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What're Your Must Have Effects?


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Strat(s) - Tube Screamer - Fender Champ with Torres mods (bedroom use)


Strat(s) - Tube Screamer - Fender (Twin/Vibro/Super etc...)

It's amazing how refreshing it is to keep things simple and actually listen to, and appreciate, your own playing style uncluttered by effects.

Not to say I don't like a few pedals, but I'm moving towards a more natural/raw sound - my sound!



Amen to that. I love in up my deville with the tube screamer, mixing the overdrive on the amp with the tube sreamer. Sometimes i throw a little chorus in there. If i want effects, i go to a solid state amp.

People these days it seems are looking for so much more than a guitar sound. To me it takes a large chunk of the actual playing out of guitar playing. For me, I'd rather start out with a set arrangement of tones in the guitar (PRS is the only way to go) with clean power boosting.

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The only effects I use live / practice is my EQ pedal. Not too much use for anything else as a bassist in an alternative band. :D

My line up of pedals used to consist of:

Snarling Dogs Blue Bawls Wah

Death Metal Distortion

Digital Reverb / Delay

Boss Bass EQ

I do plan on getting a GNX 3/4 for solo work, as I have seen some phenomenal work done on extended range basses with the use of that pedal workstation. Using this pedal would get rid of everything I would need except my EQ pedal. Gotta have that for a quick switch between Finger / Slap / Tap tone!

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The only effects I use live / practice is my EQ pedal. Not too much use for anything else as a bassist in an alternative band. :D

My line up of pedals used to consist of:

Snarling Dogs Blue Bawls Wah

Death Metal Distortion

Digital Reverb / Delay

Boss Bass EQ

I do plan on getting a GNX 3/4 for solo work, as I have seen some phenomenal work done on extended range basses with the use of that pedal workstation. Using this pedal would get rid of everything I would need except my EQ pedal. Gotta have that for a quick switch between Finger / Slap / Tap tone!

How highly do you rate the Snarling Dogs Wah? Seems like its a love or hate pedal for a few people.

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Only things I use are: a wah (very, very rarely), and a Lexicon cheapie rackmount reverb unit in the effects loop, because a little verb and delay can be a good thing, and the verb on my amp is quite dire. Everything else is up to the guitar, the pickups, the amp, and my fingers.

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My must-haves will probably sound pretty boring but here goes anyway.

-Dunlop Cry Baby, maybe even two of them to really nail the tone Stevie Ray got on "Say What".

-Tube Screamer. I'm not really into the heavy metal type distortion pedals. There's just something about those little green stomp boxes.

- A fuzztone to play out my little Clapton/Hendrix fantasies.

- Chorus pedal; meh. I'm not too picky on those.

- An octave divider and a delay would be nice too.

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Must have? There's only one box in my rig I really need which is my Keeley modded Rat II. Every guitarist needs a high-end distortion of some sort unless you have a really great sounding high-gain amp... I play through an old Bassman 100 so I am squarely in needs-a-pedal land. The great thing about the Keeley Rat is that it has this three-way switch and the "Mighty Mouse" mode covers the Tube Scream/OD territory pretty well, better than most Tube Screamers if I say so myself. I generally use the "Phat Rat" mode which is a beefed up version of the standard RAT sound--fuller and less raspy. Great pedal.

Other than that, I get a lot of use of out of my Memory Man. I've had some flangers, phasers and other things in there too but those to me are sort of special effects that I can easily get by w/o w/ no problems.

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  • 1 month later...

My all time favorite pedal, is the Boss metalzone MT-2. Simply amazing. I have the bass and distortion cranked up all the way, and the bass up on my amp all the way. Hell, sometimes i play through a trace elliot bass amp, i guess i just love bass. It has a pretty good range of tones, from low end crunch, to a trebly kind of lead distortion. Great for metal, also, its build very tough. My only knock against it is it can be a little hard to find a great sound, or it was for me anyway, it takes some messing with. I have a digitech rp80, which is okay for the price, nothing great, i use it primarily for wah. And i also have a danelectro overdrive, which is surprisingly good for the price ($20) US. It gives me a nice bluesy sound and its my main pedal for blues, and classic rock.

my current rig:

Epi LP custom

Boss Metalzone MT-2 distortion

Digitech rp80 multifx (which i generally bypass, or take out all together)

Fender Stage Lead II (i dunno if they discontinued these or something, i havent heard anything on them)


Trace Elliot Boxer 30 Bass amp

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The only effects I use live / practice is my EQ pedal. Not too much use for anything else as a bassist in an alternative band. :D

My line up of pedals used to consist of:

Snarling Dogs Blue Bawls Wah

Death Metal Distortion

Digital Reverb / Delay

Boss Bass EQ

I do plan on getting a GNX 3/4 for solo work, as I have seen some phenomenal work done on extended range basses with the use of that pedal workstation. Using this pedal would get rid of everything I would need except my EQ pedal. Gotta have that for a quick switch between Finger / Slap / Tap tone!

How highly do you rate the Snarling Dogs Wah? Seems like its a love or hate pedal for a few people.

Sorry for coming back to you so late. I have mixed feelings about it. It sounds half-decent when I keep it on one setting, nothing UNIQUE. But when I change settings I get this horrible ear piercing pop. I only play at extremely loud volumes at practice, so that type of pop would make your ears ring for days. So I just keep it off my current set up. The main reason I purchased this pedal is because I tried all the Morley's (sp?) out there I could find (8+) and they just didn't sound that great to me. So I figured the Snarling Dog pedal had to have something better than them. Wrong.

I'll be happy to get a GNX 3/4 so I can tweak all settings to my preference.

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