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Everything posted by mattharris75

  1. Carbon Fiber and Cocobolo would be my top choices. Any idea on pricing for your pickups?
  2. Thanks. It would have had a slicker feeling if I'd left it matte finished, but it feels nice to me regardless. But more like a lacquer now that it's glossed up.
  3. I don't have any suggestions for fixing the cracks, however, when i've used micromesh papers they have worked better for me when dry sanding. The papers load worse and the finish didn't shine as easily when wet sanding. This was, however, sanding a tru oil rather than a lacquer finish. I've always wet sanded things in the past, but with micromesh it really seems to work great sanding dry. Maybe trying that in the future could help avoid the cracks. I seem to recall Westhemann dry sanding the control cavity cover on his 'exploder' as well and having superior results.
  4. I've heard in a book somewheres that tru oil finishes take a little bit of the bite and treble out of the sound. Is this true? I have no idea, but I'm guessing unless you're talking about an acoustic guitar, this would be voo-doo. Even then it's probably quite minor. Anyway, Hector, what kind of finish is that on the test piece?
  5. I've used black stain under tru oil, and it works great, no problems. Give it a try, should look cool!
  6. I put just one coat of tru oil on the fingerboard, and it darkened the rosewood up considerably. There was some bleed through under the tape when I had the fretboard taped over, so you can see some tru oil residue on the fretboard that I still need to use some steel wool to get off. But I did not finish it with multiple coats like the rest of the neck.
  7. Life's been busy. Haven't had much time to work on the guitar, but I have slowly managed to accumulate 25 or so coats of tru oil on the neck. Last night I polished it using micro mesh papers all the way through the grits. This is the result. I should have a little more free time now to try to focus on getting the remaining details done so I can start putting a finish on the body. Back of the headstock Front of the headstock You can see in the last picture my little mistake gluing on one of the headstock wings. All part of the learning process I suppose. It's possible I can still get this thing done by Christmas, but i'm 90% sure i'm going with a nitro finish rather than tru oil, so waiting for that to cure will make the Christmas deadline somewhat questionable. It will be finished when it is finished, I suppose.
  8. Man! I've been looking for pictures of black grainfilled walnut for months...In fact I think I started a post about it quite a while back. Looks really cool. Got any more pics of that Maiden?
  9. This sounds like a familiar discussion, Wez. I agree that the cover plate can be a cool looking aesthetic feature, which is why I decided to go for one. And i'm in the same boat, don't change strings a whole lot. However, in the event one breaks i'm sure i'll find the cover plate a bit of a pain. But not enough of a pain to not do it.
  10. Have you gotten a chance to start working on your 2 guitar builds? I'm looking forward to seeing some progress on those!
  11. Never fun to spend the holidays away from home, but Huntsville is a nice little town. Just give us a shout!
  12. Cool. If you want to get together sometime when you are in Huntsville, Jehle and I are both in this area. We can grab some lunch or get together for whatever. Just shoot me a PM. Jehle and I work in the same area of town, which is right in the Redstone area, so getting together should be no problem.
  13. Looks like you guys had a good time. Either Hyunsu is one tall Korean or you're one short American.
  14. Great looking V. I never really wanted to build or own a V before, but now this build is making me think I want to add one to the list of future projects.
  15. So, i've done about a dozen coats of tru oil on my neck. I had taped over the fretboard, but clearly there were gaps around the frets. When I went to pull off the tape this evening there were sticky dried on deposits of tru oil in small lines where it had seeped under the tape. My question is, what is my best option for getting rid of the excess tru oil? Some kind of chemical like paint thinner, scraping, sanding, etc?...This is pretty annoying, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I'm sure someone else has had this same problem. How do you guys take care of it?
  16. This is absolutely true. When I started building my neck I was nervous and unsure as to whether or not I could do a competent job. Now that I have essentially completed it I look back and see that it was easier and simpler than I thought it would be, and the next one will be that much easier! Hindsight is 20-20! To borrow a phrase from Nike, Just do it!
  17. Whoops, I voted the wrong way. I read the title of the thread and voted based on that, rather than the question as it was phrased in the poll. My answer should have been 'yes', that they should be allowed. And i'm going to guess that would make my argument above a bit confusing to read.
  18. I know you said no comments, but here is a quick one that shouldn't be offensive enough to anyone to elicit a negative response: I voted no (**EDIT, I intended to vote yes. I read the question wrong. Knowing this makes my argument make more sense. ), not because I agree with the practice, but because I think this is an area of personal liberty. Ultimately this practice is not illegal or immoral by most peoples and society's codes of conduct. So, therefore, there is nothing inherantly offensive enough about the practice that anyone who _is_ offended by it shouldn't be able to get over it, or just choose not to view the thread. There are always going to be things in life that we as individuals don't agree with. When you step back and look at the big picture, this is such a minor issue that it's not worth anybody getting upset over.
  19. Tru oil and danish oil seem to be quite similar, as they are both polymerized linseed oil products. Either of these would probably be a good choice. As for the wax, I don't know. I'm doing a neck in tru oil right now, and it looks great and is easy to apply.
  20. I've seen him repeat this exact pattern for months now. People always happily give him advice, which he never follows. I'm amazed so many people still bother to offer advice after all this time. They are obviously much more charitable and optimistic than I am.
  21. I've been extremely busy lately, but I've found enough time to get the neck sanded to 320 and get the finishing started. This is tru oil, currently with 8 coats on it. I imagine i'll go up to about 12 coats, but i'm going to play it by ear. The pores are close to being filled at this point. I've used 0000 steel wool dipped in naphtha to level sand after every couple of coats of oil, and that's worked very well. I still haven't decided if i'm ultimately going to keep it glossy, and even polish it with micro mesh papers, or go with a more matte finish. I'm also still up in the air about finishing the body. Should I go with lacquer or tru oil or some other finish?...I just can't seem to decide.
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