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Well I Have Just Been "laid Off"

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Well I just got a $hity but friendly phone call from my X-Union Rep "well Iam sorry to inform you that BLAH BLAH BLAH and all that, long story short all of the mailing department where I worked was just laid off!! I worked for a large shiping/printing company caled "print west communications" we did alot of work for the USA and canada,This realy suck's but I kinda look at it as a blank page a fresh start Iam thinking about going to take some LUTHIER TRAINING or something!

EDIT:> I just looked at my info in the Last Post Info area That looks realy bad :D NOT that would be a bad thing B):D HAHAHAHA


Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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why not follow the canadian dream like being a lumberjack, or working at tim hortons? oh well, now you have the chance to learn something new, nothing wrong with learning! lol.

-Jamie :D

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Well, welcome to the club my friend..

I have been laid off since october of last year and theres isnt really nothing interesting that showed up since, so im still searching, theres a good chance that they will call me back for the summer vacation so im not too worried.......yet, LOL.

Anyway, maybe its a good opportunity for you to start fresh, best of luck to you.


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Ya now A guy cant help but feal down But iam Kinda happy about the whole thing

I will have some more time to build my guitars atleast till my E.I runs out :D

and Iam thinking about geting me an edeggamaction :D HAHAHA

Iam making a list of thing's I dont know how do for guitar building it's going to be a very honest list B) I need to know what I dont know!!


Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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Hey Matt,

I feel for you. I am in Silicon Valley, and I have been laid off so many times I have lost count. I think 6, but I would not bet on it. After the last one, I became a Stay At Home Dad. It has been a lot of fun.

And good planning and ideas for your guitar future. Laying out what you don't know requires a large degree of honesty, and it is tough work. You might also see if your local luthier would take you on as an apprentice.

Good luck,

Guitar Ed

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Well guess what I just got a phone call last night telling me I still have to come in to work today and then Iam laid off!! Ass holes there only calling us in since it's the western producer day and they cant do it with out us that has realy pissed me off, if they cant do the work with out us then why the hell would you lay us off it's dumb ass thinking like this that got this company in to trouble in the first place :D


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If you're not too worried about a reference from them, then tell them to kiss your ruby red ringhole :D

I hate companies like that. I remember once having a bollocking for being lazy and not working (when I was actually changing something - it just looked ike I was doing nothing) and then in the same breath he asked me to do overtime B):D

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Hey Matt-

Sorry to hear that but I have a feeling you're on your way to bigger and better things now. Forget that place and set yourself up with a plan! Don't be tempted to kick back and let things come to you. Once you have a plan - don't let anything stop you and get after it B) !

oh yeah - and keep those guitar pics coming :D.

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Oh well, getting laid off is a way of life for me now. I've yet to find an employer who will take care of MY needs for a change, ie. keep me working. They seem to ask about how well you will fit into the job and tell you that they have all kinds of work coming up. They offer you little money because they know there is someone out there more desperate than you so you have to take it or leave it. You give them 110% and they come up with excuses so they don't have to pay you that extra dollar an hour that was promised in the interview. They tell you to work harder and faster which makes them more money but less money for you. Then toss you out until next time they need you.

Hey Matt, whatsay we get together and form a corporation, get all kinds of loans and then declare bankruptcy with limited liability protection! The company could be called "FEDNER" guitars! :D

Edited by Southpa
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Hey Matt, whatsay we get together and form a corporation, get all kinds of loans and then declare bankruptcy with limited liability protection! The company could be called "FEDNER" guitars!

HAHAHAHA :D sounds like a plan to me man :D

Hey Matt-

Sorry to hear that but I have a feeling you're on your way to bigger and better things now. Forget that place and set yourself up with a plan! Don't be tempted to kick back and let things come to you. Once you have a plan - don't let anything stop you and get after it  !

oh yeah - and keep those guitar pics coming .

thanks dave for the kind uplifting words I am going to go for it iam going to do something with my life :D and hit the books B)

Thanks guys


Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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