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Paintball Finish

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Are you planning on clearing over it? If not, i wouldn't count on a great finish. Paintballs are fish oil, and they are made to wash off clothing, so i doubt the finish would do anything but wipe off on you. If you are going to clear it, you would need to remove all the pieces of the shell/skin of the paintball first. IMO, it's not going to work, but a simulated paintball finish would look good if done well with quality paints. Also, the paint splatter probably will not look that good, it definitetly won't be picture-perfect. JMHO, Neal

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The easiest way to do it IMO is just to get a airbrush and and hold it real close to the body and hold down the trigger until you like the way it looks. IMO a paint ball wouldent work, but the idea of a splatter finish is real cool. If nothing else the force behind would dent the body(unless you got a REALLY crappy gun :D )

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I'm no paintball master, but what have you took the paint out of the paintballs and fill them with regular paint? The only think I can see wrong with that would be keeping them from breaking when you shoot em. I think it would be worth a try, though.

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You can take a paint brush and flick paint at it, but you won't get that ball splatering type, more of a splatercaster look...you could also take tissue you paper, soak it in the paint, stand a few feet back and throw it really hard at the guitar, creating that sort of effect. whatever you do, i wanna see! lol


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Most paintballs are a mixture of Tempra paint (the stuff they let little kids use) and digestable oil (like castor oil)... because the stuff gets in your mouth, nose, etc... and ProBall has an additive that makes it dry fast and turn wax-like... so you would need a clear coat that's compatible with those ingredients.

Or, you could search around for some of the paintballs that the forestry people used to use; I can't remember what they used, but it stuck to trees like fresh road tar on your brand new car. However, I think their colors were pretty limited... and it's probably hard to find nowadays.

The one thing that I noticed (during many years of playing paintball) is that the splatter patterns are almost impossible to predict. A couple have broken and spread out on my goggles in such a beautiful way that I sat there and looked at it. But most paintball marks are just big ugly spots, with chunks of paintball shell mixed in... and that doesn't make for a nice finish.

You might do better to devise a way to drop controlled amounts of paint on your guitar from a decent height... maybe angling the guitar body differently from time to time... so you can create a similar effect.

Just some random thoughts. I hope they help.


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if you took a needle(like, doctor needle), a unused one preferably, took the paint out, injected good paint in, then wiped the hole over with super glue, it may not explode when you fire

if you do this, turn your velocity down a fair amount, you dont want to dent the wood :D

another idea, do a base coat of gloss black, take 2 shots of, say red, one on the front, one on the back, right in the middle, so it protrudes outwards (the paint) then hang it so it is laying flat and drizzle mulit colour paint over it, giving it a multi colour drizzle/splatter effect, in my opinon, if done correctly, that could look sweet


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The Ineffectiveness of Paint Dispersement via Garden-Hose due to Innefficient Globule Ballistics

As soon as the non-solid projectile (paint) leaves the trajectory containment device (hose) it will react as quickly as possible in any direction possible (spread) to escape the effects of the pressure that is forcing the acceleration of said projectile-material. (In other words, it would become a cross between a spray-gun and a shotgun.)

However, that could provide a visually stimulating effect, as the paint spews forth in random size globules/drops/droplets and relatively random directions... some of which would strike the guitar body at random velocities with random rotational momentum. (It would be messy... but could be interesting!)

In order to keep globules of paint (2-3 cc) from breaking apart, one would have to employ a form/level of energy that would not exceed the surface tension of said quantity of paint. Hence my recommendation to use a passive form of acceleration: gravity. The acceleration/momentum of the center mass would not exceed the surface tension of said globule until the velocity of the globule of paint generated enough air resistance to deform and subsequently destroy said globule. (It wouldn't splatter in mid-air unless it picked up too much speed.)

As you may have discerned from reading this micro-thesis on the ballistic characteristics of paint being shot from a garden hose, communicating complex postulates while innebriated can decrease the credibility of the contentions. However, I ascertain that the postulates that I have articulated here-in to be totally accurate. (Even though I've had half a bottle of wine, I think what I typed is right.)


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all things considered, I'd have to agree, for the most part, with the hose concept- as Dugz said, the splatter-factor of standard paintballs is just way too unpredictable; appealing as that randomness may seem, it also makes for highly impersonal impressions- slight blanks in the paint left by the chips of the ball, debri gathered in the air, thereby trapped under colour, and that possible damage to your guitar (even a resetting of your velocity puts a major risk here- there are always those moments, you know)...

feel free to try... but it just doesn't seem "doable". perhaps give it a go on some really cheap blanks- if there's no impression left and you like the effect, there's a better chance (in theory) that it not be horrible on a good guitar.

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if the water hose won't do you get a 3/4 in pvc pipe or a smaller water line maybe of copper and try it!! Besides i don't think there would be a problem with the water hose and pressure anyway cause the hose would just have paint in it not pressure the pressure would be before the hose in the valve and compressor. As soon as you turn the valve all the pressure would escape with no blocking.

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or you could get a trebuchet and fire big balls of painted paper at it, or better yet get a cannon and reinact the civil war and the enemy can be your guitar - FIRE IN THE HOLE! B):D

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this will probably get shot down by some expert or something but anyway....

you could get a bunch of small balloons and tape/pin them to the guitar and pop the balloons one by one with a needle. although the finish would be really uneven and if u did pinned them there would be real small holes in the body.. both of those could be fixed with a lot of clear coats though.

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