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Post Your Relic Guitar Pictures Here

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I am actually in the process of writing an e-book on relicing tips & tricks.

What type of guitar are you doing & what type of finish?

I'm doing a relic cause it's a fun thing to do and is obviously "in", but every relic post i go to has broken pictures. So, if any of you have relic guitars you did, please share, im interested in your tips and tricks.

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Please...............tell me you are joking!

there is an art to relicing without having it look fake

Case in point. Every time I see kenny Wayne Shepard's "relic' Strat I CRINGE!!!!

Relicing is alot more than sandpaper & throwing keys at your guitar

That wouldn't give even halfway decent wear patterns. Relicing really is an art. I think it's much harder to build a GOOD relic than it is to have a normal paint job/hardware.

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This is mostly actual wear from years of abuse. And I skipped it across the gravel driveway a few times when I was pissed. And I set it on fire... ala Jimi Hendrix. The back is very crispy, but I can't find the pic of it right now. I poured gas on it and lit it. Never could get rid of the gas smell, so I sold it on ebay.



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I've seen that rory project before.. it's pretty interesting.

This is unsolicited.. i'm not tryign to sell this guy's stuff but check out www.nashguitars.com He is one of the best relic'ers i've seen. It's total passion for him and his stuff looks awesome. He basically starts with raw wood, finishes it in nitro just like the oldies then starts his mysterious process of aging. There is a big article on him in ToneQuest.

It's got to be liberating doing relics for a living.. "i'm sorry sir your guitar slid off my bench while i was working on it.. the good news is it has this super cool looking crack running up the back now!! (that'll add 200 dollars to the price)" :D

My biggest pet peeve is hardware relic jobs where they just rust the hell out of everything.. Some of these things look like you would get tetanus just by touching them. that's not realistic. a well played guitar will have corrosion and a nice patina on it.. but come on.. who would play something that has rust flaking off of it. A lot of guys put all their hardware in a box of rusty nails and let it sit for a while. I think the whole relic craze is kind of crazy.. but i have a 20 year old strat that is a natural relic so who am I to judge others for wanting the same but with a shortcut :D

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I think many people will agree that old guitars with their natural wear patterns look really cool. Unfortunately, most of us cannot afford a 61 strat in any condition. I say if it makes someone happy, why not? Some folks act like someone buying a relic or making a relic is as bad as killing a baby. Live and let live for crying out loud! I don't come and tell you that your floyd roses make me want to puke. I don't complain about you wacko's who start adding extra strings to an otherwise good guitar. :D Lighten up man.

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okay guys thanks for the links, although i have seen most of them. :D

anyways, heres the specs on my guitar im relicing

I bought a cheap johnson maple neck that i plan to strip down and put a amber finish on. bought it for 31

i also bought a cheap sunburst (more browner than orange) for like 53 bucks.

i am also helping my friend upgrade his 87 american strat which came with a vintage tremolo, so he's letting me have that.

i just won kluson tuners on ebay.

although this strat is not going to look like a fender strat (because of the headstock), i want it to look cool.

a couple questions i have. when you do the "wear" on the neck and make it look dirty, how would you do that. I've heard you use coffee or something thatll brown it but wouldnt that come off after a while? i dont want my hands smelling like tobacco and coffee after i use my guitar. hrmmmm

thats pretty much it right now, right now i'm gathering the parts and such. still looking for a 1 ply 8 hole pickguard for cheap. the cheapest ive seen is like 23 bucks. BS...

oh yeah i might have some tips i made up on my own.

I bought cream knobs a while back for a previous project but i didnt use them. I checked out that vintage fender website and examined the knobs. i rounded them and such. what i plan to do to make them look dirty in the cracks is take some brownish black model paint and paint the sides, then wipe the knobs off. i'll let you guys know how that turns out.

in fact, im about to go practice doing wear on a old bass neck i dont need, as well as do those knobs.

Peace out!

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I don't care either way what folks do to their guitars so long as they are kept "playable" :D . If the guitar looks played but the finish doesn't represent the actual amount of time it takes to get that way, ehhh thats a little strange to my tastes. I'm more interested in whether or not the dude with the reliced guitar can play it like hes been playing it for 25 yrs! I heard that right now there are guys walking around downtown with empty guitar cases, just to get that "look" from people. :D

Edited by Southpa
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This is mostly actual wear from years of abuse.  And I skipped it across the gravel driveway a few times when I was pissed.  And I set it on fire... ala Jimi Hendrix.  The back is very crispy, but I can't find the pic of it right now.  I poured gas on it and lit it.  Never could get rid of the gas smell, so I sold it on ebay.


You don't like...

have any pets do you? :DB)


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You don't like... 

have any pets do you? :D  B)

I have 5 cats, a dog, an 18 month old baby, and a wife. :D

That qoute does seem quite psychotic, doesn't it? I was actually pissed at the guitar itself. Piece of crap. It didn't have a scratch on it when I got it... I couldn't have that. So... I bought a new neck for it and it went downhill from there. The neck didn't fit the pocket quite right no matter what I did to it. It was supposed to have been an actual lefty Fender neck... turns out it was a Saga with a Fender decal. Damn ebay thieves! I bought all new hardware and electronics for it, but never put them on it. I was playing it one day and the neck just pop off. B):D I picked it up, took it outside, and smacked it as hard as I could on the sidewalk. Then the body skipping fun started!!! This was after I set it on fire though. That was at an outdoor show my band played. That's why I had to buy new electronics and a neck for it. I learned very quickly not to use gasoline during a Hendrix tribute moment. It's extremely hard to put a gas fire out with nothing more than water. I burnt a little more than I would have liked. If you look at the pic, you'll notice the neck pocket is black.... that's cause it was burnt to a crisp.

I'll have my strat well done. Thank you!

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I don't come and tell you that your floyd roses make me want to puke.

I think you just did. :D

I heard that right now there are guys walking around downtown with empty guitar cases, just to get that "look" from people. blink.gif

When I was in high school (back in the stone age) I wanted an old Violin case for my books......just for that Maffia look. :D

And aren't pawnshops not your first place to look if you're into this relic things.

Must be tons of old beat-up Fender type guitars for sale in there.

Edited by RGGR
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