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Arent Teles Annoying


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Of the few guitars I'd love to have but don't own yet, a nice Tele is at the top of my list to build/purchase. I saw a Fender once that really knocked my socks off, but it was a custom shop that was about 5 times what I'd be willing to pay. It was a beauty though.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...

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In the interest of promoting healthy debate/conversation,

when does a Telecaster cease being a Tele ? :D

As soon as you mod it ? (eg. change bridge or route out for hummies?)

I probably identify more with the shape as being a tele than the hardware.

But then again I'm a lefty in Oz, never played one and Lefty tele's are rare down yonder. :D

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I agree.

With the right hardware, I could make a friggin' V sound like a Tele, even BE a Telecaster, and with guitars, it IS the sound that's important.....right? :D

That's why I disagree on the HB's and all that, once you change the sound, it's no longer a Tele, I don't care what shape it is really, although that would fly directly in the face of the purists on the TDPRI.

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He tried using cheaper pine for the bodies for a while, too.
:D That's interesting - when I was (a lot) younger, we were always told that the original switch from pine to ash was because ash was cheaper (at the time) and looked better under the translucent finishes - since the impetus for the first rosewood fretboards was the fact that maple looked "dirty" under TV lighting, I wasn't surprised. I wonder which is actually true.

Didn't Gibson make their guitars from mahogany because they had a ton of it available?

I would suspect in part, yes, and in part because mahogany's a very traditional guitar wood, and Gibson was always a traditional company (mahogany back/sides/necks, even tops, are very common in acoustics). Alder and Ash...not s'much.

Maple is/was also a readily available wood in Michigan, Alder and Ash...not much of that around there.

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Heres my favorite tele:


It was one of my first projects. It started life as a kit but always sounded really dull. I hollowed it out and attached a spalted beech top with ovationish style sound holes. Upgraded the pickup and never bothered re installing the neck pickup. Swapped the maple neck with a rosewood one from a squier because the maple looked too pale.

Its nowhere near the quality of the guitars i am making now but it still gets played regularly, i love it.

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I agree that a true "tele" should have single coils. But I ALSO like the look of 'bucker-equipped Teles (esp. with that Fender-style staggered polepiece thing) well enough to make one, whether it's truly 'tele' or not.

If a neck 'bucker is good enough for Albert Collins, plus many actual marketed Teles, it's good enough for me. :D

Making a "pure" one, though, you kind of have to have single coils. I'd compromise my noise situation by using either 'noiseless' types or stacked types. And anyone who tells me that the hum is part of the vibe simply hasn't tried playing and recording in my apartment. It's even worse than you imagine.


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Well, I'd defenitely like the southern nitefly if I was into country :D Esp with that beautiful 1 piece swamp ash body...

Anyways, the only telecaster I'd ever consider is the 72'(?) thinline... Yknow the one with the weird split humbuckers?

I think the telecaster design is lacking somthing without that F-hole!

Anyways, I still like telecasters more than any strat lol

Edited by Pr3Va1L
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Well, I'd defenitely like the southern nitefly if I was into country :D Esp with that beautiful 1 piece swamp ash body...

Anyways, the only telecaster I'd ever consider is the 72'(?) thinline... Yknow the one with the weird split humbuckers?

I think the telecaster design is lacking somthing without that F-hole!

Anyways, I still like telecasters more than any strat lol

Yeah, my favorites are definately the 72 customs and thinlines. The customs have the neck humbucker but keep the single in the bridge and the slightly later ones have a large strat headstock, they look great in black!!. The thinlines are just gorgeous

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