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Nothing Is Working Right!

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Now what's wrong I cant see any pic's and none of the smilie's are working!

not one image on the forum is working right did I miss something?? upgrades maybe


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Ya Iam still haveing the same problem as before off and on but only on PG every thing else works fine, so I guess it's not on my side and that's good to know last thing right now is a dead computer :D


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don't think so man, I can't see smilies in a lot of the threads on this forum, but then they work fine in others, glitch in the system somewhere I'm thinkin

The smilies that were on the old version of the software forum just haven't been copied back as the correct names.

I've been having some strange problems too. Can't see Wes's avatar...

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they all work for me...you sure fedex didn't step on your computer?

don't think so man, I can't see smilies in a lot of the threads on this forum, but then they work fine in others, glitch in the system somewhere I'm thinkin

Maybe fedex stepped on your forum.

Yeah. fullserve has been down a lot for me too, so i've moved to photobucket for image hosting.

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Greetings All,

I am new to the forum and have been lurking about for a week, finding my way about the site and having a great time poring through the wealth of knowledge and tutorials all of you have amassed. I feel like the sorcerer's aprentice!

My hat's off to you all.

My question and or comment is, in my travels I too have noticed a lot of the pictures/emoticons missing, but for me have been user specific.

For me, I cannot see Drak's pics and a couple of others. Quite frustrating I might add as the comments are generally "OMG look at that!"

I did a little test and found that it is not date related as far as I can tell, as other much older posts have pics embedded.

Nor could I find an issue with my connection, FW or browser

Any suggestions would be great!


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