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Everything posted by jbkim

  1. One site stole pics from the other I guess. What's with the girls sticking their tongues out like that? Looks very skanky .
  2. I keep sigs and avatars off too but I liked the location thingy... it's only one extra line of text!
  3. I like them. I think they're cool in a "Spinal Tap" sort of way . You can check out a previous discussion thread here: http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=4562
  4. Post some sound clips of you playing it!
  5. Hey, I wouldn't mind hearing a sound clip of you playing it . Edit: Hmm... maybe not approriate for this tech area. I posted same in the "Dream guitar" thread in the Players area.
  6. I think they sound good. Your self described "sloppiness" adds lot's-o'-character to your playing. I personally love finger noises, it reaffirms that a human is playing . That first one, the .wav, is HUGE, it's nearly 22 MBs. You might want to crunch it to mp3 . You can normalize volume levels of wav pretty easily but if you want to alter the volume levels of mp3's use MP3Gain. Other normalizers would decompress the mp3 to wav but that one doesn't... very nice. I'm playing around with your ohwell.wav. I'm learning this piece of free software called Audacity. I'm seeing if I can remove that hissing noise... it's doing a decent job so far .
  7. If feedback is the problem, I'm not sure shielding will solve it. You'd probably need to re-pot it. http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/dip.htm
  8. It works fine for me in Opera, both in Windows and Linux.
  9. Yeah, a quick search brought up the Agile Valkyrie (SG shaped) .
  10. Yeah, there was someone who recently posted a veneer on top of their pickguard. It looked pretty good. Edit: Ok, found the link http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=6238
  11. Which year/model of Carvin is it? I don't recall Carvin basses having pickguards since the 70's (not from the factory anyway.) http://www.carvinbassmuseum.com/ Any pictures you can post?
  12. Hmm... I've never heard of that website before so I don't know their reputation. I wonder if they're Saga necks? I think the economy necks that Brian sells: http://www.universaljems.com/cart/necks/economy.htm are Saga. Even with shipping, Brian's prices are better than that site's . You can ask Brian about the quality and get an honest answer.
  13. There's too much good info in this thread. Pin it please!
  14. I've done it with a propane torch before. I'd guess that'd be cheaper if you already have one... but be VERY careful with it. A heat gun is only $30? That doesn't sound like too much, for a safer method, I guess.
  15. Try sending e-mail to Dunlop: customerservice@jimdunlop.com Don't know if they'd sell directly to you. I'm assuming you're not a dealer.
  16. Ah, the Saga guitars. They are basswood bodied... and I believe Ibanez RG's are basswood too. You can decide if it's crappy wood .
  17. Yeah, but I didn't want to say . ... and ya, it could be a cool guitar.
  18. Here's his profile http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showuser=10 You can figure it out from there .
  19. Could you see them if they're under the nut? I don't think they're chromed. I guess you could paint them black if you really want to.
  20. Any plans for floyd rose routing?
  21. Yes. Many Kramers were made from poplar .
  22. I think what you want are floyd nut shims (one huge paragraph... hard to read ) Look here: http://www.universaljems.com/cart/nutslock.htm Search down for "Shim Set for Floyd Rose Locking Nuts"
  23. I'd say wood glue like titebond. Epoxy, CA, etc. would be a nightmare later on... or so I've experienced . http://www.graphtech.bc.ca/faq.asp?page=in...install#faqID36
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