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Everything posted by DanielM

  1. here you go, this is a pic of it all mocked up a while ago, there's strings on it now and it plays fantastically good. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a118/D-melton/P9251980.jpg here's how it arrived http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a118/D-melton/P6020594.jpg
  2. in my experience cherry is by no means a simple colour to get, though much like BRG there is no definative cherry red stain. I used a dark red alcohol based stain on my SG. which went from a nasty greyish mahogany colour (it was 30 years old a beaten to death, looks killer now after I gave it some work) to a fabulous colour. I'll post the pics later as photobucket is playing up... really like the look of this SG, like to see it when the finish is on!
  3. that's a pretty radical body carve you got going there! neat. the headstock reminds me of a B.C. Rich Headstock.
  4. I must say that these are indeed quite a fetching combination of woods and design! :thumbsup:
  5. that is fabulous looking, really hope yours will end up as sweet man!
  6. damn that is good looking! can't wait for GOTM to see the whole thing...
  7. nice. should be an interesting sounding bass with that pup combo!
  8. well we've done some work and now the pictures are up! Maurits thought of somehting nice, to inlay the veneer in the back of the board the you'll see the lines from the side thus keeping the top of the board effectively unlined and undisturbed, and it should make for a more consistant overall tone across the board. I'm not sure what I'll do yet as the lines do look rather snazzy... a freshly slotted board veneer being glued in the slots http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n191/Ne...el/DSCF2050.jpg nut slots routed, 6mm wide in which we're going to stick an ebony nut made from the cutoff from the fretboard http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n191/Ne...el/DSCF2038.jpg most of the excess veneer removed, though as you can see there are some that need reslotting and a new veneer putting in as it went wrong... http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n191/Ne...el/DSCF2056.jpg we have headstocks! http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n191/Ne...es/DSCF1997.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n191/Ne...es/DSCF1976.jpg
  9. does Purpleheart also discolour after oiling? or does it really need a good Poly/Nitro finish to maintain that purpleness?
  10. that reflection! my god! is that wetted? or just wet sanded and then left to dry?
  11. I love Nikola's basses, the Jupiter in perticular! anyway good luck with your build! keen to see more. like the inlay idea btw.
  12. I agree Calum_Barrow you needs yer planes. so for tools I'd bring a bailey plane, a straight spokeshave, a curved spokeshave and a scraper. as for router bits: 6mm diameter bit for routing for truss rod, template follower bit, a large roundover bit, and a 12mm diameter bit for cleaning those larger areas.
  13. something I'd like to do to a V is paint it like Jimi had his for the European Tour. much like the new Inspired By V custom shops that are out now. but clear is pretty sweet too.
  14. either a Kiwi or a hedgehog with a big long nose...
  15. thanks for the heads up RGGR. I will see how the off cuts react to routing as I have plenty, I'll check how hard it is to sand the zebra flush, because then I might just have to robosand the blobs out and then clean up with a router. if that doesn't work we're rather stuck...
  16. so after a long time, finally some more progress on these basses! we have a rough taper cut, my god that maple is hard. we also had to make a new neck template after deciding what we made was huge for a 4-stringer. we did a whole lot of other stuff aswell but we'll put some new pics up soon!
  17. I usually have a good clean thin template, then if it needs to be thicker (which very often is the case) I just glue loads of layers of MDF together, stick the thin template on top and get routing. you could say I have a template for templates...
  18. beware 10Pizza you can't really route pup routs with a Dremel (I've tried and it cost me!) because you run the most likely risk of burning it out. it's fine for smaller jobs though, great infact for inlays and what not.
  19. 60's SG weren't Limba where they? I was always under the impression those were Mahogany. however Gibson have done a run of Korina (limba) Sg's which looked fabulous! I think thye where anniversary editions of sorts...
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