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Am I to understand that whoofnagle lives in an area that's in close proximity to Drak, and Drak says "look it up yourself"? That's out of control. Drak all it takes is a couple key strokes to name your source. What do you think, he's going to buy the piece you wanted?

I have a nice stash, and I get some woods from fellow builders. But I use a local shop to get most of the "meat and potatoes" wood including ALL of my Mahogany.

If anyone is near the Chicago suburbs I go to Owl Hardwoods. There's one in Lombard, Des Plaines, and a new one in Oak Lawn. There, was that so hard?

You're not his dad, let his dad teach him valuable lessons about hard work and research and reward. You just answer his questions or don't post at all. Sometimes I get tired of answering the same questions too. Like "how will this pickup sound in..." or "do I need a neck angle if..." so you know what I do? I just don't answer. I wait for someone else to. Sure this forum can be overused if someone should just read a book but they just come here with all their issues instead. But for the most part these forums are about helping people, not telling them to look harder because it will build character.

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This in NO way reflecting you folks on the board but I've found it hard to find wood as well and have come to the conclusion that most of the wood dealers

either on the net or at wood shops have no clue to what a joy it is to make a guitar and play it after you've put your heart into it. It seems like the dealers aren't holding back information but unsure of what it is we wanna do with the stuff. They're there and have the stuff we need but MOST of the time it's that we aren't being clear enough with them about what it is we want either. My local sawmill have been great in the past and haven't "kept the good stuff For Themselves" and have given me Exactly what I wanted. Some of the wood pieces we ask for are pretty hard to find and or

endagered and can't be found. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.

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Nah, I'm not pissed that anyone started this thread. What I'm pissed about are people who know some good sources for wood where these guys live and don't feel like it's worth their time to share the wealth. I can understand wanting to make someone put some effort into finding their resources, but I also believe that asking around is a great way to find those resources.

C'mon, guys. It's not like he's trying to mooch some wood out of your own shop.

But my previous post still stands. I'd personally make a couple of prototype bodies out of some less-expensive and easier to find wood before I put the saw to the mahogany.

Don't let some of these guys get you down, man. They're just doing it because you're new.

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1) You people should really learn to actually read, it's beneficial to the mind and soul.

2) If you would stop INFERRING and ADDING TO and IMAGINING what I actually said right there in black and white, there would be no problem here.

3) If Woof had simply stated he had honestly tried all the resources I mentioned and still came up empty (VERY hard to believe, I could give those searchwords to a computer literate 5 year old and he would come up with wood), then I would have gladly given him assistance and names WHICH I STATED IF YOU BOTHERED TO READ THE POSTS.

4) This place has really become completely un-fun and un-enjoyable, with every thread becoming a flame war.

5) I didn't come here to argue, it used to be a good time here, but is not much anymore.

6) I stand by every word I said, if you don't like it, too bad, feel free to whine all you want.

7) The thought that I need to hoard my resources is so retarded to the point of completely comical. I have listed my resources dozens of times over here, on various occasions, but apparently some are too lazy to check. Your problem, not mine. If you weren't such an ass about it, I would have been glad to list them once again, but I hate catering to babies and babified attitudes.

8) I have already given notice to Brian to withdraw my membership here for the ridiculous things that go on exampled by this thread perfectly.

9) You people have fun doing whatever it is you do here, I'm going back to having fun building guitars.

I have an absolute -blast- building guitars. I hope y'all do too.


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1) You people should really learn to actually read...

2) If you would stop INFERRING and ADDING TO and IMAGINING what I actually said right there in black and white...

3) If Woof had simply stated he had honestly tried all the resources I mentioned...then I would have gladly given him assistance and names WHICH I STATED IF YOU BOTHERED TO READ THE POSTS.

6) I stand by every word I said, if you don't like it, too bad, feel free to whine all you want.

7) The thought that I need to hoard my resources is so retarded to the point of completely comical. I have listed my resources dozens of times over here, on various occasions, but apparently some are too lazy to check. Your problem, not mine. If you weren't such an ass about it, I would have been glad to list them once again, but I hate catering to babies and babified attitudes.

8) I have already given notice to Brian to withdraw my membership here for the ridiculous things that go on exampled by this thread perfectly.

Well, I can read, and you're contradicting yourself left and right. Are we reading the same thread? You say "if he ever came out and asked, etc." Guess what? That's the first thing he did! And I read your posts and you never actually offered to tell him a name before completely insulting him and degrading him. You're telling him to check his resources? This is a resource! Why should he have to prove to you that he's already done a search before you just say "I go to xyz hardwoods in dorktown"

And I was being sarcastic about hoarding, I was trying to make the point of what could possibly be the reason that you would not have just answered his question directly? I still have no idea what would make you launch into a whole rant that basically contradicts the attitudes of this entire forum. Why should anyone in my area have to hunt around 20 different wood sources when I can tell them just to go to Owl? If you wait awhile and cool off, I think you can come back to this thread, re-read it, and see exactly where you started sounding like a jerk. Better yet, have someone else read it and tell you what they think. Preferrably someone who's not biased.

Edited by frank falbo
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i don't think drak sounds like a jerk at all...i think he gave the guy all the help he needs to find all the wood he wants...

i personally have MANY wood resources around austin...different sources for different woods...but it took me alot of time and hard work to find them....and to be honest,when i first found them,i still had no idea what i was looking for...

i asked a guy at one place "is this all the wood you have?"

it didn't look like much to me but now that i know what i am looking at,there is a ton of useable wood at that place

cabinet shops are also a great resource for wood.especially mahogany

but i have posted that many,many times...and yet every time someone asks the question,i don't see anyone say "cabinet shops"

makes people like me and drak think you don't listen

but i am with drak...your sophomoric attitudes are tiresome..and i need a break from them as well

bye bye

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Rock on Drak...we hardly knew ye. :D

You gave me much the same advice a year or two ago, and it has indeed paid off (and we somehow managed to avoid making it personal...imagine!).

"But have you noticed the slight curl at the end of Sam II's mouth, when he looks at you? It means that he didn't want you to name him Sam II (for one thing), and for two other things, it means he has a sawed-off in his left pant leg, and a baling hook in his right pant leg, and he's ready to kill you with either one of them, given the opportunity. The father is taken aback. What he usually says, in such a confrontation, is "I changed your diapers for you, you little snot!" This is not the right thing to say. First, it is not true (mothers change 9 diapers out of 10), and second, it instantly reminds Sam II of what he is mad about. He is mad about being small when you were big, but no, that's not it; he is mad about being helpless when you were powerful, but no, not that either; he is mad about being contingent when you were necessary (not quite it); he is insane, because when he loved you, you didn't notice."

-The Dead Father by Donald Barthelme

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I guess the main thing was that the guy goes "Where do you get your wood" and the response was "here's how to find it yourself." On it's face, that seems fair, but then that second wave of posts comes and gets all nasty because Drak says "you're not looking hard enough" when he's clearly asking where in particular Drak goes. So Draks third response is full of inaccuracies (as far as I read the previous posts) and all the while he's using degrading and insulting speech. I figured someone like Wes would read the condescending and antagonistic speech and at least deem that unnecessary, even if he agreed with Drak's philosophy. I was disappointed on both fronts. Anyway, I hope I haven't (and won't in the future) take that condescending attitude toward any newbies, even if it means I take breaks so I don't get burned out. I have less than 300 posts, and I only frequent one other site where I have about 900 post over 5 years. So maybe you get a little punchy after that many thousands of posts, I don't know.

The e-mail, although still containing insulting speech, contained the type of information he was looking for. Would it have been that hard to consolidate that and just say some of those things with a tag of "e-mail me privately and I'll tell you more"?

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Well coming from a newbie I would say you really need to find a significant other, I would say you need a woman, but as much as you sound like a b%^@*, that would only take a mirror. If you don't want to help newbies out because you answered that question 1,000 times too bad. I'm sure Brian started this whole thing for that same reason, he was answering the same questions or even asking them. I'm sure he didn't go cry about it, he decided to help others. If you aren't sure what that means, it means quit acting like officiously pedantic jerk and answer the damn question or keep your mouth shut (or fingers still in this matter). Get back to making guitars, you obviously have some skill for that at least.

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Off the topic a bit...

It seems to have a lot to do with location, in regards to finding wood. In Australia, besides Perry's, of course, I have found it difficult to locate mahogany (in usable sizes). That said, it is fairly easy to find more 'exotic' type timber here, mainly because it is local.

Maybe an international co-op may be an idea- that way, we could all get good quality, decent timber at a fair price. There was a similar type setup at ampage (the pickup makers guild, or something like that, cant remeber).

Basically, you paid a membership fee to cover costs, then orders could be made in bulk (much cheaper prices)

Who knows if it would work with timber- I mean, I am sure that alot of the established guys have their own stash, but the prospect of an 'international union' to establish supplies must be a good idea. I mean, I find it hard to believe that manty of the luthiers here (even the professional ones) are actually COMPETING with each other for buisness- I mean, for example, you like Fender and Gibsons for their own distinct styles- the depth of the flame in the tops are icing on the cake, not its pimary focus (at least as far as I am concerned).

Personally, I would imagine that I would rather have continual acess to resources, rather than an exhaustable stash.


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Hey Hurt.

If you could pull your head out of your ass for maybe an hour (probably tough for someone like you :D )

Why don't you have a little stroll thru my past postings and gander at the times I've typed up pages on top of pages of info (including many pics taken just to help the explanation) for newbs?

If you don't have a brain, you really shouldn't be attempting to build guitars in the first place, and by all means don't go near any machinery without adult supervision.

Either know and understand what you're talking about, or keep your mouth shut until you do.

There are many members here who have been members for some time now who know what I am and what I do and what I've done and what I'm willing to do for someone.

You, on the other hand, are a clueless moron.

Next... B):D:D

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