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Everything posted by StratDudeDan

  1. Leash & Scoop's "Version of Myself" has released. only for listening. not my band, i just produced and mixed 'em. Leash & Scoop
  2. didn't know there was one, plus, it's only for sale "locally." i don't think we're losing any money by posting it here... but yeah, if someone wants to move it or something, that's cool. i honestly don't care where it is, i just wanted to show it off.
  3. Leash & Scoop's first album released a couple days ago, titled "Version of Myself." all 7 of the songs can be found at my fullservice site and are open for discussion as to whether they're good or not. i mixed all of it, i'm aware #2 sounds like crap, something happened during the file transfers to the individual tracks and i don't know how to fix it yet. i played the "acoustic" part right after the solo on track #7, and i also wrote, just didn't perform, that solo for the guitar player. my little brother is the bassist/lead singer, and for the recording, he was playing my bass (Dean Razor Neck-thru Custom Series) through a Fender BXR preamp. the guitarists were both on an Ibanez 100H half stack w/ their multi-effects pedals doing some side work (and me during the mixing stages). lead guitar plays an Ibanez JetKing 1, rhythm on an Epiphone LP-100 left-handed. everything was recored via a cheap mackie board (needed the channels to mix drums, otherwise i woulda just gone straight to the comp) that was hacked into an eMac running GarageBand. was actually pretty painless, easy to do, and for the quality (or lack-there-of) of the equipment we used to record, it turned out really well. thoughts and comments are very welcome.
  4. 1 vote for FAQ. included should be some basic "forum operating instructions" including the search button. very good idea. props.
  5. Dean. i payed $729 (after case and tax) for an instrument i would be willing to pay several thousand dollars for. you'll hear the bass played on some songs i'm going to be posting soon of my little brother's band, which i just finished mixing. yay!
  6. question. so far, i have been totally for everything you've talked about as to what is changing and how and why and whatnot, but i'm having trouble remembering what is going to happen. so if you could possibly drop in a list as to what is going on, that'd be neat. from what i can tell: rant section = gone. off-topics = stays. post-count = gone. stricter enforcement of rules less tolerance of stupid people (i mean that in the nicest way, btw. just putting it plainly). no more pics in sigs. as for those last two, if you could clarify a little bit as to what the tolerance levels will end up being (i know it's still under discussion, but possibly a ball-park figure). i'm assuming language, stupid/pointless posts, and asking a question after it's already been asked, but there might be more? thanks for the help kevan, and i really mean it. i've been kinda put off by this site lately 'cause it's been hard to find any good information without digging too much, and in all honesty, the quality of my projects has diminished slightly because of it. so i see similar movements between me and this site. therefore cleaner = better for me.
  7. P-Nut from 311 was the reason i started to play bass all those years ago. he is truly an inspiration to my style of playing, and it seems as though our playing styles adapt together and are always in line. whenever i learn a new groove or start to feel lines differently, they come out with a new album and his style matches that. if i hear something new by them, i find that that's just what i'm looking for to take my bass playing that one step further. off of that list, i'd have to go for jaco. he's just incredible and really defined new ways to use his instrument. also, Will Lee from the Tonight Show Band is a really awesome ****/jazz player who i can't bother to leave out. hopefully, my name will be on the lists of those players as well... oh yeah! Keannu Reaves! k, just kidding. sorry to scare you guys...
  8. i can't get over old, busted-looking POS's that can be cleaned up to play amazing. all three of my acoustics are that way (an old '62 Silvertone, freaking old Yamaha, and a classical POS my friend found at a garage sale for $5), and i'm always looking for cheap stuff at the local pawns and the "alternate" music store. here's my idea: if it looks horrible but plays awesome, it's a keeper. if it looks incredible but plays like crap, sell it and buy something that looks bad. if it both looks and plays great, you paid too much for it. if it looks like crap and plays even worse, fix it and then it's more special to you than any other guitar.
  9. you know what? this is fine. i totally agree with everything. i respect this site and the owners even more now. i'm also slightly sucking up 'cause i like my avatar and really want to keep it...
  10. hey smitty, rip on bassists again, i'll rip you a new one... some of us are bass players. more of us are guitar players. it's always the fewer that have reached true enlightenment.
  11. k, i'm giving up on my camera, it's just totally freaking out so i'll just write to keep everyone posted, then borrow a friend's camera eventually. so far, i have everything cut and almost exactly where i need it to be. unfortunately, i just put a new motor in my van, so i don't even have enough money for switches, a pot, and a couple of caps for the electronics, much less $200 for a Carvin neck, so i can't make much more progress until i can. btw, in case any of you are good samaritans, i need 2 on/on, 2 on/off/on, 1 500k audio taper, 1 .01uF, .22uF, .47uF cap (1 of each). i've got a jack, wire, and solder. if i can pay shipping, i will. anywho, once i get the electronics mounted, i can start getting the top glued to the core. sometime this week, i'm heading over to my uncle's shop to thickness everything. then i gotta start making money so i can get the pups and neck. my plans (after several long conversations with my fellow players and people who know my style and sound) is to get a Carvin C22 for the bridge, then a Carvin AP11-2 for the neck. i'm going w/ a n/hum/s coil tap for the C22, followed by a 3-way pup selector, giving me basically a strat setup, but with a couple more options. pre-set tone circuits run by means of a pair of on/on switches (if you're interested i can give you my schematics. they're simple, and nice for people that don't want to mess w/ tone pots when switching from ryhthm to solo a lot). i'm also going w/ the blue with a white stripe. my friend is mixing my paint for me, so there will be no other guitar or in all reality, anything with these colors. should be kinda neat. the blue won't be as metallic as i thought it was going to be, rather almost pearl. really pretty. the white is kind of a "vintaged" white look, so it's like it's aged, just not a whole lot. complements the blue very well. i'll try and get some pics up soon.
  12. looks, SG. playing, Strat, hands down.
  13. k, the SG i'm building is going to be a solid, metallic color w/ a dual racing stripe running across it from (if it were sitting sideways on the screen w/ the neck to the right) the bottom left (by the electronics) to the middle of the top. the color options look cheesy, 'cause i made 'em on a computer, but any of the colors are going to be metallic, the white will actually be a kind of olympic or arctic white, and the black will have some sort of silver pearl, 'cause i'm really not a fan of just plain black.
  14. mantis. also, stallion came to mind when i saw the inlay. kinda looks like a horse leaning in gallop. dean has taken the name of "edge," btw, in their bass line. 9 different Edge models. http://www.deanguitars.com/basses.htm Warwick has the name of Alien for their acoustic bass. http://www.warwickbass.com/basses/alien.html peavey has raptor claimed. http://www.peavey.com/products/shop_online...tcode/3/rat.cfm predator as well... http://www.peavey.com/products/shop_online...ode/4/redat.cfm ESP has viper. http://www.birdlandmusic.net/catalog/ESP_V...ack-p-1364.html sniper, blade, and mantis are untouched, virgin names.
  15. k, i got everything but the mahogony cut, i'm waiting on that just 'cause, well, i'm tired. i got all my pictures taken, but i can't find my USB cable, so i'll try and find that by tonight and get it pics up, if not, tomorrow, thursday for sure. the maple back was a pain in the arse to cut. i kept throwing and breaking blades on my jig, then sanding it to shape was a whole other story. however, i triumphed, got it cut, rough-shaped (needs some detail shaping and fine sanding still), and the two pieces of the back are glued now, waiting to dry in my vice. the top is also cut, awaiting detail shaping and fine sanding, and the mahogany should be cut by thursday, in the same state as the other pieces.
  16. yeah, she's tough. on her 89th b-day, she played baketball w/ my brother and i. talk about a hardass...
  17. my bad on the lack of pics, guys. my great-grandma had a stroke, then came in town w/ my g-ma two days later, so i was taking care of her this whole time. i have some time on thursday, and a wee bit on wed. if i remember, i'll get those pics up and maybe even get some more work done.
  18. well, i began my first build two days ago. it is a 1-7/8" hollow-bodied SG. i am using an aspen top, a hollow brazillian mahogany (my grandpa has almost 50 board feet of it he's just feeding me) core, and a maple back. the top is 1/4" thick, the mahogany is 7/8", and the maple is 3/4". i am putting a neck through on this beast, keeping the back two pieces but routing out room for it, then having it run flush with the top. i plan on using a carvin neck, cutting my own 5 & 1 tuning peg headstock, design in progress now. the top pieces are rough cut, awaiting sanding, and the right (if you're looking at the top) side piece of maple is in a close but not quite as far along state (about 1/8" to sand off in order to get to shape on a couple places). i have the day off work tomorrow, so i'm going to take some pics and get some work done. i stained some scraps of both the maple and aspen, and i'm going to post pics of the colors i'm choosing from and let everyone here help me out in the decision process. after all, i'm building based on my wood-working experience and having my questions answered through here, so i'm going to "give something back" by letting everyone here decide some feature about it. again, pics will be up tomorrow.
  19. that oval in the grain gives it away...
  20. bass, yes. i've been studying hardcore since i picked one up, practice at least 3-4 hours a day, and this is coming from a guy who learned 3 new instruments (baritone, tuba, french horn) in a week, so i know i can pick things up quick. on guitar, i'm a better player than most of my friends, but i have problems when i'm reading music (only on guitar, though...it's weird. same w/ piano) so i can't further my skill a whole lot. i'm not interested in shredding or anything like that, i'm a jazzer, so it's really hard to get anywhere if you have problems reading. all my other instruments, yes. i'm the same way about them. trombone, baritone, tuba, and trumpet i've been playing for between 5 years (trumpet) to 12 years (trombone) and i'm only 19. they're just a part of my life, and i've never dedicated this amount of time to anything else so far in my life. other than breathing and not dying, that is...
  21. bananar. though i really think that my choice in the two title girls from a rather...adult website is a slightly classy choice for my own. besides, they weren't standing next to each other on the page, i had to bring them together in order for it to work without advertising...adult entertainment via the internet.
  22. the implication in the rhyme is, no, they cannot chuck wood. however, according to their common name, "Woodchuck," there was never any reason to believe they chucked wood. after all, they're not called "Woodchuckers." they're just woodchucks. chucks of wood perhaps? no...they're not "Woodenchucks," either. therefore, the original implication that woodchucks can't chuck wood is pointless, because there was no reason to believe they could in the first place. wow...i thought way too hard about that one...
  23. okay, the green board, wafer like stuff that you usually see as a "motherboard" or something like that. basically, the piece of whatever that everything is connected to. what is it called? where do i get it? can i just make it instead?
  24. i know if i am playing through an old or bad cable, but that's the only time it ever makes any difference to me. if the wiring is corroded, the rubber is broken, the ends rusted or something like that, yes. i notice. other than that, i play bass through a Peavey 20' purple cable, straight to right angled, and i play guitar through a Peavey 20' blue cable, straight to straight (strats don't like right angled tips). <RANT> i could probably get a 6' Monster cable (and pay more...), have it sound exactly the same to me. gold wiring and everything or whatever they use to hype their "monster" cables that exceed all normal laws of physics and carry electricity "better" than another cable made out of the same stuff, just next door in the other factory. </RANT>
  25. even with single coils you can do this, actually. it's not the fact that you're "conducting through the magnet" or anything, it's altering the magnetic field around the coil that makes sound. that's how the whole vibrating string thing works, as we all know. so by introducing metal or even a pick onto the pickup cover, you're moving the coils themselves (through aggressive beatings) or at least making a change in the field around them. granted, it's not always loud. depends on the pickups, but there should be some sort of noise or you have created some really neat kind of pickup that i want.
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