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Dimebag Question


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Off topic, I guess, but...

Alot of people are attacking Dean guitars at the moment, saying that they shouldnt continue to make the new Dime guitars. I dont think that it right- I think they should still continue to make the guitars. It was a buisness deal.

Since Dime cant actively promote/use Dean guitars anymore, imagine if Dean attempted to reneg on the endoresement contract, thus having Dime's estate having to pay back all the monies (since he wont be able to fulfill his end of the bargin).

Sad as it may be in the circusmtanes, life and buisness has to go on.

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Would this be a pertinent point?

If Dean goes ahead and makes a truckload of 'em, then after awhile they will attain collector status, and maybe help make a mark for Dean in the guitar world.

Or upper management will hide the first 500 until the prices skyrocket to $10,000., then cash in, and still keep a few for further on down the road.

But if they don't produce any at all, not a shot.

Does that make any sense?

Are you following me here?

It seems like the door has been opened to their golden parachute, all they have to do is simply go ahead with production and they're a shoe in for the bucks.

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Would this be a pertinent point?

If Dean goes ahead and makes a truckload of 'em, then after awhile they will attain collector status, and maybe help make a mark for Dean in the guitar world.

Or upper management will hide the first 500 until the prices skyrocket to $10,000., then cash in, and still keep a few for further on down the road.

But if they don't produce any at all, not a shot.

Does that make any sense?

Are you following me here?

It seems like the door has been opened to their golden parachute, all they have to do is simply go ahead with production and they're a shoe in for the bucks.

Thats actually a really good point, Dean cant lose right now as everyman and his dog would love to get there hands on one of the first Dimebag Deans. I just hope they do it with respect for him and the family to make sure nobody gets short changed. Maybe it would also be a good idea if some of the money they get for each guitar goes to set up a Dimebag Foundation or something?? B)

Seems only fitting as they are about to benefit hugely from this complete tragedy... :D

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I'm sure that Dime would of wanted the new Razorback to go into production as planned and let's not forget that Dean was a friend of Dime's, not some money grabbing managing director waiting to cash in on this, just read his statement about his death....

Dean Guitars founder Dean B. Zelinsky has issued the following statement regarding the death of DAMAGEPLAN/ex-PANTERA guitarist Dimebag Darrell:

"As I sit here awake at 2:34 am, feeling numb beyond belief to the news that our good friend Darrell Abbott is no longer with us, I would like to share my thoughts as they come to mind.

"I met Darrell when he was only a kid, not old enough to get into the clubs for which he would later grace the stages throughout his impressive career. This kid was great at 16 years old and destined to become the idol we now know as Dimebag Darrell.

"Darrell became the true persona of a rock star. He personified and exemplified the rock life …he lived it 24/7. It is the Dimebag Darrells that make this industry we all are so emotionally attached to 'bigger than life.' He truly knew his role...after all; he was also rock's biggest fan. He grew up with the dream and had what it takes to put it all together.

"Anyone who ever met Dimebag Darrell will tell you, they were touched for life. He treated his fans like royalty, as he knew what it was like to be a kid at a concert and seeing your idol onstage…he wanted to give it all back. When Darrell was off stage, he was always aware of whom he was and the effect he had on his fans. People who knew him will tell you that behind the persona of Dimebag Darrell was a guy who was kind, loyal, sentimental, full of emotion, full of life, charismatic and extremely talented. Darrell was an artist not only with a guitar but also with a pen. When I would meet with him, he would show up with a file folder full of drawings of his guitar designs.

"Just a few weeks ago I was with Darrell at a show in Milwaukee. Backstage after the show, two kids were waiting at the stage door and would not leave without seeing Darrell. When he got wind of this he insisted they be brought back to meet him. These kids were so in awe to meet their idol, then Darrell rocked their world when he put them on the VIP list for the Chicago show the very next day.

"Darrell was one of rock's greatest guitarists. He took metal to whole new level and showed young rockers how the instrument was to be played. He made young kids all over the world want to pick up a guitar and play like Dime! He potentially inspired more kids to play guitar than any artist in recent history.

"On a personal note, words cannot express the loss I am feeling. Of all the stars I have met in the past 28 years, nobody touched me like Darrell. He was the artist who would bring me on stage and introduce me as the world's greatest guitar maker. He was a fan of mine as I was a fan of him. No single artist has done more for the popularity of Dean Guitars than Dimebag Darrell.

"These past months working with Darrell on new guitar designs, talking to him just about every day have been the most invigorating times in my 28-year career. Seeing Dime onstage with a Dean in his hands again brought back feelings I thought were gone forever. Just yesterday I was on the phone with him discussing the photo shoot we had set up for the show in Michigan on Friday to introduce his new Razorback design. He started talking about how he couldn't wait to get home in a few days to work on the new DAMAGEPLAN CD. He said this new CD was going to be heavier than ever and blow people's minds.

"I cannot help but think about Rita. She and Darrell had been together since they were in 3rd grade. I have worked very closely with her these past months as she handles all of Dime's affairs. She is truly the woman behind the man and Dimebag would have told you, he wouldn't have been Dimebag without Rita. She is one very special person and I cannot fathom the pain she must be feeling. Our deepest sympathy goes out to his brother Vinnie and the rest of his family. Our hearts go out as well to the other victims of this horrible tragedy.

"Darrell was a living legend. He lived every day of his life to the fullest. I will always remember his smile onstage. He loved what he did and it showed. No matter how big the crowd, he could always find you and fling a guitar pick your way. We at Dean have lost a great artist but more importantly, a true friend. The world has lost a great human being."

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Lets hope you never do have to hear them..

their horrible amps

I never heard one, but guitar world had a review about 'em wich wasn't bad...

anyways they look so cool! if they made good sounding cheaper amps in these colors it would be my favorit! B)

Music123 seems to be selling out all of the washburn dimeguitars :D

Edited by ikke_998
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