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Everything posted by mistermikev

  1. realizing this thread was started long ago... but yer honor I object - I def would like to see some of your headless builds! crazy how much time/effort/love was put into restoring that plane. respect.
  2. suddenly feeling better about $85 fill up this morn lol. afa time... well if it makes you feel any better... I'm limited to 10 minutes at a time... cause that's all I can stand it in my garage when it's 115 degrees out! crabbing... I'm sorry to hear that. can't be easy. there have been a lot of off-roads on my way to 27 years w my wife... but you just stay on the highway no matter what!
  3. I have a relative that is also a truck driver. can't imagine gas prices are fun for you folks right now! Can't imagine how you have time to build guitars. i know you aren't asking but... you might consider the ruby amp over at runoff groove. it's easy to build, very small... you can get a couple of 2" speakers for less than $10 over at taydaelec... less pieces to put in the truck anyway and would be interesting to see it all fit in there. anywho, rawk on.
  4. right on. I appreciate you answering. is an interesting idea.
  5. have some carbon fiber in my near future for a bass build I'll be getting back to shortly... not really looking fwd to trimming it because as I understand it's nasty stuff. what made you decide to have the carbon go into the fretboard? not being critical, honestly wondering because I imagine that complicates things quite a bit. I suppose it was because allows you to use a deeper piece of carbon fiber while maintaining a thinner profile? anywho, cool beans.
  6. bender - don't see a lot of those i imagine due to the expense of the hardware. piqued my interest... i sure hope you'll do a recording of it at the end. been wanting to try one for the longest. dog looks great.
  7. flattery... hehe, I say that all the time. honestly my jig is a bit more complicated (rabbets) only because I have cnc so... not much extra effort. You could accomplish about the sm just cutting some 45s on a chop saw and using the face of the wood. Getting the perfect 90deg on the fence, and the perfect 10/14 deg is really the only crucial parts.
  8. pretty anti climactic... but this is my jig. still need to cut some handles... will do that out of scrap hardwood later in the week... but this is the jist... just some rabbets and a fence and some holes that would allow a 10 deg or 14 degree placement of the zero play rail.
  9. for the record I'm working on this jig today... but it's 113deg in my city and that probably means 120 in my garage. can't run my garage ac and my cnc at sm time so... 10 min at a time is about all I'm good for. probably have heat stroke already! anywho... enough of my complaining... onward to results!
  10. Was looking on facebook for a used toolbox... and man I wish this guy was closer to me cause I'd just really like to meet him: "Tool box. Holds your tools. organizes your tools. Drawers slide out so you can see how organized you put your tools away and you can easily find where they are. 100% buy for any dude that does man stuff. If you see this and think its not for you, you're probably not a man, dude. " just wanted to share cause it cracked me up!
  11. yes... it's a finish cut blade. they say you can do just about anything with it (hence the "general") but I will cut my scarf on the bandsaw first and just trim it on the table saw. I put that blade on just to take 1/64+- off of something. I actually also have a glue join rip blade from freud/diablo and it will def do a glue up worthy joint as well... and is 25 tooth and rips through stuff like butter... but I have a sawstop and I'm told those chip breaker teeth that follow the cut teeth can cause the saw stop mechanism to "no worky". since I'm absolutely paranoid about tablesaws... I bought the super general. again... I think just about any really quality saw blade would do a glue ready join using that zero play rail. if you adjust it just right... zero play!
  12. well... for the record... the thing about the makita that makes it great is the more vertical placement of those rails... at least I think that's why that one is more stable. honestly this would only be an issue if you are trying to get the precision needed for fret slots... and even then a radial arm saw would really be a better tool and folks are just giving those away on craigslist/etc. if you aren't using it for that... I don't think I'd spend the extra money just for the nice feature of not needing spacing from the wall (that IS a nice feature!). i haven't seen the hercules myself but all of the ones with that design (side by side rails) had a lot of side to side play. again... pretty much anything will do fine for the majority of what I'd use it for (quickly cutting a square edge or 45 or 22.5.
  13. well yes... I did my body joins that way. this relies heavily on the zero play rail and I use an infinity super general blade in the tablesaw. below is a photo - not glued up yet... just sitting next to each other. right off the table saw... no sanding.
  14. btw... before when I said metabu I meant makita. look at this design: it backs right up to the wall so no need to keep it out 10" from the wall... and it's extremely stable... that said $900.
  15. so... he uses some 1/4" masonite or mdf for the base... now on the one hand that's pretty flimsy stuff. on the other... A) it gives the wood a place to site and B ) doesn't raise it up any... and since typical 10" saw blade is going to be running out of room real quick on 3" stock... that's a good thing. in my design... the wood is just going to sit "next to" the fence. so it should be sitting flush with the top of the saw table. My jig is going to have a 3/4" base of quality baltic birch plywood. mine is fairly elaborate... but at heart it's just a simple flat piece, then a fence, then some supports keeping the fence at 90deg.
  16. yes the guy from projectelectric guitar facebook group. btw there are some jigs for doing this all via a drum sander as well in case that suits you better. for me... I am hoping to completely avoid the sanding part.
  17. it is kobalt... honestly of all the sliding miters I think the metabu is the one I would buy if I was gonna spend more. A while back I was thinking I might make a fret slotting setup and went to look at dewalt/metabu but even the $600 saws have a lot of movement left/right. This was b4 i got into cnc. I bought the kobalt on craigslist shortly thereafter cause I just needed something for those quick cuts. it is satisfactory. about as accurate as any miter saw.
  18. lol... i didn't even mention it's 114 in az today!! I'm basically a hero. gonna try to do some actual work tomorrow!!
  19. now... to the untrained eye it might not look all that clean... but I can assure you I hadn't cleaned it fully in... 2 guitars time? the proof: so post your clean workspace... if you dare!
  20. excited for you in this moment... I know for me... I'm literally tingling when I get to this stage!! looking fwd to pics
  21. just thought it'd be cool to have a thread where we try to show our evolution(s) from first build to most recent? I know many have done so many they can't show them all... but perhaps just some? 1 pic for each build, one reply for each member... only evolutions? Perhaps no comments... if we need we can do a comment thread but I'd kind of like to just keep this thread as pics... and be able to see some of your evolutions? Please play along! the last partscaster I built (2018?): my first scratch build (2018) my very first 6 string scratch build (2018) my first/second strat build "sweet spot blonde" (2019) my first/second strat build "sweet spot blue" 2019 my first tele build (2019) I built three teles sort of concurrently... but I think I finished this one second? (2019) my first baritone build (2019): first build for a friend! (2021) my most recent:
  22. i hear ya there... I had so many ideas of what I would accomplish by this point today... and feels like I'm running in slow motion... but gotta remember to sniff the roses! Just be thankful how good it's turning out!
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