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Epiphone Les Paul Standard With Body Damage

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Are those dents? If it's compressed wood, you may be able to steam the worst of it out, but it could wreak absolute havoc with the finish. Is it really worth the touchup hassle? Epi's probably got one of those indestructible poly finishes, meaning touchup could be a pain.

Filling holes with epoxy will make them look very, very obvious IMO.

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Got mad with a hammer? Marbles fall from the sky at 100 mph? B):D

Those dents are deffinitly in the wood (at least it looks that way from the pics...)

Since it's an Epi you can bet the farm that it's a veneer not a cap of maple so sanding it out is out of the question. You would have to sand really deep and change the whole carve of the top to do that anyways...

Basicly I can't really see how it's possiable to get those out. You could re top it but that seems like a bit much just to get out some dents.

But really I seriously want to know. How did those get there :D

Ps Does that guitar intonate correctly with the saddels set up like that? Read this

Edited by Godin SD
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What the heck happened to that thing? Looks like someone took a ball peen hammer to it.

Looks like work of woodpecker to me.

Reminds me of wooden sailing boat friend of mine bought while back. The nice boat was minding it's own business till this crazy woodpecker comes along......taps the wood....thinks....hey, this sounds awefully hollow.....hollow = food.....so this mad bird starts tapping and drills 7-8 holes in hull, in process ruining a $450k sailing boat.

Maybe the plywood Epi sounded awefully hollow to the pecker. LOL!

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The only reason i was looking at refinishing it is because those holes were there when i bought it, they're not mine.

When i bought it they were covered up by a sticker so i didn't know about them, still, i only paid £190 for it.

i think i will leave them.

i have no idea what caused them, looks like it's either been drilled or something has been hammered onto it.

ah well thanks lads.

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When i bought it they were covered up by a sticker so i didn't know about them, still, i only paid £190 for it.

If you were real a-hole.....you always could cover up the holes with a new sticker and sell the puppy on ebay. But that wouldn't be nice. :D

The sticker option is always an option of course....if it bothers you too much. Play it with sticker on it, I mean.......

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You could sand the finish up, put water in the holes to rasie the grain, and keep doing so little by little (dont drown the guitar all at once) till the grain is rasied over the rest of the body and sand back down flush. Ive seen guys with dents worse then that in there wood in shop class and our teacher tells us to do this method, works really good for us, just u have to have patience and do one at a time.

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call me a lowlife...

but i'd fill those whoppin' big craters with super glue, harden em with accelerator, level em down with a razor blade, sand it down to 2000 grit and polish it glassy smooth.

Sure, you'll always be able to see the marks, that's irreversable, but you can level and fill so that the smooth surface is unbroken. From more than 10 feet nobody will know the difference.

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I'd live with'em, but I'm also the guy who took a staple-gun and screwdriver to my strat (don't worry, just a Mexi, though I still loved it!) once during a jam.

Regarding the intonation--it DOES look like it could be off, but intonation's never something you can tell by eyeing... I've seen weirder saddle 'patterns' before. This one's fairly normal by comparison.


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