came out better then I would expect!
  20. I think it would look a bit out of place. Push-pull pot imo! If you go that route, Id use a mini toggle to keep the profile low. Just my 2 cents theres also this... http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/accessories/triple-shot-mou/triple_shot_swi/ That said, Im going to be experimenting with wood impregnation soon. Super thinned out epoxy (thinking 1-4 ratio, will take forever to cure, but it would definitely get in deeper) with vacuum bagging. Might make some otherwise unusable woods, usable (REDWOOD!!!!!!!!).
  21. Perhaps once you do a finish on the guitar it will make it much less noticeable? For the trem cavity, you could also do a switch plate cover with a contrasting wood, that always looks nice. worse comes to worse... http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk166/Slav123/1992%20S540%20LTD%20Sabre%20Custom/DSC01063.jpg you can do it like that!
  22. Hey dude, that looks pretty badass! I love the classic super strat, 80's power rock guitars. You staining the mahog or goin au'natural?
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