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how come you didn't just go with a straight cavity?

Im not sure if Ill be adding a toggle for a phase switch setup or coil taping, plus its kind of a safty thing bringing it over like that so that I could drill bang on for the pickup and ground wire. it would really suck for me to come out in the wroung spot :D

I know you're not new to this, but it seems the distance between the end of the fretboard and the bridge is really short.

Is the scale length right, or is it just an optical illusion?

There just seems to be so little space between the bridge and the neck. I'm just picturing trying to fit another HB and SC in there (HSH set up), and it looks impossible

well I tend not to use neck pickups on most of my builds, now the bridge Im useing has alot of play as far as seting intonation and with the croutch of the V where it is wanted to center the the looks and still keep tons of room for intonation.

oh yeah

i keep forgetting to ask you MATT

what do you bit do you use for your bevels? what degree and from where did you get it?

I get asked this one alot B) , really theres nothing to it just a chamfer bit and a rasp and some sand papper.

I'm glad to see you back and at it Matt! Shortly after your trip to be an apprentice of sorts you kinda phased slowly out of here. Its cool to see your work and designs back in action! Nice work and keep 'em coming. J

Well Thanks!! ya I kinda droped off the face of the web world, its funny how Woman and bills can have that effect on men :D I meet my wife to be and Ive been working on seting up my life! so that we can have a life. plus when I left LGM guitars I hit the ground runing and I wanted to build build build and sell sell sell BUT I had no money and there where some things that I still needed to learn, so i took a step back and learend all I could and took my time, than when I wanted to start again NO MONEY NO TOOLS NO SHOP B) so I spent some time pouting and than got on with it, I now have a full shop a ton of cash

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I think the "moser stuff" is infinitely tasteful...I guess there are different forms of "taste"...because honestly I don't like this vee shape much...or the one in elysian's avatar...I much prefer a speed vee or bastard vee...

That is just me though I don't like circular parts on my vee...nothing against you Matt...I love most of your guitars...

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but do you know what degree the bit is?

its a 45 I think, When Iam the shop next I can check for you. I do know its big

I believe congrats are in order for the engagement! oh and the new shop

Thanks, Im a very lucky guy B)I GOT A WOOD SHOP B) ..................................oh ya and engagement :D

I think the "moser stuff" is infinitely tasteful...I guess there are different forms of "taste"...because honestly I don't like this vee shape much...or the one in elysian's avatar...I much prefer a speed vee or bastard vee...

That is just me though I don't like circular parts on my vee...nothing against you Matt...I love most of your guitars...

Oh ya man!! Im a clasic V Body style NUT Im planing a Modern King V style build out of black walnut and Im building a vintage Style V with a modern twist I want some crazy wood for that build ;) but you know me man I love my sharp pointy stuff and it come out im my builds but I know it is not for every one sometimes :D

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I think the "moser stuff" is infinitely tasteful...I guess there are different forms of "taste"...because honestly I don't like this vee shape much...or the one in elysian's avatar...I much prefer a speed vee or bastard vee...

That is just me though I don't like circular parts on my vee...nothing against you Matt...I love most of your guitars...

you're at odds with your own statement.


and really, you find that more tasteful than mine or matts? compared to that thing, mine and matt's v are infinitely more conservative in appearance. the moser v looks like itd grow legs and bite me.

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That's not circular dude...just because some edges are rounded does not make it circular in appearance.Notice all of the "roundish" parts are actually "out of round"..that stuff is important to make a pointy guitar flow...I love pointy guitars...just not ones that are at odds with themselves....maybe you just don't have an eye for aesthetics?No insult intended...but I find all the guitars to be this way..Except for the pointy superstrat on sevenstring.org..that one is pretty slick

conservative does not equate to tasteful...by any means...

By the way..I don't like the Moser headstock...the round parts overpower the points...much like yours and Matt's...but this is all just in my opinion..

No,I never contradict myself...because my statements are never black and white...I am not as simple as most.

Also...keep in mind those are the imports...the ones Moser builds in his custom shop are subtly different and muchmore aesthetically pleasing...look at the bastard v on his custom page...

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That's not circular dude...just because some edges are rounded does not make it circular in appearance.Notice all of the "roundish" parts are actually "out of round"..that stuff is important to make a pointy guitar flow...I love pointy guitars...just not ones that are at odds with themselves....maybe you just don't have an eye for aesthetics?No insult intended...but I find all the guitars to be this way..Except for the pointy superstrat on sevenstring.org..that one is pretty slick

conservative does not equate to tasteful...by any means...

By the way..I don't like the Moser headstock...the round parts overpower the points...much like yours and Matt's...but this is all just in my opinion..

No,I never contradict myself...because my statements are never black and white...I am not as simple as most.

Also...keep in mind those are the imports...the ones Moser builds in his custom shop are subtly different and muchmore aesthetically pleasing...look at the bastard v on his custom page...

i don't have an eye for aesthetics? :D wes the comic mod! :D

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Ok now the guitar done and going in for paint on friday :D Im going with a Electric Green/Neon green, black is kinda over done

its should be ready around monday

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ok so i was going to leave thr neck unpainted because of the nice flame but i just dont think it will look good and I think the green will clash with the maple, so solid neon green :D

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well i'm tired of black guitars to so maybe he's gone old

Well I did find a gray hair a week ago :D I even get mad about kids on my lawn B) OH NO I cut the corn of my cob and mashed it in to a fine paste OMG Im geting old :D

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