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Time For Another Mod?

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I know this may be a stupid thread but personally I think it may be time for a mod on a different time zone to Wes and Brian. I appreciate all the work they have done but they can't be on all the time hence the request for a mod on a different part of the globe.

Edited by feylya
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Well, let's see what we've got here....

-Simon is in Australia.

-Wes is in TX.

-Kev is in OH, and barely sleeps.

That seems like decent coverage to me.

The Forum is growing quickly, and a new moderator will be needed soon. If the Tremol-No starts taking up more and more of my time, I might have to relinquish my duties (stop cheering, people), in which case 4 moderators would be needed.


I know that Brian has a couple of guys in mind for positions, so we'll see what happens.

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Ah, ok. I did't know you had a mod in Australia. I just was just thinking that there was a few threads that needed attention.

(I was also quite drunk when I posted this thread. Apologies)

no..i am monitoring them...i am just trying to only step in where it becomes needed.

like brian has always said in the rules,opinions are fine to share,and even heated discussions are okay,as long as it is above all an informative discussion that may lead people to think a little more on the subject.

when it resorts to petty name calling on all sides,that is when it is time to step in,in my opinion.

i assume you are referring to the jem decal thread.that thread was very beneficial to readers in my opinion,and i only closed it when the debate became repetitive.some things NEED to be said,even if it sounds slightly harsh to some.

maybe kevan or brian has a different opinion on that,but that is why there are 4 of us.

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What's up with Feylya posting while he's drunk, then later apologising for it pattern lately?

Dude, if yer gonna get toasted, leave the computer alone, and don't bother to apologise anymore!

What the hell are you doing around a -computer- when you're getting smashed anyhow?

That can't be a good thing. Aren't you getting drunk WITH someone?


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What's up with Feylya posting while he's drunk, then later apologising for it pattern lately?

Dude, if yer gonna get toasted, leave the computer alone, and don't bother to apologise anymore!

What the hell are you doing around a -computer- when you're getting smashed anyhow?

That  can't be a good thing. Aren't you getting drunk WITH someone?

:D  B)  :D

Yeah, it was two posts the same night. I had just gotten home from being out getting smashed and it's impossible not to be around a computer in this house. I've two in front of me right now :D

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Yeah, OK, I can understand that, I used to do much the same thing myself years ago, come home smashed and check out a few threads before I crashed for the night.

It was always a mistake to post anything in that state of mind, and I probably apologised more than once for doing much the same thing.

From now on I'm gonna look at the times you post, hahahaa!!


And I usually had a lot more to apologise for than you did here.

I was uhhhh, very uhhh, let us say 'honest' about how I saw things at those times, and I let my opinions just fly! Hahaaa!!


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Nothing like waking up to a computer with a thread on it that you've no memory of posting. Thankfully, I'm not usually too bad with posting dodgy stuff.


Back in the day, it was waking up next to a girl I'd no memory of...uh...posting...

guess things have changed, eh? :D

i would say it was more fun back in your day...but i was never too drunk to remember...uh...posting

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