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Everything posted by BLS

  1. Well, go and play them and buy which one feels better to you. Only you can know which guitar is the right one for you.
  2. I dont see why not, Would this item happen to be marketed to mandolin builders?
  3. WOW! Thats an amazing first guitar. The headstock look killer and I LOVE the figure on that mahogany. Once you completly finish it you better enter it in GOTM!
  4. Sorry i cant help you with the first question but theirs a great tutorial that should answer most of your questions about the trem to hardtail conversion http://projectguitar.com/tut/tht1.htm
  5. Yes but weezer just posted the URL not an link. SO someone would have to copy and paste it into their browser.
  6. I voted other simply because i could not choose. I enjoy most if not all of Beethoven's work but i also enjoy alot of Brahms work. I heard awhile back that Beethoven wrote his first symphony at the age of 9... is this true??
  7. Yes, it is possible to cut out the body shape with a router if you use a template. http://www.guitarbuildingtemplates.com/buildingtips.htm
  8. BLS


    I thought this was kinda... wierd http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3723001516&rd=1 BUT LOOK AT THAT FIGURE!
  9. someone must of somehow made it redirect to a porn site. God Bless The internet
  10. BLS

    BC Rich

    I used to own one of the NJ series warlock's there ok. But the america made B.C. Rich's are AMAZING.
  11. The bushings stewmac sells are great, i recommend them.
  12. Yep that has a TRS, those arent very good.
  13. LMAO! good, driskill guitars look really cool, but i wish you could get a floyd on them.
  14. I disagree i dont like the feel of many LTD's. And LTD is like ESP' versions of an epiphone or squier. But its all up to how much you like it, only you can decide if its right for you. So goto your local guitar store and play one.
  15. That look awesome, but the pickups could use a yellow tint
  16. I wish my first attempt at scalloping was that good! With those emg's and the newly scalloped fretboard that guitar should be a shred machine! Good job!
  17. That shape, That wood, That finish... thats an awesome guitar!
  18. can you post some pictures of the necks please?
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